
Cloaked Lady: Missing Link (F.S.K Series)

F.S.K Series - Book 4 After Ashley Magic has finally learned to control her magic with a series of training sessions, she has to endure a curse put on her which was placed by her sister. This curse can only be undone by true love's kiss. However, Ashley needs to find her soulmate to break this curse. Though, she has not seen him ever since her past life. Will she find him in time before her curse consumes her?

RoseLover2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

A Night To Behold

-Ashley's Pov-

Mario just continued to stare at me with bewilderment in his eyes. I'm guessing that he was not expecting me to ask such a thing. After a few seconds he shook his head with disagreement, "It is nice of you to ask but I will not point my sword at you, I just can't" He looked down at his feet with embarrassment as he tensed up, furrowing his eyebrows. My heart melted, he didn't want to harm me whatsoever and he viewed it as a sin to ever lift his sword at me. I found this very flattering because I never thought that he cared about me this much. I did not know this but I was opening my heart up to him and I hoped that he would make a move. Perhaps he would ask me out on a date?

Mario, however, just stood there still flustered and staring at his boots. Thinking to myself, I realized that I never wanted someone so close to me before. He may be a Duke but he had the heart of a prince, in my eyes he was more than anything I could ever ask for. My heart's greatest desire was for him to be next to me for the rest of my life.

Getting out of my daze, I looked off to the side and stated, "Well, it is starting to get late. We should probably head to our quarters and get some rest." Pausing, I gazed back at Mario and asked, "Would you like me to escort you back to your room? So you don't get lost." Mario laughed half-heartedly and agreed to let me show him the way. As he made his way beside me we both maneuvered towards the door of the training room. Surprisingly, as we headed out the door of the training room he was the one to sneak his hand toward mine.

Once I looked at him he retracted his hand away from mine at looked ahead of him. He was exceedingly flustered, I could see it in his eyes, Mario was afraid of rejection. However, I wanted to make it easy for him and to make the situation less awkward because I liked him. Smiling, I took his hand in mine as we made our way through the confusing hallways. When I took his hand he immediately turned his head toward me, surprise written all over his face. The smile on my face could not be whipped away because I knew, deep down, that we were both starting to fall for each other. I suppose he did not know this but I chose to take the long way so I could spend some more time with him. If he asks why we are taking so long to get to his room, I will be guilty as charged.

As we walked through the complicated corridors we continued chatting about non-essential stuff but was interesting nonetheless, "So, how was your first day up in fairyland? I know there was a lot of commotion going on but did you have a good time?" I knew that today wasn't entirely favorable to Mario because of all the chitter chatter that is flying around between all the fairies but I still wanted him to feel welcome. If he is happy then I am happy, that is just how it is going to work. Mario tightened his grip on my hand as he faced his head toward me.

He sighed and began speaking, "Today has been a bit stressful but with you by my side, it has made everything much better." Then Mario looked at me in a way that I would never forget, there was love in his eyes as he looked at me. I could not help it, I felt like a lovesick girl when I was near him. Right now I just wanted him to spill the beans and ask me out already.

Smiling, I responded to his heartfelt comment, "Well, I am glad that my presence soothed you. No human has ever set foot on this land. You just give them time to adjust and they will open up to you." Mario's room came into view as we made our way over to the door. As Mario looked at me, he smiled in thanks because he appreciated my advice. Stopping at his doorway, we both stood there for a long time just staring at one another waiting for the other person to say something.

Suddenly, Mario shook his head and thanked me, "Thank you for escorting me to my room. If you did not, I would probably be walking around, lost." We both laughed because we both knew that, that statement was true. Once we stopped laughing, I looked him in the eyes, and he turned away from my gaze with embarrassment. In my heart, I knew, that both of us were having trouble finding the right words to tell each other how much we liked them.

However, Mario took another deep breath and asked something that I never thought that he would, "Are you free tomorrow?" My heart raced inside my chest, was this finally it? Was he going to ask me out? I couldn't believe it, my impatience was growing as I stood there waiting for him to finally say it. My mind could not stop bouncing from one place to the next, I was so nervous about what would happen next.

I gathered my courage and spoke, "Yes, I am free tomorrow. Why do you ask?" I leaned in closer to him and this action made him tense up as he looked around him frantically. He swallowed hard, trying to gather the words that he wanted to say. Composing himself he gripped his jacket to try and calm himself.

Clearing his throat he looked me in the eyes and said, "I think you are the most beautiful girl. In fact, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You have captured my interest and I can not help but ask if you would like to go out with me tomorrow?" All of a sudden, my limbs went numb and I could not conjure a peep out of my mouth. The guy that I liked has just asked me out, how could this be? I suppose my fairy nature does not bother him and that is fine with me. I just wanted to make a good impression on him tomorrow because I do not want to lose his interest.

Gazing at him, I accepted his offer, "I would love to go out with you." Maybe I should have waited until after the date but I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Heat crawled through my skin as I tucked my hair behind my ear. Turning around, I bid him farewell, "You enjoy your evening, I will see you tomorrow." I then sauntered off to my quarters thinking about how our date will turn out. Hopefully, it will turn out well. I couldn't stop thinking about him as I finally entered my room and collapsed into the comfy sheets of my bed.