
Cloaked Lady: Missing Link (F.S.K Series)

F.S.K Series - Book 4 After Ashley Magic has finally learned to control her magic with a series of training sessions, she has to endure a curse put on her which was placed by her sister. This curse can only be undone by true love's kiss. However, Ashley needs to find her soulmate to break this curse. Though, she has not seen him ever since her past life. Will she find him in time before her curse consumes her?

RoseLover2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


-Ashley's Pov-

Introducing the Black Book seemed to intrigue Mario, perhaps he was interested in what the book does. It has been a book that all fairies wanted to see and touch, however, it is a real danger to have in one's possession. It consumes all its readers, and what I didn't tell Mario is, that it eats them alive and turns them into magic. Only the four warriors who have been chosen by the celestials can live within this book without being harmed. These four warriors were prophesized to be the ones able to destroy the Mage. Although, the four warriors were devoured by the book when the Mage sent one of her minions to capture them. No one knows where the Black Book is now, it could be in the hands of our enemies, the C.N.N's, or it could be turned to ash by the Mage herself. Theoretically, depending on the timeline, the book was lost and passed down to a clueless human who found it near a river.

Though, no one is certain where its true loyalties lie. Many people have tried to find it although we never knew if they did because they never returned from their journey. I do not want Mario to be interested in finding that book because I do not want to lose him, his presence makes me extremely happy. Once I got my curse, I was unsure about the life ahead of me and if I would ever find my one true love. He makes me feel heard, all my life I have been dismissed, the friends that I once had up here in Fairyland parted from one another and I couldn't decide which side to be on. For a long time I have lived my life alone and I was very lonely but with Mario here I finally feel seen.

As we walked down the corridor chatting with one another, I felt very connected with him. We shared the same interests, we loved to draw to express ourselves and both had an interest in the outdoors. Our favorite season was winter and in fact, most fairies enjoy winter the most. One may think that with our very delicate wings, they may freeze over and break but we place upon a heating spell to prevent frostbite. Winter snow is something we all enjoy up in fairyland, a snowflake is something that we view as artistic scenery. All of us wish to capture such a phenomenon and look at it whenever we feel down because winter brings us such joy.

Looking at Mario, I could see the joy in his eyes as we continued chatting with one another. I wanted Mario to like me more than just a friend, I wished for him to see me as his potential lover. A desire to hold his hand swept across my whole body and I thought that I could perhaps hint to him that I liked him. Slowly, I moved my hand towards his and once I touched his skin my heart raced inside my chest. Looking at him, I saw him gazing into my eyes with curiosity, coughing I apologized for my actions, "Sorry, I just thought that I could hold your hand?" Nervousness could be heard in my voice as I waited for some sort of rejection. Instead, Mario took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together. I was surprised that Mario accepted my offer and I also felt myself falling for him as my whole body got enveloped in warmth. As I gazed into his eyes, I saw the admiration that he had for me and it made me want to tell him how I felt. Except I did not tell him, for we continued to walk in silence down the long, maze-like, hallways. All I wanted to do right now is to stop in my tracks and kiss him like there was no tomorrow because actions speak louder than words, as they say in the human world.

Although, I felt like it was too soon in our friendly relationship to tell him about my romantic feelings. I felt like I should spend more time with him before I make a deliberate decision about my emotions towards him. Mario was an ally and a human one at that, I do not want to spoil the chances that we have to learn more about the human species. Also, humans were viewed as a threat and he would be under constant supervision, especially by my mother. So how will I ever get the chance to tell him how I feel if everyone's eyes are going to be on him? My royal status as a fairy is seen as something very important and fraternizing with a human could be seen as treachery.

However, I do not care if I get kicked out of fairyland or not, I would rather be with Mario than stay locked up here for the rest of my life. The only problem that presents itself is, who will be the next in line to the throne after my mother? If I am kicked out there will be no one in line to defend the throne. I had to play this out very carefully, how do we not get caught with all these eyes on us at once?

Turning to Mario, I was about to tell him how I felt but one of the castle's guards came up to me, "Your Highness, the Queen requests your presence urgently. She will speak to you in her study." Oh great, I was about to receive her utmost furry. Both of us were going to end up arguing if Mario should stay in Fairyland. Though, I was going to protect Mario and make sure that Mario remains here where he is safe. I didn't want to leave Mario all by himself in this huge labyrinth but I had no choice.

Facing Mario, I made sure that he was going to be alright while I was gone, "I'm going to talk to my mother, are you going to be alright on your own?" Once I said this, Mario nodded his head and let me be on my way. I didn't like leaving his side, I would gladly take him with me but I do not want to make things worse. Walking down the hallway, I looked behind me to see Mario turn around and walk toward his room with confusion. I chuckled a bit because I knew that I was going to end up having to find him later.

Reaching my mother's study I opened the door to see my mother leaning over the desk with an expression I will never forget, and then she stated, "I do not agree that he should remain in Fairyland..."