
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 28: Snake Group

Karma POV 

We already started having our discussion about 30 min now and so far, there is no progress. No one has come forward to even saying who the VIP is but Ryuzaki-kun told me that he has some potential candidates, but he can't be sure yet. Yumeko-san has been listening intently so far and she has been analyzing our current situation and asking some questions while Miyuki-kun pretty much also discussed how they should approach this whole thing since he's taking charge. To be honest finding this VIP is going to be tough but given we have someone like Ryuzaki in our group, he might be able to deduce who the VIP is. Our intent is either aim for Outcome #1 or #3, but I think #3 is the best option since we also get class points in the process. It was silent for a bit until...

"hahaha, seriously guys, is Shirogane gonna do all the talking here?" a laugh broke the silence, and it was a guy named Hashimoto Masayoshi from Class A. If I remember correctly, he's Sakayanagi's right-hand man since I saw him all the time with her. 

"Well aside from him, no one has pretty much made any sort of insightful ideas in this exam" another boy spoke, and it was Miyake Akito. Even though he's from Class D, he seems pretty reasonable in what he said. 

"Listen I think I should step in as well since I think I've listened enough to what Shirogane said" now this time it was a boy named Kanzaki Ryuji that spoke. He's also a prominent figure in Class B according to Miyuki-kun. 

"By all means I would love to hear the thoughts of others, go on Kanzaki-san" Miyuki-kun said

"Well given our situation no one has yet to come forward to revealing who the VIP is yet so I suggest that we should all figure out the VIP soon if any of you are willing to talk that is" Kanzaki said

"Listen what's there to discuss? we're literally going nowhere already" Hashimoto said 

"Yeah, unless one of us fesses up who the VIP is, we ain't talking" Komiya said, great even Class C wouldn't give a s*** 

"Class D is willing to talk" Miyake said 

"Yeah, I don't see any problems with that" Hasebe joins in 

"Of course, I don't see any problems with Class S talking even though Shirogane is the only one talking here" Kanzaki said as he looked at us 

"No problem we'll help however we can" Yumeko-san said 

"It is better to discuss our situation since there wouldn't be any progress after all" Ryuzaki-kun added 

"Good to hear" 

To be honest this is going to get boring, none of us even said anything interesting, *sigh* guess I'll make the first move. 

"Since Class A and Class C aren't interested in discussing things then tell me...." 

"Are any of you the VIP?" 

"huh?!" Almost everyone in the room now had their eyes on me 

"What are you saying Akabane? just because you went all high and mighty on princess on the second day of school doesn't mean you can just suspect us immediately" princess? I guess he could be referring to Sakayanagi 

"What do you mean by that?" Kanzaki asked 

"Ohh nothing much, Akabane and his Class S friends visited our class on the second day and issued a challenge to Sakayanagi herself" Hashimoto answered 

"Is that true Akabane?" Kanzaki turned his focus towards me. 

"Yeah, but I don't think you guys would be interested anyway" 

"Hey Akabane, right? you actually challenged Class A?" Miyake asked 

"Of course, I wanted to see if they really are as good as they say." 

"Come on, what's there to prove? and if you're suspecting us already then could you be the VIP yourself?" Hashimoto asked 

"Sorry but the answer is no, so how about we move on to you guys" I said as I averted my gaze to Class C. 

"Listen there is nothing you can get from us" Kaneda said 

"Yeah, besides we're not working with the likes of you because of him" Komiya pointed at Ryuzaki-kun, ohhh right the trial. I guess they couldn't let go of the fact that their Class points got deducted instantly from the evidence they gathered during that situation with Sudo. 

"Well, since Class B, Class D, and Class S are the only ones having the discussions, then it's pointless." Miyake said clearly sounding like he's going to give up 

"Excuse me, I'd like to take some fresh air first if that's alright?" Ryuzaki-kun stood up 

"Huh? why? we are in the middle of a discussion here" Kanzaki exclaimed 

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon" he said as he opened the door and left.

"I'll go and check on him in case he decides to wander around" I said as I also got up 

"I'll go as well Akabane-kun" Yumeko-san also joins in 

"Hey Miyuki-kun, could you hold the line for us?" I asked him as we walked away 

"Umm sure" he replied 

The three of us are now outside the room. 

"Is there something up?" I asked 

"Hmm, I can guess who the VIP is." Ryuzaki-kun said

"Ok who is it?" 

"You are right to suspect both Class C and Class A Karma, so I suggest that if we can slowly but surely leak even the smallest of information. We can use it to guess the VIP" 

"I get it, but I do have a theory" 

"What is it Yumeko-san?" 

"Well Hashimoto has been more talkative on Class A's end, so my guess is that he could be the VIP but then again you also have the other two Class A students, and they might be hiding the fact that they could be the VIP." 

"That could be the case, but wouldn't that be something that Katsuragi would do? besides those three are working with Sakayanagi, there's no way any of them would stay silent." I explained 

"Yeah, you're right and I don't think any of Class C is the VIP unless of course Ryuen told Komiya or any of them to play dumb." Ryuzaki-kun said 

"Alright time for a new strategy" 

That's how the discussion with Snake Group went down. Ryuzaki and Yumeko are slowly figuring out who is the VIP since their chosen targets are Class C and Class A. Who do you think is the VIP in this group? let me know your thoughts. 

Have a nice day and thanks for reading :)