
Chapter 4 : Soana

The next day, Nihal was already ready to go. She took a small bag with some bread, cheese, and fruits that Livon forced her to take, even if the Forest was a few away.

Taping her feet on the ground, we could tell she was impatient, she was listening for the nth time to the advice and recommendations of her father.

- You must take the road that goes south from the town, you shouldn't miss it.

- Yes, you already told me.

- And behave yourself when you're there! Soana is a very strict and serious person, you shouldn't believe that she will spoil you as I do.

- Right, right, I won't get lost, I won't misbehave, and I'll make you proud. Are you satisfied?

Livon planted a big kiss on her forehead as a goodbye.

- Yes it's good. Now, go before I change my mind!

- Bye Old man! When I'll get back, you'll see: a little magic trick here and there and the house will be neat again!

While moving toward the door, Nihal caught, casually, a sword in the shelves of the newly forged ones.

- Nihal?

The young girl faced him, with an innocent face.

- Yes?

- The sword. I don't remember giving you permission of taking it.

- And you'll let me go there like this, alone, without even a weapon to defend myself?

Livon sighed but still nodded his head.

- It's just a loan, right?

- All right! Said Nihal jumping out of the store with a large smile on her face.


She finally arrived, in front of her was the road, the only one that goes south, straight and easy to see. No way she can miss it. She felt protected with her new sword, and the more she went further the steppes, the more she felt at ease. Even her vengeful thoughts, which occupied the majority of her mind, were suppressed little by little.

She stepped forward, walking between all the vegetation, and the morning mist. She knew autumn was close, she could feel it with her skin.

From what she could remember even in her earliest year, nature always calmed her. But at the same time, when she was alone, she was invaded by this usual melancholy and the weird murmur. This morning too, while she was walking, with the sound of leaves getting stepped on, she could hear voices which seemed to come from very far. Anyway, this had become a habit for her, which she was now quite familiar with. And didn't bother anymore trying to find what could it means: she now learned how to love those murmurs like some good old friends.

The first treetops she saw looked ominous to her after a few hours of traveling. She barely crossed the edge of the forest, that she could see a little shack. Made of wooden plank, but it was quite small. She was a little bit disappointed: for a Wizard, she had a higher expectation and didn't think she would see such a humble house.

She got close to the door, a little bit wary of her surroundings, and waited a few seconds before the door.

She couldn't hear anything coming from inside. 'Maybe there's no one' She surprisingly thought. Shaking her head to stop disturbing thoughts from slowing her down she knocked on the door 2 times.

- Who's there? Ask a feminine voice.

- Nihal.

There's was first a deep silence... Then footsteps were heard and finally the sound of the doorknob.

A dazzling woman appeared before Nihal. She was slender, surprisingly graceful, she had dark hair that enhanced her round face which was given a solemn air by the slight paleness of her skin. She had black eyes, even darker than obsidian rock. Her lips were also very sensual, full, plump with a rosy tint. She was wearing a long red velvet tunic that amplified her beauty.

Nihal looked at her genuinely impressed: here she is, her aunt. How could she be Livon's sister?

The woman gave her a mysterious smile.

- You grew up splendidly. Come!

Inside everything was exemplary ordered, and neatly arranged. The main room, not too small nor too big, gave access to 2 smaller ones. Who knows, maybe there's also an uncle in the house? The room was almost stuffed with only shelves on its walls: one of them was full of books, another one full of containers and test tubes filled with herbs and strange mixtures.

At the end of the room was a chimney, that gave her cozy feelings. And in the center, a table, full of big books too. The type of books you don't want to move frequently because of their weight.

Nihal was a bit nervous, firstly because of how this house was different from Livon's and its general aspect but also because of her aunt.

- Sit there, don't stay idle.

Nihal obeyed. Soana sat too.

- I supposed it's my brother that sent you.

The young girl nodded her head.

- Do you remember me?

Nihal was more and more confused. So did they already meet each other? She couldn't remember.

- When your mom died, I had to help my brother for a few months to look after you. But I think it's normal for you to not remember me: I left when you were only 2 years old after all, and those trouble times wouldn't let me see you again...

A few minutes passed in an embarrassing silence after Soana's words. Nihal would rather prefer to meet a total stranger than someone that used to raise her when she was small ; and even more so when the woman in question was so beautiful that she made her a little uncomfortable. All of a sudden, the reason she came here to her aunt seemed infinitely stupid.

- So why did you come to see me? Asked Soana.

Nihal steeled herself.

- Well, I... I came to learn magic under you!

