
Episode 41:Odd alliances

Barry:Seems I win

Martha:*Injured*Afraid so...

Zhane:*Struggling* I-I can still fight....

Barry kicks Zhane who's trying to get up,out of the way then walks towards Martha lifting her chin up with his axe

Barry:*Confident*All this to recruit me and I beat you all solo,by myself with no help

Martha:*Defeated*Just finish me....

Barry:Nah I don't think I will,tell that queen of yours I'll join but on one condition

Martha:And that is?

Barry:The Clutch crew are mine to kill alone

Martha:I'll make sure to tell her that*Out of breath*phew[I almost died even with jade..Lord crew?More like a full super]


Smile:So smile what's the big plan this time smile

Vol:Hahaha I sent someone after her fiancé

Smile:Is he smile capable enough?

Vol:He's apart of the 9 spectres

Smile:Oh smile which one?

Vol:You'll see he'd rather remain anonymous

-King Hamlet territory

Bazel:Ryu I want you to follow It make sure It gets the job done

Ryu:Understood should I finish the job If It can't?

Bazel:No don't get seen either!

Ryu:*Sad*Ok ok jeez

Bazel:Those damn bastards escaped without permission*Smiling*At least we can finally end their lives for them!


A large brown crocodile sits on a throne like seat with and abnormally large alligator kneels next to it

Chacodile:Choco choco choco the damn Ant queen has abandoned us

Cocoa:Cocoa cocoa we need to form and alliance with a new one and fast

Chacodile:Choco choco choco we don't need a queen to be efficient we're chocotaminations

Cocoa:Cocoa cocoa you mean contamination

Chacodile:Did I say it wrong?



Random:I don't get it all he did was put cho In front of contamination?

Chacodile looks at him

Chacodile:You dare make fun of my speech impediment

Random:No sir I wasn't making fun of that I was just saying I didn't understand...

Chacodile:You were! He was making fun of me right?

Chacodile looks at another member of his crew for justification

Unfortunate random:I think he was just asking a question...Personally....

Chacodile:Ahhhh you jerks"Chocolate touch"

Chacodile touches both of them and they both turn to chocolate covered statues of themselves

Cocoa:Did you really have to....Do that?

Chacodile:*Eating*Yea thos,erm erm oh god humans are good


Chacodile:*Licking his fingers*Right,right they were um....Bullying me

Cocoa:Just seems like you were hungry

Chacodile:*Blushing*Like I was saying we don't need a queen,we will just make our own alliance(I was-I was a little hungry)

Cocoa:I'll rally the members(A little hungry?But you ate two!)


Sune:Woooo hoo finally arrived

Ivan:*Exhaling in anger*Finally!(It only took thirteen days thank Odin)

Foxxy:*Exhausted*Let's hope we get a break here I need one

Lucas:Same a nice relaxing break I even get to eat pure fresh honey!

Robo:Proceed forward for destination


They walk further Into the Bee dome

Sune:Ahh look,look there's a honey-fall

Foxxy:Now Sune this is a public place so we don't eat or touch that ok..?

Foxxy looks over to where Sune should have been but he's gone

Ivan:Lucas there are more females here then males by the way

Foxxy:Where did he go?!

Lucas:*Distracted*Sorry I wasn't paying attention,*Yelling*ALL THESE FEMALES HERE AREN'T MY TYPE!!(Stupid Ivan)

Every female around human and bee look at him

Lucas:Yea I said It,what are you gonna do about It?

Foxxy:*Uneasy*Haha he speaks for himself people

Ivan:*Rubbing his neck*Not involved(Stupid Ivan remember)

The females all begin walking toward Lucas

Foxxy:Robo help

Robo:Animosity Is very high,retreat would be best Lucas

Lucas:*Prideful*As if I'd listen to this bucket of bolts I'm gonna let this one play out

Ivan:*Shaking his head*Not wise not wise at all

The other blackbands watch as the ladies surround Lucas

Lucas:Listen you non my types I get you need me In your life but I just don't want you,you guys would be nothing more then a side piece kapesh(There are atleast twenty or more not my types here)

Ivan:Oh he did it now

Foxxy:Let's go buy some honey dew

Ivan:Good idea

Robo:Should I go look for master?

Foxxy:Nah he'll find us

As they walk away smoke pops up around Lucas

Lucas:Aaaaaa Not that,aaaaaaaa NOT THAT!!!!!

A women and a girl walk off both wearing cloaks

Women:See how he caused attention to himself?


Women:We want to do the opposite here understood

The girl nods,the women looks at Lucas disgusted

Women:*Disgusted*Ugh no class

-To be continued