
Cloaked Lady: Missing Link (F.S.K Series)

F.S.K Series - Book 4 After Ashley Magic has finally learned to control her magic with a series of training sessions, she has to endure a curse put on her which was placed by her sister. This curse can only be undone by true love's kiss. However, Ashley needs to find her soulmate to break this curse. Though, she has not seen him ever since her past life. Will she find him in time before her curse consumes her?

RoseLover2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


-Mario's Pov-

When we were walking down the hallway, a guard came up to Ashley and ruined the moment that Ashley and I were having. Her mother wanted to have a word with her and I had a feeling about what this was about. Ashley's mother wasn't happy that I was here in Fairyland and wanted to remove my presence immediately. Ashley turned to me, and made sure that I would be alright on my own throughout the castle, "I'm going to talk to my mother, are you going to be alright on your own?" I didn't want her to leave but if I held her here she would most likely get yelled at. So, I nodded and let her venture off to her mother's study. Once the guard started escorting Ashley to her mother's study, I turned around and began my journey back to my room.

My mind wandered as I made my way back to my room, I couldn't stop thinking about how my life will end up turning out if I stay here. There is a lot of pressure on my shoulders, to prove to the Queen and anyone else who doesn't believe in me that not all humans are bad. I also feel like from now on everyone will be looking in my direction. However, if I do end up having to go back to the human world, King Harold will not think twice about executing me. I would rather not die because to me I haven't lived a long enough life. I haven't done the things that I want to do, like fall in love and have we start a life of our own. Proving myself to the majority of the fairies, to prove them wrong, that I do belong here. Not only do I care about my life but I also want to stay up here because Ashley is here with me. I do not know why but ever since we met, I couldn't stop thinking about her and I want to get more close to her. She has stolen my heart and someday I hope to steal hers but for now, I need to focus on opening myself up to her. The only way that she could like me is if I show my true self and I was extremely nervous. I'm a very quirky and sensitive guy, I don't show it much but it is something that people do not know about me. Sometimes I can be a hopeless romantic, I get carried away easily and sometimes my heart leads the way. As of right now, in my heart, I just want to be close to Ashley as much as possible and I want to impress her. But how do I do that? Not only do I have the desire to pronounce my true purpose here but I also want to win Ashley over by doing so.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind. Ashley told me that their kingdom was under attack by the Mage's army. Humans aren't very strong up against that sort of force but what if I could help when another attack goes down? I could be the knight in shining armor that saves the day. Although, where would I train for that sort of activity? I am completely lost in this giant maze and would never even stand a chance of finding the room which I require. It would take me days just to find the front door. I could ask one of the guards to take me to the training room, but I do not know if they will be considerate about it. However, I don't think I have a choice because if I do not ask I will get lost even further.

Luckily one of the castle's guards was marching my way, he was patrolling the hallways looking for hooligans. Part of me thought that he was going to yell at me and escort me to the dungeons but he did not show any signs of aggression toward me. Once he came up to me, I stopped him in his tracks and asked where I could find the training room, "Sir, if you don't mind helping me find the training room? I am extremely lost." The guard just stared at me for a very long time. He was holding a spear so he also looked very intimidating as he looked at me with no emotion whatsoever. I smiled nervously, hoping he wouldn't lash out at me, I did not want to be thrown in a jail cell, not again.

His intense stare continued but he abruptly spoke which scared me half to death, "The training room is down this hall to the left." He then continued to march down the hallway. I sighed in relief, the guards here were extremely uptight not even the guards in the human world presented this much intensity. Walking in the direction that the guard pointed out, I contemplated what I should do to improve my skills. I have experience fighting with magical creatures but the last attack on the human kingdom suggests that we need to have another strategy. However, I have no idea what strategy that is because it requires absolute precision.

Entering the room, I was surprised by how much space was within it. I have never seen a bigger training room, you could place one thousand men within this space. Unsheathing my sword, I practiced my form while wielding my blade. I imagined that I was sparing with one of my training buddies, he always gave me great advice on how to improve my sword-wielding techniques. Technically, he was my teacher because he trained me ever since I was young. As a Duke you must perfect every detail of wielding a blade, there was a lot of pressure on my shoulders to be the best of the best. Although, I suppose it has transformed since I am placed in a different environment today.

Suddenly, Ashley entered the training room seeing me practice. I was surprised that she was able to find me in this giant maze. Also, I wondered why she was here in the first place, did she come with bad news? Deciding to speak up I stated, "Sorry you scared me. I'm practicing to prepare myself, I want to help you guys when there is an attack or proposed threat." Ashley then walked over to me and I was quite curious why she was doing so. I placed my sword back in my sheath so I could be in a more relaxed position.

Ashley then suggested something that I never thought she would suggest, "If you are training would you like to spar with me? I'm a very good training partner." I never thought that she would suggest herself in being my sparing partner. To be honest, I felt a little queasy, I did not want to fight her even if it was for training. Though she may be stronger than me, I still did not want to point my sword at her. In fact, I never wanted to do it in my whole life.