- Ah...

- Truthfully, what I really want is to become a strong warrior!

- Yes I know. Livon speaks a lot about you when he comes to see me.

That's what infuriated Nihal: while she didn't even suspect or know of her existence, her aunt knew everything about her!

- But I want to learn magic because I think it's useful. For a warrior, I mean.

Soana nodded expressionlessly.

- And how did you come to this conclusion?

The question was embarrassing for her but Nihal still decided to answer truthfully.

So she spoke about her fight, arranging bits of the truth to make it seem more on her side. What troubled her, was that she had a reason to believe that for Soana none of this was new for her. At the end of her story, the Witch was stern with her words.

- Don't you think your reason is a bit stupid to learn magic?

Her voice tone was so rough that Nihal started regretting her decision.

- It's important to have a strong will and motivation Nihal because learning magic is very hard. Besides, a Wizard wields powerful spells; so it is a must for him to be wise, and use his power for noble purposes. The Tyran is who he is because he used magic as a tool to bring evil and used it to complete his means, no matter how bad they were.

Nihal tried to defend herself:

- I don't want to learn magic to side with the evil nor for a stupid reason. I want to learn it to be a versatile and full-fledged warrior!

In the end, wasn't it almost the truth?

- I'm not too sure about that you see... I still want to give a chance nonetheless to see if what you are telling me is the truth. Senner will probably be here anytime soon.

Nihal jumped from her chair.

- What do you mean 'Sennar'?

- He's my student, I want you to shake his hands as a peace sign and to promise him to never bring him harm or vengeance through magic.

For Nihal it felt like someone threw cold water on her face, here's why Soana seemed to know her story! What a dumbo she was! Sennar even said that he came from the edge of the Forest. So that snake was raised within her own family!

Suddenly a terrible doubt came to her mind, with a tiny mosquito voice she asked:

- Was it you that sent him to challenge me?

- Uh? Why would I do that? I knew what happened thanks to Sennar who informed me about it this morning. Besides, I don't deal with some kids' arguments.

Nihal was afraid that she offended the Witch. After all, it was so hard to know what was she thinking!

- He would be here soon. Said Soana, throwing a glance at the window.

Nihal was deep in thought. Of course, shaking his hand, was for her a form of acknowledgment of her defeat. And it's a loss of honor too! On the other side, refusing to shake his hand, was like admitting to Soana that she has been lying to her all along...

In the end, she decided to accept the Witch's terms: she will do the promise to him. For now. As for her revenge, it will wait for the right time.

Sennar came back, holding bags full of diverse herbs.

- I collected what you needed, Soana. I hope that you could forgive m...

The clear surprise shut his mouth.

- Oh, hey! Did you come back to take my head? He said cheerfully after a second of dismay.

- You're wrong, Sennar. Nihal came here to learn as my student and to make peace with you. Isn't that right Nihal?

The young girl hid her disgust for the situation and made her mind for the ultimate sacrifice: she got up, and while looking at Sennar straight into his eyes, shook his hand vigorously.

- Yeah, no hard feelings. I lost in a fair fight.

'Nice, with this, I finally swallowed the bitter pill heh' she said in her mind.

- Well; it's better this way. I'll go and sort the herbs, answered Sennar before exiting the room with his stuff.

- You did the good thing Nihal, continued Soana. Now, are you ready for a real trial?

A trial? Didn't she just finish one, and a big one at that?

The young felt once again her determination swaying a bit.

- But we'll talk about that later in due time.

It was the Witch herself who took care of the dinner. Behind the house, there was a little garden with some chickens running here and there. Soana was gathering vegetables around and then started making a soup. Nihal was beside her, watching: when she was like this, cutting vegetables, she looked like any other housewife. The only weird moment was when she got close to the place where there were woods and wood ashes, raised her hand while chanting, no whispering, strange sounds and the fire appeared by itself.

- Waouh! Would I be able to do this too?

- Maybe, Nihal, maybe...

The dinner was accompanied by a heavy silence. Only Soana seemed unperturbed and at ease. Sennar, couldn't hold back and looked a few times at Soana and her niece, while Nihal kept looking down on her soup.

It's only at the end that the air seemed a bit warmer.

Soana had, without doubt, understood that Sennar's presence bothered Nihal because she sent him away to try some magic tricks.

They were now alone, each at the end of the table. Nihal was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide. Fortunately, the Witch broke the silence and started asking her questions. She suddenly seemed quite interested in her niece and listened to her with rapt attention.

