
Chapter 2:


  I found myself at an extraordinary outdoor party one night, and it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Surprisingly, it wasn't held in a fancy rented place or someone's backyard, but right in the middle of a park. What are the odds?

  I hid behind a tree, carefully watching the people around me. I wasn't quite sure what the party was all about, but it seemed like everyone was meeting each other for the first time. Maybe it was one of those events where people go on dates without knowing who they'll meet. A blind date event, perhaps?

  As I looked around, I noticed that everyone was caught up in the moment. They were kissing and hugging each other without a care in the world. It seemed like they were all supportive of each other or just didn't really mind what was happening. It was clear that these people had come here to meet someone new and have a good time.

  But for me, I had a different agenda. I was here for one reason and one reason only: to eat!

  As I continued to spy around, I noticed that there was no security at the entrance asking for invitations. It seemed like anyone could join the party and have a good time. That made me feel brave and encouraged me to come out of my hiding spot.

  So, I did.

  I walked slowly, trying my best to blend in with the crowd. But it was hard not to be noticed because of my old, worn-out clothes. Everyone else was dressed casually but looked decent, unlike me. But I was so hungry that I couldn't ignore it any longer. I mustered up the courage and kept walking toward my destination. Then, a woman came up to me, and I got scared. But it was too late to run away from her.

  “Welcome to the mating ritual, my dear,” she said in a welcoming tone. Frowning, I tried to comprehend the meaning behind the festivities. Mating ritual? Was this some kind of trend embraced by hippies and pagans nowadays? But honestly, the people here didn't seem to fit that description at all.

  “You looked hungry. Come, let’s get you something to eat,” she uttered again while walking me to the long table where the food was at. My heart raced to hear her as I followed her without question, focusing on the feast that lay before my eyes. This was the first time that someone had been nice to me the whole day. It makes me feel utterly happy and grateful.

  “Eat as much as you can. Enjoy,” she repeated, giving me a plate and some utensils. I whispered a grateful thank you as she left me alone. After a brief pause, I cautiously served myself a portion of the delectable potato salad and grilled steak. The meat on my plate resembled a juicy prize, causing my mouth to water in eager anticipation.

  With a plastic cup in hand, I filled it with water and retreated to a dark corner where I could hide from prying eyes. As I began munching on the food, my hands trembled with nervous excitement. Each bite was like a precious gift, and I couldn't help but feel a few tears welling up in my eyes. This simple meal meant the world to me, a homeless person who hadn't experienced such a feast in years. It felt like a magical Christmas Eve or Thanksgiving dinner that I had long forgotten.

  Eventually, my plate was empty. It would have been enough for me to slip away quietly, but then the irresistible aroma of freshly baked muffins wafted toward me. I hesitated for a moment, considering whether I could sneak a piece of that heavenly bread without being noticed. After all, the woman said I could eat as much as I want so taking a piece to ensure I could have something to eat tomorrow wouldn’t hurt, right?

  Summoning all my bravery, I swallowed my doubts and cautiously returned to the table. I grabbed an apple-cinnamon muffin without needing a taste to know it was my absolute favorite. Just as I was about to slip away, fate had other plans.

  Suddenly, I bumped into a tall guy, towering above me at least six feet. He stared at me with such intensity that my heart raced like a scared rabbit. Time seemed to slow down as I met his unwavering gaze. The bright lights revealed his tanned skin, and he had brown hair tied up in a bun, with deep, intense brown eyes.

  My nerves were in overdrive as I took a step back, consumed by fear. It felt like he was peering into my soul, and I couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense that he knew what I had done.

  "Who are you?" he asked, staring hard at me. I stepped back, fear taking over.

  "I... I'm sorry," I said, my voice shaking. "I was just really hungry and... watch out!"

  He quickly turned around, and that's when I knew it was my chance to run. I sprinted as fast as I could like my life depended on it. I didn't know if he was chasing me but it didn’t matter. I just needed to get away from that place, and fast.

  As I ran, my mind filled with worries and fears. What if he caught me? What if he punished me for taking the food? The thought of being locked up or, even worse, kidnapped and tortured made me shiver. Nobody would notice if I was gone. I didn't have any family or friends to search for me.

  If I ended up dead or something, no one would even know. That’s the reality of my existence. It was as if no one ever really cared about me.

  Tears streamed down my face as I ran, scared and overthinking everything.

  After what felt like a really long time, I finally stopped, gasping for breath. I looked back, half expecting to see him right behind me. But luckily, he wasn't there. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling thankful for escaping.

  I looked at the piece of muffin in my hand and smiled. The chase had been worth it. Now I had something to eat tomorrow, and that made me feel better.