
Chapter 61 - Hollyn

Tag and Thane pushed through the door to Tove's room, their faces heavy with lust. Both of them were sporting hard cocks that were trying to escape the confines of the shorts they were wearing.

I felt butterflies take flight in my belly. "Ooo, do I get to explore all of you?" I rubbed my hands together in delight.

"Soon, sweet girl. I've been listening to all the sexy moans from you two for the last hour. I need to be inside you." Tag's storm cloud eyes were diamond bright. "Now."

My body went up in flames. I'd never been wanted like this. This instantly, this wholly. Nor had I ever wanted anyone like I wanted—needed—these men.

It was a daily battle to remind myself that they wanted me. That they loved me. But I wouldn't abuse their trust in me by listening to the hard voices of my past more than I heard their words of love and acceptance.