

// Class B, Lucy's POV //

The bell rung, and Lucy got a message from Miyu, within the next 20 seconds.

Miyu: Can we meet at the roof top?

Lucy: Sure

Lucy didn't bother asking why as she would be told when she got there, and that would only take a few minutes.

In a good mood Lucy skipped toward the roof top humming a fun tune. Her only mistake was doing so with her eyes closed, not expecting anyone to be close by.

"Don't you find it all boring?" Lucy heard the tell tail sound of a rare species, it was a smug loli!

"Boring? Your kidding right?"

'This is my chance to introduce myself as class B's leader to sakayanagi and katsuragi. The thing is I have different plans for each of the two but their here together, damn it.'

"Who are you?" Katsuragi was very straight forward, Lucy played the part of... intimidated girl!

'This is my secret weapon! Hahahaha, I will crush you with the power of my cuteness!'

"ah! My name is Lucy," She closed her eyes, ducked a little and placed her hands on her head. 'Hehe, it must be working!', when Lucy opened her eyes to see Katsuragi all flustered she saw... a deadpan face. Lucy frowned, "Not buying it huh?"

Sakayanagi chuckled a little, "You are the leader of class B are you not?" She spoke with smugness, just to rub in her face that she has information on her.

'Well, when desperate times call for desperate measures...' "Huh?" Lucy tilted her head. She was playing dumb, an excellent move that has never failed her before! She has officially won this battle-

"Ah yes, you are Lucy Hall. English, loves tense and high risk situations and apparently very good at chess. Perhaps we could play some time?" Katsuragi gave her a look as if she should have shared this with him.

~Sigh~ Lucy dragged out a long sigh 'Damn it, of course my classmates don't understand that information is vital to be kept secret.' her face went blank, "You where right," Lucy looked Sakayanagi dead in the eyes, "You really do make things boring."

Lucy walked past them, but before she turned the corner, she decided to speak up, "Arisu Sakayanagi, handicapped, left leg. Daughter of the current chairman, Narumori Sakayanagi. You are also apparently very good at chess, the difference between us though is that you require practice to be good at things, I only need to see something once."

She looked toward a slightly baffled Katsuragi, "Kohie Katsuragi, one of two class A representatives. Rejected a seat on the student council." He got slightly angered at this, "You also have an illness that is the cause of your hair loss." Katsuragi didn't understand how Lucy had this information, he hasn't told a single person about this.

"Katsuragi, heres a heads up. I don't think your going to last very long, Sakayanagi seems to be a bit of a sadist so don't expect all her attacks to be aimed at you specifically, just keep an eye out on the things that you find you care about."

Katsuragi crossed his arms, "A foolish attempt at causing disruption and mistrust."

Lucy stopped looking at him and had her eyes back on Sakayanagi, "It's only fair you get a heads up too, class D has some interesting people this year. Do with this information as you will!" Lucy had to shout as she got further away.

'Boring indeed. At least make me work to find out what you know, a game isn't fun when only one side commits to their part.'

'Damn, now i'm in a bad mood. I might join the martial arts club, hmm.'

On Lucy's way up she saw a woman with a pony tail and in a suit. Lucy held eye contact with the sensei, she seemed a bit freaked out by it. ~chuckle~

When Lucy got to the roof, she was met with an interesting pair of people. Miyu and Horikita.

"Miyuuu~, I thought you asked me here because you wanted to confess your feelings. But it looks like you already have a girlfriend, i'm going to cry."

// Miyu's POV //

'Not this again... the one bad part about being a servant to Lucy, all the acting. She loves to weird people out when they first meet, I don't know why though. She probably finds it funny.'

Miyu acted as if that never happened, confusing Horikita. "This is horikita, actually her being here was a coincidence- and she's ignoring me."

// Lucy's POV //

Lucy walked around the roof top, 'Where is Ayanokoji? The only time Horikita came up here in daylight was when she followed Ayanokokij, who followed Chabashira. I didn't see him on my way here, then again I did have my eyes closed... That's probably why I didn't see him.'

Lucy turned and walked up to Miyu, grabbing her by the hands, "Are you seriously not going to confess to me?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy could see that she was feeling some 2nd hand embarrassment. ~Gasp!~ "Maybe it's you? Are you here to confess to me and used Miyu to trick me into getting here, how scandalous!"

Horikita was taken by surprised, "What! I'm not heer to-"

Lucy didn't let her finish, "As much as I respect your feelings of love toward me, I'm afraid that I just can't accept them, there's only one person for me!"

Horikita began to feel anger, and gripped a compass, "I am not here to-"

Lucy decided that she had enough and ignored Horikita as if she didn't exist. "So, what do you need Miyu?"

