
Chapter 4:


  "Please look after the children, Cindy." I glanced at Lily and Robbie playing in a room with other kids before giving a smile to the social worker I've known since I was young.

  Cindy held my hand and reassured me, saying, "Don't worry. They'll be safer here than on the streets."

  “I know,” I said while nodding. I took a deep breath as the social worker informed me of the challenges that children face in their search for a permanent home.

  “I will update you about what’s gonna happen as soon as I got something. Can I have your number?”

  “Ahmm…I don’t have a cellphone,” I stated honestly. Cindy seemed to understand my situation and asked for another information. “How about your address?”

  “I…I…” My throat struggled to find words as my body tensed to the topic. I plastered a faint smile before continuing. “I have none.”

  “Oh, Mallory. Are you sure you’re okay?” I saw worry etched on Cindy’s face. “Where are you staying now? How are you supporting yourself—”

  "Cindy, I'm okay," I assured her, holding up her hand to stop her persistent questioning. "I work at a noodle shop a few blocks away. The owner, Mrs. Chan, was kind enough to let me stay in her garage temporarily. It's not really my official address, though. Once I save up some money, I plan to find a place of my own. But if you'd like, I can give you the address of the noodle shop."

  "That would be wonderful!" Cindy exclaimed, visibly relieved hearing my half-truth lie. She handed me a pen and a clipboard, and I began writing down the address of Mrs. Chan's Noodle Shop. While it was true that I had worked there and stayed in her garage, my association with Mrs. Chan had come to an abrupt end when a jealous fellow orphan she also cared for framed me for theft.

  I decided to leave before I lied to her again. I really hope Robbie and Lily have better luck than me with foster care. I hope they find loving and responsible foster parents who treat them well, unlike the ones I had my whole life.

  As I walked down the dark streets of Whitewood, my mind filled with painful memories from my past. Suddenly, an icy sensation gripped me, and I felt a strong presence trailing closely behind me. It sent shivers down my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It felt as if they had been silently tracking my every move, waiting for the right moment to strike.

  “Who’s there?” I asked, gathering every ounce of courage within me. Silence hung in the air. My mind raced, imagining the worst possible scenarios

  Fear surged within me, my heart pounding wildly against my chest as I quickened my pace.

  Then, a voice echoed around and I knew right then and there that they were inching closer to me.

  "Get ready to die," I heard from behind. Panic engulfed me as the weight of the situation sank in. I knew I had to act swiftly to escape their clutches.

  I ran without hesitation, driven by fear. The street was dim and deserted at 11 PM. My legs carried me as fast as they could, but they closed in on me with incredible speed. Tears welled up in my eyes. Is it really the end of the line for me?

  I couldn't get away from them, even though I tried my hardest. They came at me strongly, as if something invisible was pushing them, and quickly overwhelmed me. I fell to the ground with a lot of force, which shook my whole body. I struggled to breathe and felt intense pain, making it hard for me to think clearly.

  "Please... don't kill me," I begged, my voice shaking with desperation as I tried to find comfort in the corner. But the hooded people surrounded me, trapping me on the empty street corner.

  "Why shouldn't we? Your life is worth a fortune," one of them mocked, their words making my growing fears worse.

  "You've got the wrong person," I stuttered, crawling backward as much as I could. "I... I'm not rich and I have no one to pay for my release. No one would give you money for my safety."

  "Oh, dear, we haven't made a mistake," another one hissed, getting closer to me. He leaned down, revealing his face in the poorly lit corner. His eyes sparkled with a golden color, piercing through the darkness, while his mouth showed menacing fangs. "We want your head, but first, let us enjoy being in your presence tonight."

  Their combined howls filled the air, echoing like the cries of insane dogs ready to devour their prey. The mere thought of them tearing apart my innocent body made the horrors of my approaching death even worse. At that moment, I felt more inclined to escape, even if it meant giving in to death itself.

  "Please... Let me go. Don't do this," I begged, my voice shaking with fear as they grabbed my arms, their disgusting laughter surrounding me. Time seemed to slow down. At that desperate moment, a glimmer of light sparked a ray of hope within me.

  "Let go of her right now, or you'll be sorry!"

  A person suddenly appeared from the shadows, determined and strong. He was far away, so I couldn't see his face clearly. However, his intense green eyes showed a strong protective energy.

  "Who is he?" I wondered inside my head

  "How dare you ruin our party! You'll pay with your life—"

  The mysterious person acted quickly, stopping the thug from speaking and hitting him hard and fast. It was like watching an action movie. His punches and kicks were precise and powerful, making the thugs stagger back. His kicks were quick and accurate, throwing each one of them off balance.

  Suddenly, the fight was done, and the mysterious man won. He came over to me, looking worried.

  "Are you okay, Luna?" he asked, using a name that confused me. Who was Luna? Did he mistake me for someone else? But before I could respond, he carried me to safety, and I felt both grateful and scared.

  “I will take you home,” he said making me scoff. Home? But the cold, dark, and dirty street is where I live. So where could he possibly take me?

  I wanted to stop him from taking me, but my body was too weak to move. It felt like I had reached my limit and now I was paying the price. My eyes got heavy as I looked at him with doubt. But before I could remember how he looked, my eyes got even heavier. All I could remember was his green eyes that saved me before everything went dark.