
Claire de Lune: The Fallen Kingdom

Anderaint Claire lives her whole life wallowing in wealth. She never leaves the Duchy, the home where she grew up to be an independent and graceful lady. Unfortunately, on the debut to celebrate her 18th birthday, her reality started to crumble. Sentenced to death, who would have thought her execution would bring a catastrophe to the Etrill Kingdom? Instead of living her life peacefully, she fell into an even more pitiful hell. A wanderer told Claire that she was a cursed soul. Will she survive this predicament?

Arcanaruu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 19 - Eyes of the Forest (4)

Claire began to crawl slowly, trying to get away from where she had fallen. But every inch of movement felt heavy, as if there was an invisible weight pressing down on her body.

Her breath labored, and even though the screeching of the bird sounded increasingly distant, Claire could not shake the fear that was coursing through her veins.

As she tried to get back up on her legs, there was a sound of leaves being stepped on. Suddenly, a strong wind hit her body, making her long white hair flutter. Claire raised her head slowly, trying her best to keep her eyes open and see whatever was in front of her, yet Claire's eyes widened in fear.

Up there in the sky, right on the edge of the cliff, the bird was hovering low. Its giant wings flapped slowly, and its dark eyes swept across the forest below.

Claire held her breath, not daring to move an inch. But as if sensing her presence, the monster began to lower its body, its sharp beak wide open, letting out a deafening hoarse sound as it glided towards her direction.

'No...' Claire thought, panicking.

Her heart was beating so fast that her chest tightened. Her breath became increasingly short, her body trembling violently.

She knew the monster was chasing her, looking for her whereabouts after devouring the previous monster.

The humid air in the forest stabbed her lungs every time she took a breath. The skeletal monster had been destroyed and now a new problem had arisen.

Branches and bushes she had broken through while running had scratched her fair skin, blood flowing thinly along her arms and legs.

When Claire looked up, her head was dizzy from lack of oxygen. She didn't see the ravine ahead of her until it was too late...



Claire fell into the ravine, strong winds brushed against her face. Ten meters might not be that far for most people, but it was enough to make her body ache as she fell to the ground below.

Her chest ached as if all the air had been sucked out of her lungs. The sound of bones cracking and rocks rolling around her ears made her realize that her body had hit the bottom of the ravine, the dizziness made her head spin.

"Ugh …," Claire groaned trying to get up, but her back felt incredibly sore. She forced herself to sit up, gasping for air, her vision blurry and the back of her head felt stabbed.

Up in the sky, the sound of large wings flapping can be heard again. Claire froze. The bird monster was still circling her. The creature's sharp beak made a deafening hoarse sound, as if calling its prey.

Claire weakly covered her mouth with both hands, hoping not to make any sound.

'Don't make a sound …. Don't scream …,' she thought, but her fear continued to grow even worse.

However, as if hearing her trembling fear, the monster swooped lower, circling the area where Claire had fallen. Its dark black eyes stared sharply, searching for its prey. She can feel her heart stop beating for a couple of seconds.

Caught—she was definitely going to be eaten today.

In an instant, the monster was approaching, getting closer. Claire closed her eyes, her body frozen with paralyzing fear.

The faint scent of blood lingered in the air, the heat from the fire around the bird heated the air surrounding it, making the atmosphere even tenser. She still tried to hold her breath, hoping the monster wouldn't find her.

Claire closed her eyes, feeling relieved even though she knew she wasn't safe from the monster. The monster could be back and swoop her at any time, her luck might had run out.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed her arm, pulling Claire off the ground.

"What are you doing here!?"

Claire gasped, her eyes wide open.

A man with brown hair that matched his eyes. Tall and athletic, wearing a brownish robe. The soft gaze in his eyes looked panicked.


His hand gripped Claire's arm tightly, dragging her away as fast as lightning. They slipped behind a large tree, then into a crevice in the rocks, Claire and Ethan both breathing heavily.

"Ethan?" Claire whispered, her voice weak amidst her shock.

"Shh! Don't talk!" Ethan whispered in a firm tone.

His body blocked Claire's view, keeping them both hidden from the creature above. Claire could hear Ethan's breath which was also panting.

Very close, so close that Claire could feel Ethan's heartbeat which remained calm even though they were in danger.

The fact that the giant bird was back. Sound of flapping wings was heard again clearly, cutting through the air roughly.

The scent of scorched flesh filled the air again, making Claire even more afraid.

Claire closed her eyes shut, her body trembling, even though Ethan hugged her tightly, preventing her from moving and shielding her from the bird's vision.

Some time had passed and the sound of the monster's flapping wings faded. The monster finally moved away.

Every now and then Ethan made sure that the bird had disappeared from the sky or not, as he did so, he slowly loosened his hug. He made sure that the creature had really left before looking at Claire sharply.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed, this time his usual friendly tone had switched to anger and frustration.