Nihal thought that if she wanted to learn more about her mom it was a perfect time.

- What do you know about my mother? She asked.

- Nothing much. She didn't stay with us for a long time...

- Father doesn't talk about her, like never.

Soana didn't answer. Why was it always like that when she asked about this?

- I really would like to know how she was since I took my characteristics after her...

- She was very young, younger than your father. And very beautiful.

Soana spoke without looking at her niece, her eyes lost in the scenery far away.

- She died when you were only a few days old.

- And my hair? Eyes? And those bloody pointy ears? I've got them after her, right?

- Yes. Only a small number of people are born with such characteristics, you know. We say that such a person is born once every one thousand years. You should be proud.

Soana smiled at her, and the teen grinned back at her too.

They spent the rest of the afternoon speaking about Soana, Livon, and their childhood at Salazar. Nihal had a lot of fun. The Witch wasn't very talkative and kept her feelings locked, but sometimes they could still take over and paint her lovely face with tender care or hilarious joy. In those moments, Nihal could see how much she looked like her brother.

Sennar only got back at night. Nihal and Soana were making dinner together, which made them laugh a lot! When we're talking about using swords, Nihal had no equal, but in the kitchen she was a disaster.

But at the table when they started eating, their complicity broke again: Soana only spoke about magic with Sennar the whole time, and Nihal was bored to death. It looked like it was a one-time thing seeing her aunt that cheerful.

Then came the time to sleep, a drama took over the little house.

- Tonight, you'll share Sennar's room, declared Soana. He gallantly gives his bed to you. He'll sleep on the floor.

Nihal became as red as a tomato.

- No, I'll sleep alone.

- You know, I don't bite. Teased Sennar while taking his blankets for his bed.

- Good night Nihal. Good night Sennar. Said Soana before retreating into her room.

And like that the debate was close.

Nihal sat on Sennar's bed, looking at him a bit fiercely

- If you need to wear something else, I can go outside. Said the boy.

Nihal shoots him a terrifying glance.

- I sleep dressed.

- Well, I'm not. So can you please turn around?

The young girl didn't waste time and crushed her head in her cushion.

- It's done!

After a few minutes when she got up, Sennar was already lying on the floor under the blankets. There was a little fire burning in the middle of the room, lighting the room with its warm radiance. Nihal reluctantly threw an admiring gaze at the young Wizard's magic.

- Does it bother you?

Nihal didn't answer.

- Well, then I'll let it on for the night. Good night!

However, Sennar couldn't stay silent for more than a few minutes.

- Look I know that you hate me. You only shook my hand because Soana asked you. That being said, you surprised me: I thought that you would want to take your dagger back. I would've never thought that you would choose to learn magic.

Nihal was set on ignoring him. She had decided, she won't talk to him at all!

- All right, I admit it: I used your weakness against you, and it was a bit mean of me. Is it good for you? But I needed your dagger; there's a lot of magic tricks that require pointy blades you know. If you want I can show a few of them to you.

Nihal was as silent as a fish; however Sennar wasn't discouraged he took off his blankets and sat straight on his bed, legs crossed.

- I'm not sleepy at all. If I bother you just say the word.

And then he started talking and talking, he rambled about a lot of things. He confessed liking gloomy weather when autumn comes and how much he founds Soana amazing, like a woman but also as a Wizard.

He also shared with her how sometimes her aunt would talk about her to him, and then continued talking about more or less useless things.

Nihal was still silent. She tried to not listen to him, but she couldn't. First, because she wanted to know more about her aunt, and secondly she was forced to acknowledge that this guy was good at telling stories in a catching way.

She still decided to end his endless monologue.

- Hey, tell me, what did I do to you? What did you have to humiliate me before everyone?

Sennar became serious all of a sudden.

- Why? Because you play the 'war game' without knowing anything about war Nihal.

- Uh and you, what do you know about war? hein?

-Me? I was born and grew up on the battlefields between the Land of the Sea and the Great Land. Believe me, war, isn't at all what you're thinking. It's far from a game and isn't fun too.

For once, Nihal didn't know what to say anymore.

- It's late, and you have a trial to face tomorrow, said Sennar. You should sleep now, good night.

Saying this, his red hair disappeared under the blankets.

Nihal stayed up late listening to his breath in the dark until she felt sleepy too.

2873 words this time sorry >.<

I tried to separate it, but I found myself with a 1.7k and 1.1k words chapters so I just thought why bother ? And decided to do a big one.

I hope the translation is good and fluent!

WolfStar14creators' thoughts