

Lady strives through the hardships of life, finding her path through the frequent storms and gradually finding her feet again, turning no leaf unturned to provide an assuring and beautiful future for herself and her priceless possession that she had no intention of letting go, her children.

Gee_efh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


" Why do you look so nervous?" The golden boy turned to Lady.

Lady gave a nervous chuckle and blinked stupidly " I just feel a little overwhelmed"

" I can understand you" The golden boy also chuckled " I would also feel overwhelmed, coming to a place like this"

" So can I ask for your name? " Lady asked warily.

" First things first, Mai's daughter, let's get started, shall we?" The golden boy said and sat down on the bare forest floor beckoning Lady to do the same.

Lady nodded and sat by him, her body already anticipating a long interesting history, besides whenever something happens, she always finds herself with the gods and goddesses along with an explanation of the history and she was sure she was going to enjoy another one of the long histories of the gods.

" You know I can feel what you are thinking, right?" Golden boy said and dragged Lady out of her thoughts.

" What?" Lady raised an eyebrow.

" I said I can feel whatever that you are thinking about" The golden boy said carefully taking out each word slowly and sharply as if Lady was the dumbest being ever.

" Oh?" Lady frowned a little " I just kind of think a lot even when there is no need"

" I see" The golden boy chuckled " But I'm sorry to disappoint you but what I'm going to tell you isn't interesting at all, it's a story of doom"

" What do you mean? " Lady's frown deepened.

" Give me your hand" Golden boy stated in a more of an order.

Lady gave her hand to him.

" Now a fair warning before we begin, you might not feel so good and you might feel like you're being skinned alive but it will all pass" The golden boy smiled.

" I'll keep that in mind" Lady nodded.

" Ready?"

Lady nodded again and with that, Lady felt herself being sucked into an endless vacuum, and just as the golden boy said, she didn't feel so good and it felt as if her skin was being stretched beyond measure. But it all also seemed like an illusion as she was sure she was not going to feel all those things after she is back to her reality.

Finally, the torture ended and she found herself in the god realm, but it wasn't the common realm that she was familiar with, this part of the god realm was illuminated to no extent. There were no suns or moons, the sky was lit with nothing but it shone so bright and radiant that it became too scorching.

" Where are we?" she asked the golden boy disdainfully.

The boy just smiled and looked up at the sky and replied " We are in the place of places, a place where even the gods can't come to at their whims"

" Can you be a little clear?" Lady questioned.

" We are in the Supreme Being's abode" the golden boy dropped the bombshell on Lady.

Lady could not stop the shocked gasp that escaped her mouth, she shook a little in fear and her eyes became wider than saucers.

" What are we doing here? Lady's mouth finally managed to open but in a mere whisper.

" We are here to see and seek answers to your questions" the golden boy said and looked far off in the distance.

"Wha-" Lady's words got caught in her throat as she heard the unmistakable laugh of Aya holding the hand of an elegant woman whose voice was sharp and clear like no other, a voice that could only belong to Mai.

Right before Lady's eyes, Aya and Mai emerged from nowhere in particular speaking in an elated manner.

Lady ran suddenly to Mai calling her name but she found out that, the Mai she was seeing could neither see her nor hear her. They passed through her like she was a flimsy breeze. Then suddenly, everything started shaking and a dangerous wind started picking up, the place darkened and it felt as if a heavy presence had descended and was suffocating everything around.

"What is happening!" Lady shouted above the horrendous and noisy atmosphere.

The golden boy who didn't seem fazed at all from what was happening smirked and closed his eyes " It is the herald of his arrival"

"Whose arrival!" Lady shouted again.

"The Supreme One" The golden not replied with a voice full of adoration and respect.

"What!" Lady shrieked and almost jumped out of her skin "Why didn't you tell me that we were coming to see the Supreme One?"

"We are not here to see the Supreme One, we are just here to witness history but the power of the Supreme One still is as powerful as ever even though we are in the past" the golden boy explained.

"Past?" Lady asked.

"Yes, the past".


Amira felt a strange tingle down her spine, it was a feeling of dread and if there was one thing she had learned over the years, then, that would be no doubting her instincts at any cost. Her instincts were always correct and more than on point. Amira started feeling restless and a little nervous, it had been a long time since she felt like this. Hurriedly, she stepped out of her hut to go to get a cup of water from her kitchen, she needed a cold drink.

After gulping down the contents of a cup filled with cold water, she went back to her hut and closed it. She sat down on her bed and closed her eyes to meditate, she needed a calm state of mind. Amira cursed Aya for always being somewhere which she was certain was not important whenever her services as needed.

Her spirit felt broken and all of a sudden, she was bombarded with visions. She saw two figures, one standing and the other down and chopped into pieces, then it moved to a scene of a drastic war and then to a pool of water, made absolutely from blood. She saw a huge man with a disfigured face drinking from the pool of blood.

Amira gasped and she was thrown out of her visions. She panted and wheezed for breath as she tried to calm down he heart which was running a thousand miles per millisecond. She scurried off from her hut back to her kitchen and greedily gulped down another cup of water.

" What was all that?" Amira questioned herself.

"Doom!" she heard a voice mutter slowly behind her.

Amira turned only to find no one behind her, she even shouted but no one answered and that was when she realised that she had been given glimpses of the future and a voice of doom was had just warned her. That also made Amira realise a fact that she was now a demigod, only the gods are allowed to see into the future, she had tried so much before she met Aya but now she can even hear the voice of doom.

With joy overflowing and taking over grief, she entirely forgot about her vision and reveled in the joy of her newfound power.

Hi guys, sorry for not updating you on the promised days, My job has become quite demanding now but I'll try my best to update this story and give you at least three chapters per week though it will be irregular. Please forgive this author.......

Gee_efhcreators' thoughts