
Mysterious Mate

amongst the lycans they say everyone is destined to have one mate but you can't find them except when they are shifted. when we are in our quadraped form of half man half wolf our mates scent is easily found. I nagged all day over what pack would try to decimate my pack and use my mate at that to do it. I couldn't understand it and it was driving me insane. she didn't recognize me as her mate because I hadn't shifted. then it clicked I had shifted but she still attacked so that meant the pack connection and her alpha was using her to kill us both therefore the mate bond would be easily ignored. whoever her alpha was wanted my pack wiped out including me. I pondered this and decided I'd scope out the packs while mine healed. I decided to hire a mercenary rogue named the beast of gaudevan. he was a lycan in human society who slaughtered millions and he was deadly it was said he was insane and like many rogues went out of his mind. I personally knew him from 1600s of france and had fought him and he was quite sane. He's the only rogue known to survive without going insane or needing a pack and the only one strong enough to fight me. if I was to find the pack who wanted me and mine dead I'd need him. I messaged him through our secure means of contact and hoped he'd show. once here he would be how I eliminate the pack trying to kill us after we find them. I went about the day continuing to take care of the funds and dealing with everything of importance. later I'd be hosting a hunt all the packs would be invited. our pack never attended in the past Because I cared little for traditions and the hunt was our most sacred traditions. I didn't let it be known though that I was only hosting the hunt to allow the beast to track through all the packs Dens and find out what one was ordering the kill on my pack and me and who the wolf was sent to do the job. I arranged for the hunt to be a secluded area out in the woods well removed from the city. all these lycans would be tearing up the area hunting and that would be alot of noise so it would be a safer bet to host out away from the city. as the packs started arriving for the hunt a signaled text from the beast let me know he was beginning the search through each of their pack houses. a normal human wouldn't notice the change in smell in their environment but a lycan would so only one gifted like the beast would be able to pull off the search of the pack house. the beast had some kind of ability to mask his scent so you'd never know he was there. he was like a ghost he had no scent at all. once the hunt started it would go till the chosen prey was caught once it was caught then the hunt would be over. the packs voted on the prey and picked it I had no clue what the prey was till my nose picked her scent up and I realized they kidnapped a pagan. she was frightened and running fast she threw their noses off with some herbal base and she was headed to the west to the cliffs overlooking a bluff straight into the ocean while the packs were headed towards the opposite direction. I took off towards her not how I smelt through her potion just knowing that she couldn't escape. as I got close she lunged I caught a glimpse of her and dove after her. she arrowed straight into the water and as she did I hit the water fast behind as soon as I was close enough I grabbed her. as I pulled her struggling form to the surface she screamed and I knocked her out. I pulled use with one powerful arm to the shore at the base of the cliff into a cave and went about preparing a fire and some warmth. she stirred as she started to come to and when she seen me she narrowed her eyes and said "your different than the others, your not as controlled by your animal urges your more in control and powerful to gifted beyond just the change." I looked at her and went about cooking when she thought I was distracted she made a beeline to the cave entrance without thinking I moved in front of her before she could run to far and drug her back to the stone she sat upon and grabbed the spoon I was stirring with before it hit the ground. she gasped and her jaw dropped for a while and when five minutes passed before she spoke again she finally said "your faster than the others you smelt through my false scent potion and your really calm. strong emotion or stress triggers the change for the others so what is your trigger?" I looked at her ignoring her and continued to cook. once the food was done I handed it to her she collected the bowl from me and that's when I felt it she was attempting to be spell me. I looked at her dead in the face and with one finger I let my irritation at her appallingly rude behavior and allowed electricity to run through me like a waves and she went flying to her ass. her eyes went wide and she spoke "your an electrical elemental user to?" she sounded astonished and I finally decided to speak "quit asking me about me or I'll be doing alot more than shocking you onto your ass" I turned away and hunched over my food to eat. sensing I was done with the bullshit questioning she started to eat in silence. once we both were done we through the makeshift bowls down and laid down for the night listening to the howls in the distance and the tug and sway of the full moon. I didn't expect that I'd wake the next morning or that she'd be there. the next morning was indeed a shock and not what I expected.