
Classroom Of Truth

One day in a classroom suddenly shook

Unknown voice:Earthquake !!!!!!!!!

Lindon:We are trapped here in the room

Maria:Find an exit what's the use of you men find an exit don't just stare!

Suspicious voice:Wellcome to the classroom of truth

Lindon:Why did you lock us up?

Suspicious voice:Let's play a game if you lie you die!

Representative:Don't joke it's not a game anymore

Suspicious voice:Don't you want to get out of this room ??

representative:What kind of question is that?

Lindon:How about playing the game you said before?

Suspicious voice:I'm just going to ask a question if you lie you're going to die.

Lindon:Okay let's play the game you said earlier

Strange Voice:Let's start with Mr. Representative

Representative:Why me?

Strange Voice:Why did you run to be the representative of your whole class?

representative:It just feels good to lead my stupid classmates

Suspicious Voice:It is the truth.....

The other students shouting:You are a shameless rep, I hope we don't just vote for you

Representative:I would rather tell the truth than die!

Lindon:Don't lie everyone if you don't want to die!

Maria:I completely agree with him don't lie everyone!

Strange Voice:You lied maria you will die!

Maria's last thought before dying:shut up lindon if they lie they will die..they are all worthless

Everyone in the classroom was upset some were crying others were struggling to get out of the room.

who will die next to the questions of the suspicious voice?

It all started at the school of reprimanded children who were considered a plague in society. One day a young man moved to this school. His name was Lindon. He was one of the few who had extraordinary abilities.

It all started at the school of reprimanded children who were considered a plague in society. One day a young man moved to this school. His name was Lindon. He was one of the few who had extraordinary abilities.

Which is why he is hated by his ankan he has the power to create magic where all the games he wants to play with its victims will surely end in death.

One of these was the game he played when he was only five years old that caused the death of his older brother Bryan.

many times he also wanted to be killed by his whole clan but the murderers were trapped in the game he made "let's play detective I'm the criminal you're the detective" the murderers played but all of them even one no one survived

but in Lindon's heart he just wants a playmate but even though he has many cousins ​​in their clan even one no one has played since he killed his older brother

months, years ago his behavior suddenly changed his former gentle face became demonic wherever he went there was death tailing him no matter what school he studied even one class he went no one lived even so his father did not give up he believed that Lindon still had good will so he transferred Lindon to the school of reprimands on the grounds that he might change but his decision was wrong.

will many more die in Lindon's games?