
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 15

Kade's Pov:

"Kade!" I hear along with someone banging on my door. I sit up in my bed. I giggle to myself. Beds are so amazing. Man, I took so much for granted. "Kade! Get up!" Liv is yelling at me through the door. Haha her prints aren't even in the system. "I'm coming, give me a few minutes." The banging on the door subsides. I stretch my arms above my head. Omigosh, I can do stuff again.

I stand and begin looking for some clothes. I open my sliding door, peek my head out, and ask Liv, "Do you have some clothes for me?" She's in the kitchen. "Oh yeah!" She grabs a pile of clothes from the table. She walks over and hands them to me. "Here ya go. Some fresh clothes," she smiled at me then returns to the kitchen.

I close the door. I look at the clothes. Gray shirt, light blue jeans, a green jacket, some underwear, and a white pair of socks. It's pretty decent. I put on the clothes and run my fingers through my hair. Hmm. Good enough.

I walk out my door and head to the kitchen. "Is it a normal schedule today?" Liv shakes her head no then says, "We haven't been doing that for a couple of days now. I don't know why. But you can do whatever. Just don't leave this wing." Well, I wasn't planning on leaving today anyways.

She sets a bag of blood in front of me. I grab it and stand up. "I'm going to the commons." Liv nods her head and I walk out the front door. I walk the halls to the commons. There are a lot of guards. We've never had guards. They even have guns. What happened while I was gone?

I enter the commons room and by every door, there is an armed man. I look around but no Jason. Maybe he'll come later. I sit down on a couch and begin to wait.

While I'm here I get some strange looks from a lot of people. Huh, maybe they blame me for the rise in security. I just wanna live. I don't get these people. Well, they're probably ignorant about what happens here. They don't know what these people did to me. They don't know the pain. The suffering. The sounds and smells of someone dying. Damn their lucky.

"Jason?" He casually walks over to me and sits. "You look a lot better." He smiles at me. "Yeah, I feel a lot better. I think you know what I want to do, right?" Jason's smile disappears and he nods his head yes. "I'm well aware of what you're thinking. But I think we should wait it out."

"What?! Why?" Is he insane? "Listen to me Kade. You've noticed the high security. It's new. There must be something occurring for them to react like this. They may be anticipating a shutdown. Or maybe they believe we will rise up. We don't know. But something sketchy is happening. So let's wait and see where this goes. Ok?"

"Well, you have a point. But are you sure? I mean Jax. What if he gets hurt? I do not want him to go through what I went through." Jason shakes his head. "Jax will be fine. I'm sure of it. Trust me. If anything changes we will do something. Let's wait and see. Oh, I should tell you that Vivian got caught along with Jax." I gasp, "She's so petite, how is she gonna survive it there?" Jason shakes his head, "She has strive to survive, she wants to be around Emma so bad. I think she'll do alright." I nod my head. Jason stands and begins to leave. "Seeya!" He walks past the guard and out the door.

I sink into the couch. Hang on Jax. We'll be back together soon. I stand up and leave the room. The guard gives me a dirty look as I exit the room. Ugh, they all hate us. It's dumb. I return to the room. "Hey Liv," I say as I get back. She's sitting on the couch. "Hey, how're your peeps?" I sit in the chair by the couch. "They're good. Pretty nervous because of the guards. Do you know what's up with them?"

"Ms. Nanji has been on edge for like a week. Most people can't tell but I know she's freaked out about something. Dunno what tho." She looks at me, "Do you know anything, Kade?" I shrug my shoulders and say, "Maybe they're expecting something to happen. At least that's what people in the commons are saying." She nods her head, "Interesting."

"Have you gotten your prints in the system yet?" She smiles, "Yep, now I can open all the doors here, why do you ask?" "I, um, could you let me into Jaxson's room?" She looks at me confused, "Why?" I play with my hands, "His scent... I miss him." After saying this she stands and goes over to his door. "C'mon, I'll let you in." I stand and walk over to the door. She puts her hand on the scanner and the door opens. "There you go kiddo." She smiles at me.

I walk into the room and Jax's scent lingers. It's comforting. I walk over to his bed. I run my hand over the sheets. Jax. I pull up the blanket and climb into the bed. Oh, god. I miss him so much. I snuggle into his pillow. Tears run down my face. Jeez, I'm such a baby. I shouldn't be crying. I miss you. I miss you so much. I was kept away and know you're the one stuck. Why didn't I help you? I'm so stupid. I hate myself. No. No, I don't. I'm just upset. I bawl into his pillow. I'm so pathetic.