
Chosen of Summer

[MATURE CONTENT] This story will be very gay…. Move along you’re not interested. It’s going going to be a dark journey, love interests will be everywhere. Not doing harem, but one night stands most definitely. Fantasy awaits! ps this is my first time writing, please me gentle with me. constructive criticism is nice but please don’t be mean to me. I’m a big softy >.

3crows_in_a_coat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

13 Spires Amidst the Rain

The mana paddle boat had followed the river, till the coursing currents cut through the near vertical mountains jetting into the clouds above. The v-shaped valley opened up into the river's delta, it's stony brown water depositing it's sands making a series of islands and sand bars before eventually running into a green blue ocean. A series of light houses, connected by an intricate system of wire bridges guided the vessel to the port city. Bordaes sat nestled against the sharp mountains, in an almost continuous drizzle of light rain, the delta on one bank, and the vast sea leading off to the south creating a thin coastal forest wrapping around the mountain range. Bordaes sits at the corner of the human domain, it's access to the sea allows for the transporting of goods farther down the coast into 3 different human kingdoms. Bordaes itself is not ruled by any nation, it is a neutral entity, with a council of scholars. It's architecture reflects the mixing bowl effect as the state took all the best techniques of city planning from the many races. From Elven aqueducts, to dwarven waste management, the city was a marvel of ingenuity. Maintaining hundreds of treaties for trade and peace the city state's existence is a symbol of unity for the children of the gods. Stratton looked mystified as the approaching city scape revealed three spires reaching into the clouds above, the stark white stone almost glowed against the dark mountain face.

"What are those towers?" Stratton looked over to he brothers amused grin.

"The shrines to the three Godly houses… the Tevius Fae, the Velyl Demons, and the Syadi Mortal gods" he sound whistful, "you know…you get to go there as part of your entrance exam…"

Stratton furrowed his brows "why would I need to go to the shrines?" , "it's not mentioned in the overview I read?!"

"It's cause you were an orphan", Avu paused, "it's to see if you have lineage amongst the three houses." Avu looked at his brother intensely, "after all you are far more powerful than any human that father has meet."

Stratton had gone quiet looking down at his hands. His brother interrupted this as having upset him, but he didn't know Stratton's thoughts.

Thoughts being:


*uhm no…. Why would I explain when I can watch you squirm instead…*

"You sassy PRICK!!!"

*sassy yes, but at least I'm not the slut*

Stratton made a pledge to beat his mental carbon copy to "death" when he went to sleep.


The exams would start in two days, the tests were not to enroll but for class placements. After choosing a major and minor the students would have skill assessments to determine which level the entering students would place into. Easier courses had a 1 - 5 system 1 being a beginners course 5 being masterful. The more difficult courses had up to course level 8, there were only 4 courses that made up the 8 level categories, Magic Studies, Politics/law, Artifact Development, and finally Medical Magics. There were many that had more than course lvl 5 but the highest course necessary for graduation was 5 with minimum 3 year attendance. The only exception being if you scored the second highest levels then after completing next level the following year you would graduate in only essential 2 years. Same logic applied to getting the highest placements, meaning you would effectively be done in a year.

The complex course system made Stratton nervous, he had two days to fill out major and minor, then the 4 extra skill classes. As the students coming in were know to be literate, most academic classes like math, and languages were not required unless you placed poorly. Placing poorly also meant a maximum of 5 years to complete schooling.

"Eversor!!? I'm at a lose, obviously my major is going to be Medical Magics, but what should I do the the others!?"

* oh easy!

-major medical magic

-minor in bard's craft

-1st extra: swordsmanship

-2nd: combat magic

-3rd: potions

-4th: critical race theory and gender studies,

You'll be an enigma to the other students but it covers all your special interests!*

"Hmmm, okay we'll just go with that!" Stratton hastily filled out the form, he didn't want to change his mind last minute. After all Eversor had a great point, the list really did cover all the specifics interests.

Stratton looked up from his paper after finishing his indicators marks, sighing he breathed in the misty air. Bordaes reminded Stratton of the city he called home in his previous life. It made his heart ache that he had ended his own life in a city so similar to where he sat now, the constant gray clouds and light misting rain. Shaking off the feeling Stratton looked around, making sure no one was near. Sitting in the garden near night fall he was waiting for the bustling students to clear out. It had been over a week since he was able to recharge himself in the system of nature. Not having to deal with bodily functions, was an exceptional perk of restoring his vitality within an arbor. As much as the human form was the at this point default, it was not his true form. The form had limitations on the amount of mana he could exert before his true dryadic form would rip apart the extrior. It was also mentally draining to keep up the form suppression, years of practice made it easier, but returning to the flow of roots and branches was necessary after long stretches.

