
Chapter 22

Sweetheart are you ready to go. Our reservation is for seven and it's a quarter till now. I'm ready whenever you are Max Cassidy replied. With that they headed out the door into the car. Max opened the passenger door and helped cassidy and to her seat and then he shut the door and walked around and got into his side of the car. As Mac started the car he asked have you talked to Sylvia since we have been gone to make sure everything is okay.

Yes I talked to her yesterday and she said it was all okay then I asked her to put all of our stuff into my room that way you don't have to do it when we get back home tomorrow. Can I see I could have done that myself when we got back. Max I was just trying to make it easier on us if it was already done before we got home. Cassidy I forgot to tell you that you look beautiful tonight Max replied well here we are ready to go in.

Max got out and walked around to the passenger side and helped cassidy out and handed the keys to the valet driver. Once inside they were taken to their table as they were looking over the menu their waiter came over to take their orders. After they placed their orders they sat there and held hands. Max was the first to speak so are you excited to go back home tomorrow? Not really but we have to get back to work and start our life together you have to arrange to close your house and get all your things moved. Before she could say another word a female voice came up behind her. Max darling it is such a surprise to see you here. As a voice came into Focus you realize that it must be Simone.

someone walked around the table and dropped her arms around Max's neck and started whispering into Max's ear. Cassidy was getting really pissed off and was ready to slap her until Max drift away and told her Simone I would like you to meet my wife Cassidy. If looks could kill the Cassidy and Max both would be dead. With that Simone's cream something in French then stormed out of the restaurant. I'm sorry about that honey she had no right to do or say what she did.

It's okay Maxx before you pulled away I was getting ready to slap that look off of her ugly face anyways. Max started laughing! What is so funny Max Cassidy asked! What's funny is the thought of you slapping her. I don't think she has ever been put in her place and now I have no idea what I ever saw in her? I couldn't be any happier than I am now. You make me the happiest man in the world, Cassidy I am proud to be your husband.

Cassidy felt like her heart was going to burst with happiness. As their dinner arrived max max noticed that cassidy looked lost in thought. Cassie was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't realize that Max had asked her a question! Sorry Max what was the question? I asked if you were okay because you look lost in thought. I'm fine Max. I was just trying to figure out what needs to be done when we return home. I wouldn't worry about that right now we will sort it all out when we get home Max said. Let's enjoy our meal shall we. Max and Cassidy were enjoying their food drink and conversation that they didn't realize how late it was getting. Max left a tip on the table and paid the bill and they headed out the door to the car.