
Chapter 15:

Seb's pov ....

"Can I say something?" Darcy asked In a very low whisper.

"Yes you can." I said, urging her to speak up.

" Why are People are so scared of you, they choke if your name is called in their presence, some even call you an unreasonable barbarian, the most barbaric moon alpha ever.

She sighed lowly, I trust there have been reasons for some of the things you've done, I mean my brother has had course to be ruthless, as the alpha, but that doesn't make him a mean or wicked alpha. He's still my brother.

That's why, I am struggling reconcile that image of you, with the person I have met today."

She finished and I nodded at her grimly.

"Do you know the adage, there is no smoke without fire?" I asked her.

She nodded yes.

"It applies to me and everything you've heard.

Do not bother your pretty head too much, I'm just being a gracious guest, neither you or your pack have done anything to bring out my ruthless side."

"Let's say that right now, I am a wolf in sheep's clothing, so naturally you won't see a correlation." I explained.

"Oh oh I get it now." She basically cried in her desperation to understand everything I just said.

But she didn't understand, her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to dissect my words.

"So that means you can be mean sometimes when you're provoked and even then it's not everytime?, you know it's okay to occasionally get angry.

I get angry too sometimes."

She said excited to have come to a meaningful conclusion and successfully dissected my words.

Kraw rolled his eyes and face palmed again.

But I smiled gracefully at her, despite my growing irritation for her tactless seduction.

I led her down the stairs to meet up with the others.

The fact is, People's lack of a brain, or lack of comprehension, isn't my problem.

She seemed happy almost elated, to have gotten, even the tiniest attention from me. And the smile I gave her seemed to have made her day.

So it was a win-win for us all.

But the reprieve only lasted for two mins, because after that she was back sticking her tiny frame to my side for the rest of the tour.

By lunchtime I wasn't in any mood to be a gracious guest.

So I went for a run, Kraw was elated.

An hour into our run we went past the dungeons and a rush of tingles attacked my spine.

It felt weird, but Kraw stopped in his tracks. Needing to investigate,Kraw traced his steps back to where we had first felt any form of sensation or tingles.

It was just before we reached the area where the pack's dungeon is situated.

we slowly made our way forward like we had before, but there was no repeat of that tingling sensation.

"Let's go back and take a closer look this time." Kraw said but I didn't think it was necessary.

"No, there is no need, we checked there is nothing there, it was just a feeling I guess."

But he ignored me and went further back this time, slowing investigating.

"Did you loose something? I asked him impatiently.

"Yes I did." he said

"And what exactly did you loose?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone.

"Your patience." he said.

I hissed loudly at him, but he paid me no mind as he took his time investigating every inch of the area we had gone through and the area around the dungeon.

It was an old but neat building.

But Just when Kraw thought he'd picked up something, Alex interrupted again and this time, with good reason.

" Seb, you're an hour late for lunch with the previous alpha and Luna, I have made excuses for over an hour now, I can't make anymore for your absence.

Please show up now, please. " He pleaded.

"Fine, let them know I would be there in thirty minutes." I said and headed back to the pack house to wash up and get ready for lunch.

As I approached my room, I picked up Darcy's scent. She was in my room, doing what?

I asked myself.

"Alex!! I called my beta.

I will be freshening up in your room, go get some fresh clothes from my room, and make sure Darcy avoids me from now on.

I really do not like her around me.

He sighed. " And here I was thinking you were finally socialising."

He said with a shake of his head.

" I do not socialize." I told him sternly.

"Ofcourse you don't." He agreed sarcastically.

" Oh fairy goddess, mother of the moon." There is a naked Darcy in your room on your bed. He told me in a dramatic voce.

I rolled my eyes at him and said.

"Just get her out of there, before I wring her neck.

I ordered him harshly.

He ignored the underlying threat on my voice

"Ooorrr, you can be my wingman to the party tonight . He stated.

"Hell no!!" I baulked at his suggestion.

"I only plan to make an appearance." I told him in a matter of fact tone."

He didn't budge.

"Wellllll.... You know what they say about plans, they change sometimes.

He pointed out.

"Fine !!, But you get her out of there and you run interference.deal?"

"Deal." He agreed.

I finally got dressed in a pair of navy blue shaped slacks, a light blue dress shirt and a pair of Navy blue sneakers.

" My sincerest apologies, alpha and Luna." I said as I walked in.

" It's alright moon alpha." The Luna said with a knowing smile.

I kept a straight face and barely managed to stop myself from growling at her.

"At least the discussions at lunch focused on economic growth and not on how many pups, Darcy and I could have.

Mates are a grey area for me, I am desperate to find my mate.

But that's because of my responsibility as the moon alpha.

I need to find my mate so I can get back the control, I am gradually loosing. Sometimes I feel like I sinking in quick sand.

My powers are quickly overtaking my very existence, my very being.

I'd like to not feel that roaring rush of blood that turns me into this dark dangerous stranger that I no longer recognize.

Most people look forward to it for the bond the love and maybe companionship.

All those are mooted where I am concerned.

Women would never get such emotions from me. Atleast not anymore.

I had loved before and lost terribly.

Infact I'm still paying for the loss.

So if my mate expects to be treated specially, she'd be terribly disappointed.

I just want to loosen the power noose weighing me down.

I know Kraw is desperate for but I don't care , I won't be putting his needs before mine, this time around. Because when we got burnt the last time.

I almost lost him , along with the bond.

I won't be taking such silly risks again.

No woman is worth it.

And I am not saying this lightly.

There are a lot of good mates out there, my mom is one of them. Its just any one meant for me isn't good enough, can't be good enough.

in the past three years, women have thrown themselves at me with reckless abandon.

Darcy isnt so bad compared to the levels of desperation I have seen and had to deal with.

"Alright,, let's go." I said to Alex, who had been patiently waiting for me.

It is time to make an appearance at the party.

Kraw stirred for the umpteenth time today, he's been so restless all day. it's actually annoying, my irritation rising, but I also know this isn't normal to Kraw we have to find a way to stop it.

This party is being hosted out in the garden by the pack house.

They hung up these paper lanterns of different shapes and colors In it.

I could see people, giving me a wide berth.

A few of them waved at me from a distance, others just stared in fear.

This is why I just wanted to make an appearance, then leave.

"Alex.." I called him via mind link.

"stick it out Seb it'll be good and you promised."

He insisted.

Kraw flopped, down uneasily in my head.

"Hey buddy, is it better now? I asked him

"No it isn't, not even close. But, I would like to go for a run as soon as possible. It might help." He suggested.

I sighed inwardly, we'd thought a change of scenery would help with this restless feeling, but it had only gotten worse, since we arrived.

"Hang in there buddy." I told Kraw.

I spoke to the other alpha's that made the trip with me, the member of the inspection team.

We spoke about their packs and the issues they are dealing with, they also agreed they will have to return at least a week before the council meeting is scheduled to start, just to be sure the park is ready to host.

The party wasn't so bad, I didn't see much of Darcy. Alex wouldn't let her cross my path.

It was clear that Darcy isnt the only one who wants to get me.

Despite their fear, some of the unmated she-wolves tried to approach me.