
Chapter 6:


  My steps echoed loudly in the hallway. I rushed to find my alpha father, needing answers fast!

  "Good morning, Lady Krista," the omega maid greeted politely, bowing her head and making way for me.

  "Get out of my way!" I barked, shoving her aside roughly. But instead of silence, she spoke softly, irritating me more.

  "I'm sorry, Lady Krista,” she whispered submissively.

  Her apology annoyed me even more. I turned, my eyes flashing with anger. "Did you actually speak with me without my permission?" I sneered, and my hand met her cheek with a sharp slap.

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she whimpered, "Please, Lady Krista, I didn't mean to upset you."

  "Didn’t mean to upset me? Huh! Who gave you the right to talk to me? You are nothing but a slave born to serve me and those within my ranks!” The omega shuddered at the sound of my voice.

  "Guards!" I called out, and one appeared immediately. "Take her to the dungeon and teach her a lesson for crossing me."