
Chapter 17:


  I stood by the sink, scrubbing away at a mountain of dirty plates in the busy kitchen. Then, the sounds of hushed whispers reached my ears, bothering me. I tried my best to focus on my work, but the words they were spewing about Lady Mallory were hard to ignore.

  "Did you hear what they found inside the human girl’s room?" A maid named Emilia whispered to another maid named Lucy.

  "No, what was it this time?" Lucy asked eagerly.

  "They say she had voodoo dolls hidden under her bed, and she was casting spells on the alpha! No wonder why a human thief like her became his mate!" Emilia said with a sly grin.

  “That witch!” Lucy exclaimed. A few other maids joined their gossiping and shared their disdain towards what they heard.

  But Emily wasn’t done yet. "And that's not all! Someone claimed they saw the human girl having sex with a warrior in the woods. She was whoring behind the alpha's back! What a slut!"