

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasia
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118 Chs

Chapter 52: The Welcome End Of Another Boring School Day

Final Period, Ridgecrest High School, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The tapping of a wayward eraser at the end of a yellow cased number two pencil had been the only other sound aside from the slow ticking wall clock and the droning voice of the current teacher in the background as Casey Peterson took a moment to look out the window that had been beside his desk. He could see Rick cutting class and wished he had done the same as the brooding older boy who sat patiently waiting for the bell to ring and for him to be free to join him on their walk home. Casey watched him from afar and reflected some on how he had gotten so fortunate to find himself in love with someone like Rick Channon. Their contentious relationship evolving into a physical one had been something he didn't think even Rick had seen coming but the pull to be near him had remained, more so than ever before. The bell finally rang and Casey packed up his stuff eager to go out and meet Rick in the front of the school. He still wasn't alright with the fact that Rick had sex with Rachel on more than one occasion and he suspected that he had very little intention to stop it despite their newfound relationship as he stopped by his locker and tossed in a few unwanted heavy books before making his way toward the front entrance.

He'd been so preoccupied that he didn't see where he was going and bumped into a rather odd group of students wearing all black with hooded sweatshirts and white face make-up with dark circles drawn around their eyes. Casey rolled his eyes when the one he ran into attempted to catch an attitude with him.

"Why don't you watch where you're going new fish." growled the seemingly more athletic among the odd group as he narrowed his brown eyes at the scrambling Casey Peterson.

Casey attempted to get to his feet only to be shoved back down by the other two boys who had been a bit larger than him as he hit the ground again crashing onto his back as they towered above him. He had seen the one he ran into balling his fists and the sadistic smirk that filed across his white-painted face as he drew back to strike him only for something to speed up behind the odd boy and shove him into the nearby locker.

Casey had barely a chance to take a breath before he witnessed an enraged Rick Channon come from out of nowhere to drop all four of the would-be bullies onto the ground via a punch to the stomach and shoved them into the lockers as they crumbled to the floor. His eyes had glowed an eerie red and the boys trembled despite their attempt at intimidating getup. He dusted himself off and extended his hand to Casey, who stared up at him with relief filed across his face and disbelief at how fast he reacted to sensing he'd been in trouble.

"Rick?" he said still allowing his mind to catch up to the events his eyes had witnessed.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," said Rick in a casual manner once he'd calmed down enough for his eyes to return to their normal dark hue.

Casey took Rick's hand and got back to his feet, although he'd been a bit sore from being shoved onto the floor by the group of bullies.

The two of them walked out of the school without a word as a crowd had gathered to give their take on how much the four strange boys deserved the beating they got from Channon as he and Casey left. Rick didn't seem to care one way or another about how his actions would be perceived and pulled a cigarette from his ear and put it to his lips. Casey winced a bit from the lingering pain from being shoved but he had been otherwise alright with the walk ahead of them.


The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

By the time they made it back to the house, Casey had been sure there was some bruising left over from his fall and being shoved as it hurt each time he took a step. His mother had still been at work and Rick seemed to be quite agitated as a result of what happened to him. The moment they entered the front door, Rick ordered Casey to strip off his shirt and show him how bad the bruising had gotten. Casey had instinctively known that it would only upset Rick further but did as he was asked revealing a large purple bruise going across the front side of his chest. Rick growled in rage at the sight of it but settled for putting a pack of frozen vegetables onto it to take down the swelling. Casey hissed as Rick stood before him holding the frozen vegetables against his bare bruised skin. He could see the violence behind his dark eyes and reached up to touch his face.

"It's okay," he said softly. "No need to go getting into trouble over this, you already paid them back at the school."

"This should never have happened," growled Rick in annoyance. "And it wouldn't have if I hadn't skipped that last class, I would have been in the hall with you sooner and they wouldn't have had the balls to touch you."

Casey smiled noticing the protective streak coming alive in Rick Channon.

"I've been through worse," he explained before pulling the angry older boy into his kiss.

Rick returned it leaning down to keep him from straining due to the bruising of his chest.

They kissed for several moments before Casey pulled back wincing in pain due to the bruising.

"We need to get you to bed," said Rick his full attention on the ailing younger boy.

"I don't think I can make it up the stairs without causing more pain," replied Casey dreading the climb toward his bedroom.

Rick sighed.

"Lean on me and I'll carry you, it'll still hurt but we'll be up there a lot faster than you walking on your own." he supplied.

Casey took a moment to breathe before nodding it had been the best course of action and he could finally lie down on his bed without causing too much pressure to be on his bruise.

"Okay," he said in agreement.

Rick took a breath before kissing him once more and picking him up along his powerful arms causing Casey to wince as his eyes became wet in reaction to the shift and pain and a tear streamed down his cheek.

The brooding older teen seemed to have a good deal of sympathy for him as he carried him up the stairs as swiftly as possible so as not to cause any more unnecessary pain to him.