
Episode 71:Haku city

Sune stands Isolated in the darkness


A strand of darkness reaches out towards Sune, he reaches his hand out accepting it

-Outside Sunes head

Quilas flies towards the now landed Magas

Quilas:Should we kill the Sune one too?

Harmon:Let's let him live, plus we don't have time It's practically here.

Magas:Yea let's go!

Quilas nods while flying toward them still


Sune kicks Quilas in the stomach, Foxxy looks in awe

Harmon:The boy still has the will to fight, Interesting!

Quilas holds his stomach in pain, then looks Sune in the eye

Quilas:*Pissed*Stuttering* M-M-Magas!!


Sune tiger flame crushes Quilas, breaking his nose, Quilas falls to the ground in pain

Quilas:Ahh he broke my f&$king nose!

Shadow Kid comes from the shadows

Shadow Kid:It's here!!


Shadow Kid:Should I.....?

Harmon:No stay In the shadows the thing hunting us is smart It's waiting for the perfect moment so you stay on guard.

Sune charges at Magas and engages in hand to hand combat

Magas:I like this Sune he doesn't yell as much.

Sune grabs Magas shoulders and knees him in the stomach, Magas uses fast wings to bring Sune in the air with him

Magas:Let's see how you survive this.

Magas spins his head faces downward, he coughs up blood due to Sune stabbing him with prince claw

Magas:*Coughing blood* Cgh damn!

Sune flips himself on top of Magas in the air forcing his knees towards the back of Magas' head

Harmon:Oooooo that's gonna hurt…*Blushing* Wish that was me.

Magas lands on the ground first with Sunes knees digging into the back of his neck, Sune stands over Magas while he waits for him to get up

Magas:*Out of breath* Ha- ha- ha ok I'm going full power.

Sune starts kicking Magas before he can even get up

Magas:*In pain* Argh damn!

Magas lets out a burst of mana pushing Sune away from him, Magas begins to leaked some type of darkness that looks like mana

Harmon:Don't overdo it!

Magas:Of course…[I wont fully transform he's not that strong.]

Magas grows horns and his wings get bigger along with his teeth and eyes become dark red, Sune unfazed charges at him, Foxxy watching couldn't see where Sune disappeared to, he suddenly reappears on the floor with Magas' hand on his throat, Sune kicks Magas repeatedly but he blocks

Magas:You're still packing a punch "Dark mana banzai".

Sunes unable to dodge, takes the full hit close up


Sune bleeding from cuts continues to kick Magas relentlessly almost as if he didn't just take a head on attack

Magas:Tough one I see….Let's turn your eyes back to normal "Devils glare".

Nothing happens to Sunes eyes, he punches Magas in the face, Magas punches him in the face in retaliation but it doesn't stop Sune from punching him again

Magas:Ok well if you aren't in a crazy form….Try this on for size!!

Magas punches Sunes face again but this time his head goes deeper in to the ground as if the hit was heavier, Sune doesn't move

Magas:*Out of breath* Good ha stay in place hah hah.

Magas slowly flies up in the sky, then uses fast wings to come down super fast

Magas:This is revenge!!

Magas lands on Sunes arm with his knee, this shocks Sunes eyes back to normal

Sune:*Yelling in pain* Ahhhh!!!

Magas:Get up and take your beat down boy!

Sune slowly gets up holding his arm


Magas:What the hell are you saying? "Dark rant".

Magas punches Sune repeatedly then upper cuts him, Sune flies and then lands on the ground near Foxxy

Foxxy:*Concerned* Sune...!!!

She uses every ounce of her strength to get up and run to him, Magas seeing this flies over punching her in the stomach she falls to the ground in pain

Magas:You guys should have noticed by now my punches have gotten heavier.

Sune begins getting up this time his eyes are red

Magas:*Exhausted* Ha I swear man you're so predictable…

Sune who's gone crazy runs at Magas in a weird pattern

Magas:Interesting let's see what you got.

Harmon:Magas don't take to much damage. (I can't seem to pinpoint where it is…But It's close to us in general.)

Sune throws punches at Magas but he blocks all of them

Magas:This is weaker than the form before.

Magas watches Sunes arm flop around as he continues his assault on Magas

Magas:Your arm is broken and you're still throwing punches? I'll admit you've gotten a bit stronger. [But he definitely isn't as fast as his brother was.]

Magas quickly sweeps Sunes feet lifting him off his feet, Sune falling backwards uses his good arm to balance himself out, he quickly lands on his feet then runs at Magas again

Magas:I'll end it "Devils glare".

Sunes begins slowing down, then Magas elbows him with another heavy hit to his head

-To be continued