Miyu side eyed Horikita and decided it was okay if she heard as long as she worded it right, "There's this boy in my class called Sudo. He was accused of beating up three class C students and we can't get any points until we prove his innocence."

Miyu had successfully reported the situation on class D and told her that Ryuen had made a move, "I see, one second." Lucy started typing on her phone. ~Ding~, "There you go! I sent you 20,000 points and asked the class B group chat to let me know if they find anything about this case out."

Horikita turned around as if dismissing the help that Lucy just gave them,'How arrogant, can't even acknowledge help when it wasn't even asked for by her. Ayanokoji sure can work wonders, to be able to change her so much in a year.'

'Actually now that I think about it, do I want to try and manipulate Ayaokoji? Well the real question is, can I? I'm confident I could for at least 4 months but at most a year, and that's stretching it. But manipulation doesn't have to be a bad thing. It can make a person develop feelings for another.'

'If I where to go through with this, the best way would to do it indirectly. Predict his moves and respond to them before he can even make them. Of course I use the word predict lightly, I already know all of his future actions.'

"Miyu, I want you to develop strong connections with Karuizawa and Horikita. Be careful with Horikita though, that will have to be a slow development. I'll leave you to find out how, just please do your best."

Miyu didn't question it, she just nodded with an affirmative hum.

"Oh and one more thing Miyu," Lucy walked close up to Miyu, causing her to gulp. "You have been having dinner, breakfast and lunch from food that I have bought since the second day of us being here. Why on earth would you need points?"

Miyu looked nervous, looking down, hands fidgeting behind her back and mumbling in a voice no one could understand. "Miyu" Lucy gave her a pointed look that promised punishment if not given a satisfactory answer.

"I spent 33 thousand points on a point for Sudo to avoid his expulsion."

This sent alarm bells in my head, 'He's here, he's somewhere close. I didn't see him on my way up but I did see chabashira'

"Miyu, was there anyone else on the roof recently?"

Miyu tilted her head in confusion at the question "My homeroom teacher, Horikita and a boy that thought of this whole idea. He and Sensei left earlier, but he left as soon as he paid his share of the 100,000."

"I see. you can call Himeno and we can go to a coffee shop if you like, I'm craving some coffee and a pastry right now. I'm paying of course."

Miyu suddenly had a grin on her face as she reached for phone. Lucy realized her mistake a second too late, Miyu has a stomach like no other. She will order to her hearts content with no shame what so ever.

// Ryuen's POV, 2 days later //

In a karaoke room, there was over 20 students from class C and some from years 2 and 3. On a sofa sat 3 people, in the center sat a muscular man with purple hair reaching half way down his neck. Leaning onto that boy was an upper class student with a smile as she drank from her glass. On the right of the boy sat an African-American man with the musculature of a body builder.

Suddenly 3 students rushed to kneel in front of the boy in the middle know as Ryuen. Ryuen expected a good report but when they started talking, he grew confused.

"How hard is it? All I asked you to do was isolate one person and let him rough you up." He looked them up and down, "Yet here you are with one or two bruises and telling me that you think some one saw you? How stupid can you be, if I remember correctly I told you that failure is not an option."

The three gulped in fear of their oncoming punishment, they looked at Albert, the African-American kid.

Ryuen saw this and wasn't happy, 'Why are they looking at him in fear instead of me? I'm the one giving the order, he's just carrying it out.'

Ryuen stood up, 'I get it, besides that one time at the start of school Albert was the one to do the physical work. They think that he's the one with the power despite knowing i'm in charge.'

The trio looked up and widened their eyes when Ryuen... did nothing. 'As much as fear gets you, being the good cop gets you more. A sense of comfort even beyond the knowledge that I have more power than the bad cop.'

Ryuen knelt down to their level, "Albert is going to hit the three of you for while, understand?" They nodded, expecting that answer, "Then I want you three to report that Sudo Ken beat you up in anger, Once you have done that and have gotten Sudo kicked out of the school, your going to come back to me and ask for one thing within reason."

When the three nodded at their judge, Ryuen signaled Albert over and he took them to a corner.

'It's crazy how effective the carrot and the stick is. As long as the carrot is more desirable than the pain they receive from the stick, then they will continue to chase after the carrot. Of course the carrot in this case is referring to their life.'

A grin appeared on Ryuen's face scaring the girl next to him off.

// Lucy's POV, the next day //

When our sensei walked in the room, she seemed groggy, and very hung over. It was very sudden when she slammed the board, "These are the new class point totals!"

Class A: 1, 010

Class B: 890

Class C: 340

Class D: 87


Name: Lucy Hall

Class: 1 B

Class points: 830

Private points: 537,440

Chapter 11 is DONE!

fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts