

After his mother gets a new job in a small town far from the troubles that plagued young Casey Allen Peterson in the big city and every school he'd attended before hand, The new arrival is brought into the midst of a dying town where he comes into contact with the resident Bad Boy, Rick Channon who seems to take a special interest in him. Upon further observation, Casey discovers that Rick has been keeping something of a dark secret of his own and he's the only one that was privy to it.

Knight_Wind · Fantasia
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118 Chs

Chapter 21: The Wonders Of Teenage Appetites

The Living Room, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

A stiff breeze filled the already chilled living room as a formerly slumbering Casey Peterson slowly found himself awakening amid darkness and to the uncomfortable sensation of heaviness along his body and pressure against his chest. The teen took a moment for his blue eyes to adjust to the darkness before discovering that the reason he'd been so chilled was due to having been naked. A small rush of panic filled him as he attempted to sit up taking notice of the larger naked body which had been beside him on the floor. A bit of investigation on his part due to vivid recollection suggested that the body beside him belonged to none other than Alarick Michael Channon. Casey rolled his eyes and let out a huff of air as he scrambled to get to his feet, forgetting for a moment that he'd been naked as his average-sized and very cold cock slapped against the top of his bare pale thighs.

Rick seemed to have awakened the moment he moved and rolled onto his back amused with one arm folded behind his head. He rested the other hand along his still very impressive abs and smirked when he caught sight of Casey nervously trying to shield his cock while attempting to keep from staring at the larger one Rick had been sporting as it seemed to stand on its own like something of a third leg while brute watched him.

"No need to be modest now," chuckled Rick with an unseemly gleam behind his dark eyes as he sat up and slowly got to his feet. His cock had dangled past his knee which was saying something when one knew his height range.

"Y-You need to leave before my mother gets home," said Casey suddenly recalling that this mother had elected to work late this evening and that the house was a mess with their various articles of clothing scattered about the place from the moment they entered the front door.

Rick didn't seem to care as his cock swelled and he approached Casey, pulling him toward him and kissing along his exposed neck as he gripped his pale ass with both hands and caused their mutual cocks to come into contact. Casey tried his best to bite back the moan that came from the fiendish brute's hands being all over his body, but he couldn't and it only seemed to spur Rick on.

"Your lips say no, but your dick says yes," said Rick still nibbling on Casey's neck.

"I hate you," Casey said in defiance despite feeling the heat wash over him all over again.

"Nothing like hate sex to get the blood pumping." taunted Rick squeezing Casey's ass for good measure.

Casey didn't know what it was about the arrogant jerk, but he couldn't seem to stay away from him, and even worse, he wasn't in the least sure that he wanted to. Especially, not after what they'd done together.

"We should get this place cleaned up," said Casey conceding to the point that he had not truly wanted to be rid of Rick, at least not yet.

Rick assisted in helping Casey clean up as the two of them got dressed and ensured the living room had been as Casey's mother left it before heading toward the kitchen.


The Kitchen, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Rumbling from their stomachs had driven the newly redressed Casey Peterson and Rick Channon to make a night of raiding the fridge for whatever they could find to put an end to their ravenous hunger following such strenuous activity. It had been getting later and later as the hours passed and there was still no sign of Mrs. Peterson who had still been working the late shift as the two teens ate their collective fill while simultaneously making a mess of her brand-new kitchen.

Rick seemed to have a ferocious appetite as he nearly ate everything in front of him, even stuff that only made sense if it were eaten by a pregnant woman given to strange cravings. Casey had not known what to make of Rick, who seemed to be in something of a playful mood following their multiple encounters.

"Why are you always such a bastard to me?" asked Casey as Rick filled his mouth with spray cheese and stuffed it in a few crackers for good measure.

"What?" asked Rick still chewing when the question came.

"You heard me," replied Casey narrowing his eyes at his apparent lover. "Why are you always such an asshole to me?"

Rick gripped the can of spray cheese and smirked.

"Guess I couldn't see past what I wanted," he replied.

"What you wanted?" asked Casey unsure of what he meant.

Rick placed the spray cheese on the countertop and met Casey's gaze full-on.

"Isn't it obvious, I wanted to fuck you ever since you got into town," he admitted. "It was a shock to me at first, why my dick got so hard whenever you were around...but now that I know your little secret...I can see why I wanted nothing more than to have you by any means necessary."

"So that's it, you wanted to fuck?" asked Casey seemingly disappointed in the response he got.

"Well yeah," replied Rick as he walked over toward the younger teen and pressed him against the isle with his body. "And to tell you the truth I still do."

Casey tried his best not to give in as Rick began kissing him about the neck and pressing his newly restored erection back into his own causing the younger teen to whimper and moan once again as he had when they were going at it in the living room.

"You're still a bastard..." whispered Casey before biting his bottom lip and taking Rick by the hand. "But we do it in the bed this time."

Rick gave no objections to his request as the younger boy lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs and into his bedroom.


Casey's Bedroom, The Peterson Residence, 1345 North Grand Street, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

The moment they crashed through the bedroom door, sloppy kisses and the discarding of clothing had taken place as Casey seemed to get lost in the fog of lust that gripped him as Rick's bare body was before him. He whimpered when the stronger boy turned him around to face the bed and lowered him onto his knees before skillfully sliding his enormous cock into the slick warmth that had beckoned it from the moment they reached the woods. Rick let out a low growl as he kissed and licked at Casey's neck while running his fingers through his hair and pumping his hips forward in a bid to fit further inside him.

Casey whimpered and moaned with his knees digging into the surface of his mattress amid tossed covers and dark blue sheets. While he had imagined what it would be like to give in to Rick's apparent lustful need for him, he had not expected it to have been so soon after what they did the previous night. Rick's free hand left Casey's waist and gripped his pale ass as he slapped it in one blow causing Casey to moan out loud once more.

"Fucccckkkk." hissed Casey feeling how deep Rick's cock had gotten as he gripped the bedding below him.

"You feel that?" asked Rick taunting the younger boy with how easily he let him in.

Casey nodded and arched his backside into Rick's slow deliberate thrusts. He smirked as he thought about how much he dreaded moving from the big city where he was shunned and bullied by most of his peers while spending many a night with vivid fantasies and dirty movies and came here where Rick Channon was actively drilling him into his bed.

He would have laughed back then if someone had told him a handsome boy like Rick would have been interested in him and even called them delusional had they been in his face. Now he was trying desperately to hold on while Rick thrust him amid soft sheets looking at every bit, of the image of a teenage girl's fantasy.

Casey whimpered beneath Rick as his chest and cock ground into the softness of his mattress due to the weight of Rick's heavier body.

"Shit..." panted Rick in Casey's ear as he held himself up by his powerful arms flexing his muscle-grade body and pumping his hips faster and faster as the wave of lust and sensation carried him and the still fairly new arrival, Casey to new heights of passion.

As the two teens continued their lust-filled rut along Casey's bed, his mother pulled the faded red station wagon into the driveway. The bright lights of her high beams illuminated the side of the house and made themselves known through Casey's bedroom window.

"Oh..." moaned Casey noticing the lights at the same time he felt Rick's thick cock drilling him in a most sensitive spot. "Oh fuck....she's coming....R-Rick she's coming..."

"So am I," growled Rick nibbling at Casey's ear before thrusting deeply into the younger teen as his release ripped through him a third time that day.

Casey had not been far behind him as he splattered the bed and soaked Rick's cock in the same moment just as the older teen got ready to withdraw and rolled onto the side of the bed that remained clean and dry. Panting as he felt the onset of panic fills him following his moment of bliss, the younger teen could hear the footsteps of his mother as she climbed the stairs.

"Shit..." he said scrambling just as the door to his bedroom opened.

"Case?" asked his mother taking a peak inside when she had not seen him.

"Yeah," replied Casey peering over the covers he had thrown over himself and the half-asleep Rick Channon just as she cracked open the door.

"Just wanted to let you know I was home," she said in her usual mothering tone. "You get your rest, I'll speak with you in the morning."

Casey did a good job of pretending to be tired given that he had been after his ordeal with Rick Channon, who had been out cold and snoring when Mrs. Peterson left them to their rest.

The younger teen shook his head as he watched Rick sleep beside him, worn out from the day at last.

"Bastard," he said before climbing out of bed and locking the door before slipping his naked body back in bed with his handsome yet notoriously arrogant lover.