
Daddy's death

Today has been the most boring day of my life, I spent my last night at the hospital with my mom, who was rushed to the hospital before my return from work. l was told by my one of neighbors that they heard her shouting all of a sudden and when they got to our house she was lying helpless on the floor and was no more shouting, so they had to rush her to the hospital.

My mom has always been an imbecile ever since I got to know her. When I was little my dad who is now late has been the one cooking and taking care of myself and mom, until one faithful day...


Clara. I heard my dad call my name for the first time since he was admitted to the hospital. Yes dad I replied with teary eyes. Clara please I want you to promise me just one thing. I promise I'll do anything for you dad. i replied still trying to hold the tears back. My dear you really have to stop crying already. My dad said tapping my back weakly. You are now seventeen years old. You are now a young adult and no more a kid. Crying will only worsen your mom's condition when she sees you like this. I only want you to pick up taking care of your mom even after my departure, because when she was still in her right state years before you were born, I vowed to her that she will always be taken care of even when I'm away. So dear the bartin has now be handed to you. It's your turn to continue what I... Daddy pls wait, I cut him short before he could say the next word. Daddy if you say my mom wasn't like this years before I was born, then please tell me what happened to mummy. I asked stirring at him in the eyes. My dear my dad called taking a deep breath. Knowing the answers won't make any difference it will only bring up more questions so it is better if... I was waiting to hear him complete his statement... But he took a long and very deep breath. Daddy continue please... But he stayed mute. daddy... daddy... I burst into tears when the doctor who rushed in announced to me that my daddy I have known only seventeen years has given up the ghost.


Young lady will you look where you are going to? I was brought back to reality when I felt someone holding me back and it dawned on me that I was about walking into the road. I wonder what a girl of your age will be thinking about. The lady said to me.

I just kept walking without even replying her. I brought out my phone and checked the time. Oh my God.. it's 9am already.. I've been trekking since past 7am. I used my last one hundred and fifty naira to buy roasted plantain and groundnut for my mom at the hospital. Thinking of how to pay the hospital bill is not on my mind now... Thinking about it will only give me an heart attack because I don't have any Kobo with me. The only thing to do now is to look for a job that will pay me at least 10k because the 2k my boss is paying me for my house help work per day is not going to solve one tenth of the situation at hand now. The doctor informed me that my mother's condition will keep getting worst if I don't get her drugs which he said the amount is 10k and her discharging fee is 65k.. where do I start from? I had to stop schooling ever since the death of my father... I finally arrived at work and checked the time again it was already past 10am. Clara please face the gate and go back to wherever you are coming from. I turned and saw my madam staring at me with all seriousness. Madam I... She waved her hand signaling to me not to explain. That was how I got fired from my work. I can't return to the hospital empty handed, my mom will still have to eat.. the rumbling noise from my tummy made me remembered that I have not eaten anything since last night. I need to get a job this instance but how?