
Cinderella's dead now

" no, you are not suitable to be my king. next! " queen Cinderella waved her hand and ordered lazily sitting on her throne. This is a story of a girl who is transmitted to a different fantasy world when she trips on a Shoe and picks it up. but returns to the real world as soon as she takes them off. she find out she is a queen in this world, " queen Cinderella! " she turns to the voice and finds a bunch of soldiers coming her way, " oh my god, how did I end up here? I need to get away " she tries to run but, " queen Cinderella, we have been looking for you. the competition is about to start, you have to choose a suitable husband and king " she is dragged away by them. will she rule and find herself a suitable king or will escape to the real world and back to her normal and miserable life? Cover is not mine, credit to the owner.

Axilia_yana_8350 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

chapter 7

" I call her the devil because she makes me wanna sin and every time she knocks I can't help but let her in "


Charlotte stood at her balcony and grazed down she saw a beautiful lake, it was green in colour and it sparkled when orange sunlight fell on it. She was in this mysterious world for four days she wondered what was going on in her real world, how was her aunt? Was she looking for her when she did not returned back home for four days. Where they worried for her? Charlotte exhaled a sigh. She wanted to know what was going on there but, she has to take her shoes off in order to go back, " But, what if she would not be able to come back here? " She was scared of losing, scared of losing such a good friend like Elizabeth. A thought came to her mind, " I can take Elizabeth with me, if I did this maybe I would be able to come back. "

" Ummm... Beth? " Charlotte held Elizabeth's hand which was styling her hair, she parted the spot beside her ,indicating her to take a sit.

Elizabeth sat beside her with a look which questioned why. " You want something my lady? "

" No Beth, ummm.. Do you believe in magic? " Charlotte asked curiously. " Huh? Magic? "

Elizabeth thought for a movement and continued " No, I don't think there is something as magic " She shook her head in agreement.

Charlotte was quite for a movement and continued again, " But, what if I show you some? " She examined her reaction closely, she saw confusing in her eyes. " Ah, my lady? " Charlotte was shocked from the sudden out brust, she flinched back, " You are a witch!? Charles was speechless hearing this.

" Stupid girl, that's not what I mean " She hit her head playfully.

" Oh " Elizabeth looked down embarrassed she thought her lady was a witch, how stupid of her.

" Beth, are you listening? " Charlotte asked.

" Yes lady, continue "


Charlotte took a long breath, " Beth, I am not the real queen " She saw Elizabeth's confused face and continued, " Actually, when I wear these shoes " She lifted her skirt to show her shoes, " I am teleported to this world, I came across them when I was going to the medical store " She paused to examine her reaction and for her to progress the new information. Elizabeth looked shocked she stared at her shoes, " So this are magical? " She touched the shoes, it felt like any other normal sandel, there was nothing suspicious about them.

" Yes, they are. When I take them off, I will be back in my normal world. "

" This... This feels surreal. If you are not the real queen then where is she? And who are you? " Elizabeth was shocked, never in her wildest dream she would have thought that there was magic.

Charlotte panicked, she was not prepaid for all this question, she almost regretted telling Elizabeth about this, " It's... I don't know where is she and I am Charlotte " She saw Elizabeth nodding head and relieved a sigh of relief.

" My lady, you did seemed a little bit different when we first met, you were cold and confident but, the old queen she was nothing like you. She was so wicket and weak. " Elizabeth nodded in agreement Charlotte was good in comparison to the old queen.

Charlotte held her hand, " Do you want to see, my world?"

Elizabeth was curious she nodded very fast, " We will come back, right? "

" Of courses " Charlotte held Elizabeth's hand hand took off her silver magical shoes.

Charlotte opened her eyes, it was dark and quite. She was still sitting on the same bench where she first sat to wear her shoes, Charlotte felt a hand in her own, " Oh I managed to come here with Beth " She thought and turned her face towards Elizabeth. She shocked to see Elizabeth, she was not wearing her usual long dress instead she was wearing a jeans and top! Charlotte's mouth twisted seeing her like this, suddenly she heard a ear piercing scream beside her, " Ah! My clothes! Elizabeth jumped up and down in excitement and amusement , her clothes has changed she was wearing strange clothes even her shoe was strange. She turned towards Charlotte and saw she was also wearing strange clothes like her.

