
Christopher Gonzalez

Christopher Gonzalez is a powerful Billionaire CEO and owner of an illegal drug empire who was content with his distant and isolated life till he is forced to marry to keep his name and face off the eyes of single ladies and elite family preying into his affairs. Gabriella Thompson is a high school graduate who worked part time to assist her father in making ends meet, but is faced with the punishment for her father's mistake as she is held captive and eventually forced to marry this heartless CEO to save her father and sister. With time, will Christopher learn to love Gabby or will their marriage end as it is stated on the contract?

Sophia_Ekelose · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


After a long day at work, Christopher was finally headed home. But as he approached his mansion, he noticed a young girl standing outside of the gate. His security team attempted to push her away, but she refused to leave.

Determined to find out why she was there, Christopher got out of his car and approached her. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice firm and authoritative.

"Sir, please, I just want to see my sister," the girl replied with tears in her eyes, her voice trembling.

Curious, Christopher turned to his bodyguard for answers. "She's Damien's second daughter," the bodyguard explained, his tone respectful but cautious.

"Gabriella is your sister?" he asked, his voice softening slightly as he glanced at the girl again.

Nodding her head, Isabella pleaded with him. "Sir, please, we'll do everything we can to pay you back. I just want to know if my sister is okay."

Christopher's stern expression remained unchanged as he looked at Isabella. He knew he had to maintain his reputation and enforce the consequences of her father's actions. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

"Listen carefully," he said, his voice stern and unwavering. "Your father owes me a considerable amount of money, and until that debt is repaid, you and your family have no place here. Leave now, and never come back."

Isabella's face fell, and tears welled up in her eyes, but she nodded in understanding. She knew the severity of the situation and the weight of her father's actions. With a heavy heart, she turned away and walked slowly towards the exit, her dreams of seeing her sister shattered.

Christopher's mind was preoccupied as he climbed back into his car, his bodyguard close behind him. The engine roared to life, and they drove swiftly through the gates of his private compound.

Entering his grand mansion, Christopher was greeted by the familiar faces of the servants. However, today was different. He barely acknowledged their presence, lost in his thoughts. He made his way upstairs, intending to take a shower and unwind from the day's events.

As the warm water cascaded over his body, Christopher's mind continued to wander. It wasn't until he stepped out of the shower, wrapped in a plush towel, that he remembered the girl who had been mentioned earlier. He realized he had forgotten about her, neglected to address the situation.

Descending the stairs to have dinner, Christopher was met by Mary, the head of the household staff, who held blankets and towels in her hands. The concern in her eyes was evident as she approached him.

"Mary," Christopher called out, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "What's going on?"

"Sir," Mary replied, her voice laced with worry, "it's the girl in the basement. I noticed she had a fever, probably due to the environment down there. So I got these from the servant quarters to tend to her."

Christopher's brows furrowed as he processed the information. His stern demeanor softened for a moment as he contemplated the situation. He couldn't deny the responsibility he felt for the girl's well-being, even if it was a consequence of his earlier actions.

"Call Doctor Rick immediately," Christopher instructed Mary, his tone demanding prompt action. "And inform the guards to carry the girl out of the basement. We need to ensure she receives proper medical attention."

Mary nodded, relief washing over her face as she hurried to carry out Christopher's orders. Christopher's heart swelled with a newfound sense of compassion as he realized that he had the power to rectify the situation and offer help where it was desperately needed.