

Another fic to write whenever im bored

demon_jester · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The Guardians

after the numerous questions of Einstein, the interview concluded

"so what did you see that day?"

"well, i passed out before i could process the scene but its like the inside of a hurricanes yknow, the world spins around you, but its not just the world, the laws of time and space does too"

"actually we developed gear to send vehicles around with the contributions you and your fellow soldiers did,not to mention the new isolated suits what will let us send individuals around on their own, i thank you for your sacrifices"

"thanks, i dont remember much about it, did anything happen to me to say i sacrificed anything?"

all four of them looked around with uneasy expression as one walked off "well, you didn't exactly come of it unscathed, some of your body has changed, seems like you havent noticed but-"

the old lady continued as the scientist came back with a mirror "you have numerous scars across your body, your eye has been like this since the incident and your hair, well its a product of age, it is now 1971"


my eyes bulge at that looking at the mirror 'thats literally one year off red alert 2'

my audience however look at me in pity, thinking it was about my body's changes

"doc, i mean Albert, i want to learn about what changed my body and to adapt to it, could you please help me with it?" i pleaded to the man who readily agreed "of course, its the least i can do"

"thank you, and we need to get a combat trainer too, i would need to undergo training to adapt to this..." i gestured to my face and hair

"no need to look, you got the best here" the old woman stepped up as she puffed out her chest "who wouldn't want the legendary Tanya Adams training them after all"



an year later


"The Soviets have invaded. They outnumber us ten to one. You must assist special agent Tanya in New York. We are marshaling our forces as fast as we can, but we need time. A small American base, Fort Bradley, is in the New York area. If you can make contact, they may be able to assist in the defense of New York" a woman emerged from her base camp and immediately jumps into the water, swimming milesto the invading dreadnoughts, with a few explosives she sinks the four dreadnoughts and goes to help the GIs that were deployed to Liberty Island with countless conscripts raining down around and inside their hover transports the woman taps her earpiece as she called for assistance

"ETA 4 minutes..." a muted voice called out as V3 Launchers managed to successfully bring down the statue of liberty, as soon as it was brought down, the airplanes as well as the TV's cable networks were hacked as a broadcast from the soviet premier started to air

"I offer special invitation to citizens of United States from the great Soviet Union"

a video of the broken statue of liberty was shown as well as the numerous dead body's around them, a woman stood on the legs shooting wildly into the crowd of conscripts with seven GIs all behind and shooting at the approaching army, the camera pans back to the balding premier in white, red and military garb with gold trimmings

"See your Liberty, how she lies broken before you. In but a moment's time your once powerful city of New York will follow in her footsteps. The choice is yours - you can continue to mourn your past, or surrender... and join us in the great Soviet revolution!"

as the feed concluded a blue bubble of lightning and plasma materialized almost 20 feet above the army, a lone man with a maniacal grin spun as he threw a bunch of boxes around and with another similar bubble he appeared further away near the pillbox


a large explosion rippled through the ranks as the army was decimated, the ones that survived thrown away by the explosion as the man stood on the platform that once held the Statue of liberty. before any units, allied or soviets could recover he fiddled with a machine gun he had strapped to his chest, of unlatched and the magazines securely equipped all within seconds he started decimating any units left standing while the smile on his face grew

"took ya long enough" the woman huffed as he put her one of her two SIG-Sauer P226s away as she addressed the soldiers

the man in question raised this eyebrow before moving his goggles off his face and unto his forehead revealing his eyes, the sight of his right eye making some of the audience flinch "nice to meet ya again Tanya 2.0, command gave an order to link up in Fort Bradley"

"boys, this is Special Agent Colt he will be my second in command as we go to re-establish contact with fort bradley, we will gather the weapons and recruit any able bodied civilians that wish to fight and escort the rest to safe zones, the closest one to the objective is sysco metro, now take five, you fought well" tanya finished her speech as she unceremoniously sat down next to colt

"pity that i hadn't finished the item box, i would probably be able to store everything here in itthe man took out a box as he started fiddling with it, taking out different tools from a big strapped to his back just to adjust it more and more

"oi remember what tanya said, you shouldnt mess with the laws of time and space like that, idiot" tanya chastised him as she took away his tool in a hurry "plus not all of us can teleport away if that shit explodes again"

with a tsk, the man frowned as he got up "i know i know, only in the artic" he grabbed back the tool he stretched as he took off the machine gun and his backpack

the metal backback hummed as it slowly recharged the orb in the middle showed the familar image of the Chrono bubble inside spinning and pulsing softly "ill go collect the weapons, stupid recharge is down again with the teleport here"

he started with the closest as he sat and took their ammunition and weapons "better have some good loot" he muttered "i barely even leveled up twice"


Name- J. Colt

lvl 56

Race- Human

Class- Marine, Gadgeteer