Charlotte closed her ear she quickly calmed Elizabeth down, " Shhh, don't shout. It's night people will think we are crazy " She pulled Elizabeth down and made her sit beside her on the bench, " Look, we are here " Elizabeth scanned her surrounding with wide eyes, " This is where you live? " She pointed at the building. This world felt so different from her kingdom, it was too bright.

" Yes, do you like it? " Charlotte asked, she got a slight nod in response. " Come, let me show you my house " She pulled her and they started walking towards her house, her aunts house.

" My lady " Charlotte looked at her for her to continue, " Your parents would have been worried for you, you were away for so long. "

Charlotte took a long breath, " Well, my parents are dead " She heard a gasp in response, she continued, " I use to live with my uncle and aunt " She smiled, it was a sad smile. Charlotte felt a hand on her shoulder, " They were not good to you " Elizabeth spoke. Charlotte was shocked to see this, she was really Lucy to find a friend like her, she never had any friend in this world. No one talked to her, they always made fun of her golden eyes. " Thank you Beth " Charlotte smiled at her, seeing her smile Elizabeth smiled as well. Slowly they reached her aunt house, they could a faint noise coming from her apartment, it felt like some one was arguing, they move closer to the front door and now the noise was very clear, " We give her food, shelter and still she chose to run away with a boy " Her aunt was crying, " She was such a disobedient girl " Charlotte heard her uncle say. " Ran away with a boy? So this is what they have been thinking " Charlotte felt funny and stupid to even think about them, she shouldn't have come here. " She is so bad, she even stole our money " Emily her cousin complaint.

Charlotte steeped back and turned her face away from the door, she didn't want to hear any more lie, " Let's go Beth. " They turned around and went.

" It's okay, they are not good people " Charlotte heard Elizabeth console her, she nodded her head, " Aunty has always been selfish and a dishonest but, I couldn't think she would go to this extend. "

They reached at bench and sat down, " Let's go back to our kingdom " Charlotte spoke , " There is nothing good for me to stay here, I won't be coming back here " Charlotte wiped her tear which she had been holding for a very long time.

" Our kingdom is much better my lady, let's go back " Elizabeth held her hand.

Charlotte looked at her surrounding for one last time before she wore her silver shoes again.

They opened their eyes and they were back again in their kingdom. Elizabeth went back to sleep and Charlotte opened her balcony. The green Lake looked black in colour at night. Suddenly Charlotte felt shiver run down her spine, she felt someone looking at her but, there was no one there. The palace was heavily guarded it was impossible for anyone to get inside. Charlotte went back in her room and fell asleep. She was tired from today's event she badly needed a rest.

The moon looked big tonight, and the night seemed more chilly. A shadow stood at the balcony, it looked lonely and sad. Carl grazed at the moon, his green eyes sparkled in the moonlight he took a sip of his wine. His robe was losely tied around him he looked very sad. " Charlotte " This name rolled down his tongue, " It feels like you are hiding many secrets my lady " He smirked and took a sip again.

He opened his bed room and saw a girl waiting for him on his bed. She wore a thin rope which was so transparent that her ample brest were easily visible, she looked down and parted her legs for Carl to get a better view of her body. Carl licked his lips and made his way towards her, he ripped her robe and pushed her down on the bed, " Charlotte " He Wispeared again and thrust hard in her, " Ah! " She moaned in pleasure and surrendered her body to him.

Charlotte frowned her brows she was having a nightmare, she was running from something in the dark her ankle twisted and she feel down, " Ah " She looked down her ankle was red and swollen, suddenly she heard a noise she looked back but found no one, " Ah, I need to go " She thought and tried to stand up but couldn't she feel again. She heard water splashing sound and a black figure emerged from the green Lake, "ah! " Charlotte opened her eyes and looked around her room, she was still in her room, " It seems it was a nightmare " She wiped her sweat. " It was the same green Lake " She thought and got out of her bed, she slowly opened the door to her balcony, it was so chilly out there. She placed a sawal around her shoulder and grazed down at the lake, it looked creepy and dark. " Is there something inside this lake? " She asked to her self. She went inside her room and fell asleep after sometime.