
Chapter 104.

All his boss knew how to do was to use people and as much as he respected his boss, he knew he had crossed the line.

He glared at his mentor who shrugged. The both of them were cowards. Luis raised his hands and with a jerk of the head, Lucas gave permission.

'did she agree to become part of the brotherhood? Because for anyone to be here, it's because they chose to or want to. They are willing to. Was she forced or did she accept to be here?"

The hall was silent until someone coughed at the back, ruining the quietness.

Lucas bit the insides of his cheek regretting his choice of allowing the brat speak. This wasn't the time to act smart. Lucas could almost feel the cane of his father flogging him into an upright stance. He was the boss here.

He avoided Laurel's gaze. She was still staring at him with narrowed eyes and Lucas felt guilty for the umpteenth time. Why does he have to be the one to feel guilty? It was infuriating.