The garden had a large tree at the center, it's leaves were blueish green, needle like covering willowy branches. It radiated mana, really making it stand out as ancient. The garden itself was kept in a way that the plants supported a small ecological system. The gardens keeper understood very well how to grow a low maintenance, free growth garden. The plants were not in boxes but lined the edges of the open square in flower beds, every inch of soil supported verdant hues. Stratton could feel the happiness of the plants, making him more anxious to rest.

When he could no longer sense any one near, he walked up to the tree, opened his arms wide and fell face first into the tree, becoming one instantly. He didn't feel the eyes from above.

Looking down from the library window, a man with ash grey skin tensed, the muscle in his neck taunt enough to bulge out. He was midway in replacing a tome in the banned magics section. His arm went to his side as he gazed out at the gilgory tree, his breath was caught in his throat.

"It- it couldn't be them?" His heart seemed to race a little faster, "the- their mana field… it's both warm and cold… it's all colors" standing closer to the glass, he tenderly held a charm around his neck. It was a small twig, white bark with a single green leaf with silvery fuzz covering its surface. The silver chain was worn, and had been replaced many many times.

Looking up towards the horizon, "Have you come home at last?"

He was Kru, a demon race descended from Anveius, god of Wrath and military might, he opened the window and leaned on his muscular forearms, the necklace twirling in the breeze. "Pluvius, Tesrek… please, let it be him" his rocky voice broke slightly and he stood up straight to wipe the moisture from his cheek.


The sun was close to rising when Stratton finally left his sanctuary, he felt refreshed, like he was bathed in hot spring. Walking to the open basilica over looking the port city, Stratton watched as the Seven stars rose on the horizon, red, blue, green, orange, purple, yellow, then finally the pulsating white star. The sun followed shortly after, as the edge of the celestial body crest the horizon Stratton's admiration was interrupted with a gruff sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Pardon, is this yours?" The dialect was immediately recognized as Kruin

Stratton spun around to see a very handsome demon holding a paper out to him. He was nearly 7 feet tall, even wearing all black his physical strength was evident. Grey skin was dusted with white freckles, his finger nails were long, black and talon like. He had 4 horns that curled back off his crown, along his midnight hair line, the horns were marbled the center ones being twice as long as the two outer ones. His hair was cut short, the top turning into wavy curls. His eyes where blue, like arctic ice, they almost seemed to glow. The paper looked small in the man's hands, "is it not then?" He furrowed his dark brows together, "oh! or do you not speak Kruin?"

The question snapped Stratton out of his trance, " oh uhm yes that is mine," Stratton took the paper, touching the demons had in the process, the warmth made Stratton shiver slightly. " sorry for zoning out, I got lost in your eyes" Stratton turned away internally cursing at his inability to contain himself.

The Kru smiled broadly, "I'm pleased you found me…. Alluring, aposed to startling like your human brethren." He closed the few step distance and placed his arms on the retaining wall, back towards the horizon, so he could look at Stratton directly, "I have already had more than one sword drawn on me" he shook his head as he half heartedly laughed.

"Oh I was raised in the Sun Elven court. I know many Velyl Demons, I was taught to wield by my master Vex, he's of Anveius's blood." Stratton had folded the paper and put it in his pocket. Looking back up the Kru had titled his head, his smile wider. The man made Stratton heart skip a beat…. He was pretty.

"Well that explains your class selection then", the man playfully kicked a pebble, "I could tell you were a mage, even with your expert mana suppression. I doubt any of our peers could notice the dragon walking amongst men." He looked at Stratton playfully, " I look forward to seeing you around, I'm Axvyn." He reached out a hand.

Taking the hand Stratton grasped his strong hand with a universal greeting, "I am Stratton" a breeze had flown around making the brown braid untie. Caring his voice with an echo.

"Stratton…" Axvyn said each letter, in sultry way, almost like he was tasting every sound across his tongue, he kissed Stratton's hand, "a true pleasure to meet you"


Axvyn watched the back of the man as he returned to the dorms, his golden brown hair drifting in the ocean breeze. Stratton rounded the corner through the grand arch way.

The demon turned back to look at the celestial bodies, "I've found you"

hehehe so many boys! who’s actually the love interest?! (this will not be a harem storyline after all)

3crows_in_a_coatcreators' thoughts