
Chronicles of Valor

A young kid who had too much on his mind decided to end it all, a natural event occured and made it look like suicide, but our protagonist got reborn in the world of Starya, a world with monsters around each corner and mana overflowing in this world. Follow the story of Luther Valor as he tries to become stronger. Who kowd ehat dangers might come in his path, only i know lol. ( i seriosly dk) A.N: This is my first novel, not an english native speaker, i'll try my best to entertain ya'll, i can't wait to read your reviews so i can become better. Have a nice day.

X_Gamer_1087 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Mana and Kings

Luther was in his room, laying in bed, fainted from the hit he took. Downstairs, in the livingroom, there were 3 people, his parents and aunt, Doris Valor. A woman at the age of 25, with white hair that has a reddish glow to it, a defined face, that felt sculpted, her skin was white as snow, as if she was the ice queen, completely oposite to hiw she was, because of her element being fire.

"Maria, look, i didn't hit him that hard, just a little tap on his shoulder, i swear." were the words told by Doris before she got thrown across the room by Maria.


Suddenly something fell from upstairs on the staircase and rolled on the floor. It was Luther, they were all looking puzzled at him, wondering if he was hurt.

Suddenly, he yelled, "FATHER, WHERE IS THAT LADY?"

Marcus: Take it easy son, everything is fine, that lady is your aunt and she just came to visit.

Luther turned his head towards Doris who was still laying on the ground, confused, she asked. "What?"

"Aunt, please teach this grandson of yours magic!" begged Luther, bowing in front of her.

This request made the three adults look at Luther amazed, they never expected a kid who's 1 year old to show interest in magic.

Well that wasn't entirely true, Luther asked his father to teach him swordsmanship for a month now, but he said that he was still too young and needs his body to be more stable.

Doris: You didn't tell him about magic?

Neither of the two answered.

Doris: Are ya'll crazy? He showed amazing talent and you choose to hide things from this kid? I should just blow up the two of you.

Come kid, aunt Doris will become your first master.

A big smile appeared on Luthers face, he got up from the floor and shot outside to start his first lesson with his first master.

Doris: Now, you can call me aunt Doris, firstly, you actually know nothing about magic?

Luther: Nope.

Doris: Oh boy..

Doris: To become a mage, or swordsman, you need a mana core, with it you can cast spells like i did in the fight with your father or enhance your body like him. Mana cores have 4 levels, Fragile, Stranded, Ethereal and Apex. Fragile core has 4 ranks, each with 3 subranks low, middle, and high. Stranded and Ethereal have only 2 ranks. That's it i guess, questions?

Luther: And Apex?

Doris: Thats is the rank of gods, in all of this worlds history, only a few reached that rank, but we don't even know who or how many, it is said that the first person who tried reaching the Apex Core failed, but became the pillar for those who came after him and reached the realm of gods.

Luther: Poor guy. Being the first must have felt good, but failing must have been atrochious..

Yeaah, said Doris admiring her grandsons words,(He doesn't feel like a 1 year old at all.)

Luther: How do I awaken my mana core?

Doris: To awaken your core you have to try and feel the mana around you, usually kids awaken their mana core at the age of 8 by only trying to feel the mana. Others awaken it by strong emotions. I will try and help you feel the mana around, it will take some time, even if it's you, a prodigy, you won't unlock it in a year or something.

Luther: What about elements, how may are there?

Doris: Oh yeah, there is Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and Darkness.

Luther: No light element?

Doris: Light is just a subelement of fire, if your affinity with fire becomes high enough, you can use light spells in the future. I, for example, have the fire element, your father also has the fire element, your uncle has wind.

Luther: What about mother?

Doris: She is a special case, she has two elements, earth and wind, your grandfather also has the two elements, fire and water.

Luther: Is it rare to have more elements?

Doris: Yes, two elements is rare, three elements is extremy rare, and four elements is almost unheard of, no one has had four elements since the appearance of King Arts The Rainbow a couple hundred years ago.

Luther: What about five?

Doris: Never. It is speculated tho that the failed Apex God had all 5 elements but we can't know.

Luther: What about the ranks?

Doris: Well, i am a high rank 4 mage, your father is rank 3 mid, Maria is rank 3 low.Your grandfather is rank 6 low. And the ranks of the Kings of this world are King Arts The Rainbow, rank 7, Queen Kam Fire Lord, rank 7, King Blas Dark Lord rank 7, King Wlas Ice Lord, rank 7, King Veronica Crimson, rank 8 and lastly, the sealed king, King Cuint Sword Lord, rank 8.

Luther: Why was he sealed?

Doris: The strong rule the weak, Luther. He was defeated by King Veronica because he was a danger to her plans and she got rid of him. He is only alive just because sealing was the only option, a fight between two rank 8 entities would just destroy this world completely.

Luther: Wow, i can't wait to reach such people, maybe even surpass them.

Then Luther suddenly felt a slap to the back of his head and Doris' voice echoed, " enough talking, lets start mana sensing exercises, and you will also begin swordsmanship with ur father."

Yes master, said Luther before rolling his eyes.