A child from the lowest class of society, a simple G-class boy, will impose himself with his fists in a cruel world. He will advance from the sewers and sewers to the top and fame, from class to class, only with his perseverance, his rage, and his ability to survive. But getting out of the gutter is not easy, nor will the elites allow him to advance easily. Will his fists be able to impose himself on his cruel destiny?
Tremor Gundam immediately went to change into the small storage room in the hangar, while Mouse looked at Grumph.
"Don't look at him with that puzzled face Mouse, Tremor and Lala were a couple for more than 20 years, since they were very young, but one day Tremor enlisted as an engineer on a navy ship, and for fifteen years nothing was heard from him, Lala during that time went from despair to sorrow, then to rage and hatred for having been abandoned in that way, when Tremor returned he was not the same man although his love for Lala was intact, he tried to get close to her with all kinds of tricks but was rejected again and again, the last time when Lala still lived in the central city Tremor tricked her by pretending to be a potential international client so that the old lady would go to a restaurant. Lala ended up stabbing him in the shoulder..."
"And why does he want to go see her then?"