
Chapter 22:


  Going back to my room, I couldn’t help but be filled with overwhelming frustration. My perfect plan crumbled into nothingness, all because of that stupid omega who let herself be caught. Good thing she was punished and still has the right mind to not bring me down with her.

  I least, she was wise enough to know what was good for her.

  But the reality of that Mallory still lingering around Silverpaw was a tough pill to swallow. I need to get rid of her, and fast!

  I slumped to the sofa, still contemplating how I could tackle her. Then, a plan formed inside my mind. With that, I fixed myself, wearing my victim facade once again. Once I knew I was ready for my next act, I went to the omega quarters to meet my tool for my next plan.

  “Hi, girls,” I greeted lovingly. “Can you help me with something?”