
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Call to Arms

A communal fire roared in the center of the Vorgath camp, casting dancing shadows on the weathered faces of the warriors gathered around it. The air thrummed with the low murmur of conversation and the rhythmic clanging of tankards as they shared stories and laughter. Chief Throk, a mountain of a man with a beard the color of twilight, stood at the edge of the firelight, a weighty silence gathering around him.

The warriors, attuned to their leader's moods, grew quiet, their gazes flickering expectantly to Throk. He cleared his throat, the sound a rumble that echoed through the camp.

"Brothers and sisters," he began, his voice deep and gravelly, "tonight, I have a tale to share, a truth that binds us closer than we may have ever known."

A murmur rippled through the crowd. Tales were a cherished part of Vorgath life, but the seriousness in Throk's eyes hinted at something more profound.

"We all know Aurelius," Throk continued, gesturing towards the young man who sat apart from the fire. Murmurs of agreement rose. Aurelius, a young hunter and a favorite among the tribe, an orphan raised by the tribe.

"But what you may not know," Throk said, his voice dropping to a dramatic whisper, "is who he truly is."

A pause hung in the air. The warriors exchanged wide-eyed glances, leaning in with anticipation.

"Aurelius," Throk boomed, his voice echoing in the stillness, "is not just one of us. He is a prince!"

A collective gasp erupted from the assembled crowd. Tankards clattered to the ground, spilled ale staining the dusty earth. Eyes widened in disbelief as they stared at Aurelius, who looked up from his knife, surprise flickering across his features.

"A prince?" a burly warrior named Borin roared, his skepticism evident. "You jest, Chieftain? Aurelius, a prince?"

"Silence, Borin!" Throk commanded, his voice tinged with a hint of steel. "I jest not. Aurelius is the true heir to the throne of Zarkenia, the kingdom who falls under Valtania's attack

A low growl of anger rumbled through the crowd. Zarkenia, a neighboring kingdom with whom the Vorgath had once shared a peaceful border, had been invaded by the Valtanian Empire years ago. Stories of brutality and oppression filtered through the mountains, fueling a quiet resentment in the Vorgath hearts.

"But... how?" stammered Elara, a young woman with braids adorned with feathers. "How did a prince end up among us?"

Throk nodded to Kieran, the tribe's scout, who stood beside him. "Kieran will tell the tale," he said.

Kieran stepped forward, his weathered face etched with a solemn expression. He recounted the story of how he was a royal guard and he was given the duty to defend Aurelius who was just a newborn at the time when the kingdom was being attacked. As Kieran spoke, the firelight seemed to flicker with the ghosts of the past. The warriors listened intently, their faces a mixture of shock, anger, and a burgeoning sense of purpose. They had always considered Aurelius one of their own, but now, they saw him in a new light – a symbol of resistance, a beacon of hope for a fallen kingdom.

When Kieran finished, a stunned silence descended upon the camp. Then, a voice boomed from the back.

"By the Ancestors!" bellowed Bron, a giant of a warrior, slamming his fist on the table. "A Zarkonian prince raised among us! This is a sign, Chieftain. A sign that the time has come to fight!"

His words ignited a firestorm of shouts and cheers. The warriors, their faces flushed with newfound determination, pounded their fists on tables and weapons. The once-festive atmosphere transformed into a battlefield rallying ground.

Amidst the cacophony, Aurelius sat frozen, the weight of the revelation crushing him. He looked at the faces around him, no longer just familiar tribesmen, but potential allies in a fight he had never known what he was destined for.

Throk, a smile playing on his lips, raised a hand for silence. The camp quieted, their gazes fixed on their leader.

"Tonight," Throk said, his voice ringing with authority, "we raise a toast. Not just to Aurelius, the prince, but to Aurelius, our brother, a leader forged in the fire of hardship and destined for greatness!"

The warriors roared in approval, their tankards raised high in a solemn toast. Aurelius, overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, met their gazes one by one. The Vorgath, once his refuge,

The next morning:

The Vorgath camp buzzed with a newfound energy. Laughter mingled with the clinking of metal as warriors practiced their combat skills, their faces grim with newfound purpose. Aurelius, still grappling with his newfound heritage, found himself surrounded by a sea of curious faces.

Elara, the young woman with the feathered braids, approached him, her earlier shyness replaced by a spark of admiration. "A prince, huh? Sounds fancy," she said with a sly grin.

Aurelius managed a wry smile. "Not so fancy growing up dodging wolves and learning to hunt rabbits."

Elara laughed, the sound light and welcome. "Well, you'll need all those skills and more if you're going to reclaim your throne."

Her words were a stark reminder of the burden he now carried. He looked over at Throk, who stood deep in conversation with Kieran. The weight of their expectations settled on his shoulders.

"When do we leave?" he asked Elara, his voice barely above a whisper.

Elara's smile faded slightly. "There's much to do before we head to Zarkenia. Training. Supplies. We need to ensure you're ready to lead us, and that the rest of the tribe is prepared for war."

Aurelius nodded, a flicker of determination warming his chest. He may have been raised a hunter, but now, he was a prince preparing for war. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but he wouldn't face it alone. He had the Vorgath, his newfound family, at his side.

Meanwhile, within the walls of a Valtanian fortress overlooking the Whisperwind Canyons, a cloaked figure knelt before a grim-faced Valtanian commander, Lord Kael. The figure's face was obscured by shadows, but a glint of malice shone in their eyes.

"They've found the Ravens," the figure hissed. "A group of people were seen on the left of the mountain ranges led by a young man. They suspect him to be..."

General Kael's face contorted in rage. "Gabriel? Those meddling barbarians! We can't allow them to disrupt our hold on Zarkenia. Send a patrol. Eliminate them all."

The figure bowed low. "As you command, General."

A sinister smile played on their lips as they slipped out of the fortress.

Back in the Vorgath camp, Aurelius sat by the fire, gazing into the flames. He knew this fight wouldn't be easy. It wouldn't be just against the Valtanian army, but against unseen enemies lurking in the shadows. But he wouldn't back down. He owed it to his parents, to Zarkenia, and to the Vorgath who had become his family. The path to reclaiming his throne had begun, and Aurelius, the prince-turned-warrior, was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.