
Cloaked Lady: Missing Link (F.S.K Series)

F.S.K Series - Book 4 After Ashley Magic has finally learned to control her magic with a series of training sessions, she has to endure a curse put on her which was placed by her sister. This curse can only be undone by true love's kiss. However, Ashley needs to find her soulmate to break this curse. Though, she has not seen him ever since her past life. Will she find him in time before her curse consumes her?

RoseLover2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

True Love

Mario's Pov

Running back over to Ashley, I hugged her. Embracing her tightly in my arms, I did not want to let go of the angel that was beside me. I was extremely happy so much so that this time I cried in happiness. My kiss managed to wake her up, which meant true love, real love. My heart was pounding inside my chest, I knew that I couldn't let this girl go. Not now and not ever.

Ashley took notice of my heartfelt emotions and hugged me tightly, patting me on the back, "It's alright Mario, I'm fine" Releasing my tight grip, I looked at her with teary eyes and laughed with gratitude. I relaxed and pressed my forehead against hers.

Being close to her made me feel more at ease with myself, this was proof that I was worthy of her love. We belonged to each other, which made me extremely happy. I finally had someone who loved me for who I was.

Sighing, I confessed my love for her, "I love you, Ashley" After this admission, she touched my cheek with her hand. I could see in her eyes that I melted her heart. Smiling, she took me into her arms once more. Then she did something I did not expect; kissing my neck brought sparks up and down my spine. I couldn't hold back the moan that fell from my lips.

She then said, "I love you too Mario" I wanted to do unspeakable things to her. But I was unsure of myself, so I had to wait for her permission. Instead, I smiled and retreated from her grasp so I could look at her face. Peering into her eyes I saw the smirk on her face. This was too much, I'm pretty sure this girl was flirting with me.

Giggling, I looked down at the floor for a second. Ashley brought my gaze back to hers by using her index finger under my chin. I melted in this instance as Ashley and I stared into each other's eyes. There was an energy surrounding the two of us, a feeling of love as we peered at each other.

At that moment, Ashley slowly moved toward me, and our lips connected. Our second kiss made me feel elevated, my heart pounded inside my chest. It was a long kiss and once we stopped, I remained motionless. I felt like if I moved, I was going to fall over. This was because my knees were shaking from the feeling that it brought me.

She brought me to heaven and back, which seemed impossible but what I just experienced, had to be the equivalent of heaven. I always wanted to share a kiss with someone that I would be mine always and forever. Throughout my life, I searched and waited for the right person to come along. In my teenage years, relationships seemed to only last a couple of months. I did not want that. What I wanted was to be held in someone's arms for all eternity. Finding this sort of connection, I realized would take time. So I could find the right person for me, someone who could tolerate my affection.

I thought that I wouldn't find anyone who would even consider living the rest of their life with me. In my mind, I was ready to live my life with no one by my side. That I would devote my life to serving the King and his wishes.  Though, I finally found what I wanted with Ashley. I never thought I would associate myself with a magical creature, yet I fell in love with one.

Falling in love with a fairy was frowned upon in the human realm. But since I'm no longer in the human realm, I could express my love more freely. Since I found my lifetime partner, I was going to spoil her with my attention. Giving every ounce of myself to her and her alone, I would remain loyal. No one else would have me and if someone were to even look in my direction, they would know that I was taken.

I wanted to bind myself to her, to have something that would associate as a kind of pact. One that would last and remind me of who I belong to. To show that I am hers and she is mine. Thinking all of this, Ashley ran her fingers through my hair. Again, this brought a soothing feeling. I didn't want her to stop touching me. Remaining in contact with her made me feel calm, it felt right being in her touch. No one elses' touch would suffice in pleasing me, only Ashley's. I don't think I would even consider such a thing.

I am in love, so much love. It felt as if I was going to explode from the feeling. Was it even possible to love someone with every bone in your body? I don't know but I'm pretty sure I did love her in that way. As I was looking at her with a love-sick gaze, the door to the room swung open and Tatania waltzed in and yanked me away from my princess. She pushed me back, shoving me into a corner. During this, my world spun. I was in shock and I had no time to react to any of this. Once I was cornered, she pointed a knife toward my neck. The point pressed against my skin as fear circulated through my whole body. Also, I was confused because Tatania was pushing me to be alone with Ashley when she was in need. Then I concluded that she just wanted me to save her daughter from the Karma after she would dispose of me because I was no longer needed.

What I didn't realize was that Ashley stood behind Tatania with her blade against her mother's back, "You hurt him and I will not hesitate in killing you" Ashley's voice was laced with hate as she passed this threat onto my capture. Tatania winced as Ashley applied pressure on her back with the blade, "Lower your knife, Mother" In this instant, Tatania removed the knife from my neck and slowly turned around.

When Tatania moved, I saw Ashley's anger. Though something was wrong with her eyes, they were dark and they emanated with evil intent. She returned her blade and it vanished like smoke. I could see the dark magic that came from her body. Her karma was still present? How? I tried to think but I was panicking, thinking to myself that my kiss did not work. But I revived her, I saved her life from eternal damnation. Her Karma should be gone but somehow it remains inside her. Such a close-to-death experience may have had something to do with it, yet I was still confused.

Even Tatania was shocked, "How is this even possible?" Her face was filled with worry just as I was. Ashley looked at her hands and saw the dark mist escaping from her palms. Closing her eyes, she focused and the Karma dissipated. All of us knew that the evil inside her did not vanish. None of us knew why or how. The curse that was placed upon her still had a hold. It would plague Ashley forever.

However, I still had hope that it would be different this time. That there was something to explain the Karma's lingering. Looking at Tatania I saw the fear in her eyes when she instinctively grabbed Ashley and dashed out of the room.