
Chapter 3.

Laurel whined as she snuggled into the soft pillow. If she could wish for anything, it was never to get up from the bed.

Until the flashes of what had happened in the night flashed through her mind. She jumped from the bed with a start.

"What the…?" She asked herself as she took in her surroundings. Soft bed, cool breeze flowing in from the window...it could mean only one thing.

Did they?

"Judging from the look on your face, None of my men touched you." A man suddenly said. He was seated close to the closed door in case she wanted to escape. "Although if I had given the order, Casorr would have…" He continued talking like she wasn't there at all. Then he stood up.

Laurel's heart beat increased. It was boots man! "Stay away from me!" She scrambled to the far end of the bed. She was sure he wouldn't let her escape. Not after she had seen him kill a man.