
Chosen By The System

David Bowie, a man with a leg length discrepancy was hated by many, especially the people he called family. One day, a system was transferred to him mysterious. This system wasn’t the normal kind of system, it was a system that would either build him or destroy him. A dangerous system that requires David to make the right decision or there would be consequences. Every consequences led to a greater punishment being unlocked. Follow David’s story on how he got his revenge on people that treated him like nothing and how he conquered the destructive power of the system. “Reward: Activate Self Healing Consequence: Kill Gregory Reward: Save Gregory Consequence: Deny Self Healing.” Choose in 5...4...3...2....

mykel_moore · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


However, a red cross sign showed on the screen of the system in front of him and a loud beeping sound sounded in his ears.

"Ahhh...." He screamed.

What is happening?!

The sound was very loud and it almost blocked out his ear drums.

"Ahhhhh...." David screamed out loudly in excruciating pain.

"REJECT! REJECT! REJECT! David Bowie, you have chosen an impossible option, your punishment would be announced in a few hours.

The consequence of failing to do punishment; Death!" The system beamed loudly in his head and only after then did the excruciating pain drop.

He wondered why the system had rejected the death of Gabriel, he wanted to ask but it was impossible to do that as the system had gone.

Anger surged in him because of this, he lost. The system rejected his choice and Gabriel had him arrested.

Then he remembered what the old man told him in his dream; that the system could either destroy him or make him. Fear gently seeped into him but he was quick to dust it off. A part of him wasn't scared of being destroyed, he was already hurt enough.

He was detained by the police for some hours until they came and said that he had been bailed by someone. He wondered who had bailed him and then he walked out wearing a shirt that the policeman had given him because his real clothes stank.

When he got out, he saw Caroline waiting for him at the entrance of the police station. He was shocked that she came to bail him out, he was still annoyed but he wonder why she came to bail him out. Although a part of him thought perhaps she actually liked him and was only quiet because of the rich man.

When Caroline saw him, she stood before putting her hand in her bag and then she brought out some cash. It was no more than five thousand dollars. She placed it on David's hand.

"Don't come near me again, that's the money that I collected from your hands. Pay up your boss so the thugs can stop following you and don't show your face in front of me again." Caroline uttered with hatred and disgust in her eyes.

David looked at the money in his hands and scoffed. Previously, he would have been grateful for the money but now it was useless. He threw it to the floor and Caroline gasped, she didn't expect him to do that.

"How dare you throw my money to the ground? How can you be poor and proud? This is why you have not left your penury state. You're going to be killed by your boss before the end of today and you'll remember in hell that I tried to help you but it will be too late!" She bent to pick up her money and after she hissed and then left.

David's anger grew bigger, he didn't stay long around the police station at all. He hailed a cab and decided to go back home, he wasn't in the mood to go back to the hotel - not after the humiliation.

On his way home he thought about his mother and the reason she didn't check on him the whole time he was in the hospital. While on his sick bed, he didn't have much time to think of his mother when he was in pain and was facing countless chagrins from the nurses and patients.

Soon, the cab reached his destination, and he paid him some money that he had collected from the atm. It was when he reached the atm that he remembered that he still had ninety nine million, and eighty thousand dollars to spend. He had only collected twenty thousand dollars earlier.

Instead of wasting the money on uneccassary things, he decided to invest in some companies and he bought lots of shares. He did all that on the system while he was in the car. The system had a connection with the normal banks and the banks were able to help procure the shares.

Almost immediately, he was given a bank manager who would inform him whenever the procurement was done. The rich life was quite easy.

"Mom?" David called as he got into their one apartment room. Every part of the house was damaged, there was nothing in the room except a box television that doesn't work and a radio with half-body parts - it works though. David was happy because he would finally he able to give his mother her dream house and life - he was suddenly excited and not sad anymore.

The bed in the room was messy and there were cobwebs in every corner of the house.

"Mom?" He called again wondering where she had gone to. It was getting late, hence he knew she wouldn't be at work.

Giving up, he decided to ask his neighbor about his mother. The first person he saw was Monica, she hated his gut hence he didn't want to ask but she held his hand and looked at him with pity.

David did not understand why she would look at him that way, she used to look at him with disgust and contempt.

"David, I am so glad that you're alive. We thought you died due to the accident and after your mother's death you never came to visit," she said looking at him with a pathetic look.

For a second David didn't understand the words that came out of her mouth. He froze, reiterating the words over and over again in his head. When the realization hit, he almost fell to the floor but hit his back against the wall instead.

Monica pitied him, she hated him but he just lost his mother, she couldn't show her hatred.

"You should see Grace, she has something from your mother. It seemed the woman knew she was going to die. I mean, it's a good thing, you will be able to eat well instead of sharing your little money with her." Monica uttered without remorse. David glared at her, he yanked his hand from hers and then walked toward Grace's room which was down the corridor.

His heart became heavier and heavier as he walked toward Grace's room. Grace was his mother's best friend, he believes anything that comes out of her mouth. Unlike Monica.

David told himself that she was lying, she said that probably to spite and provoke him.

He held unto this thought until he saw Grace. When Grace saw him, her eyes showed brokenness and pity for him. It was then he knew that all Monica said was true. His mother was dead. The only thought that came to his mind when one hundred million was given to him by the system was his mother.

He wanted to buy her the most beautiful things in the world. How could she die like this?!

"She told me to give this to you." Grace stretched an envelope to him and he collected it with shaky hands.

"Your father is alive but don't look for him. Run away from him!" It was the words she had written in there. His heart broke because he expected a goodbye letter but he saw nothing but a warning.

And just then the system sounded in his head.

"David Bowis, sorry for your loss. Your mother was murdered by someone and I can tell you who murdered your mother but as you know, there is always a choice.

CHOICE ONE: Erase your punishment( punishment comes with death consequence)

CHOICE TWO: Find who killed your mother.

Remember, the consequence of not fulfilling your punishment is death, choose wisely."

David gently looked at the letters on the screen in front of him. He did want to know who killed his mother but whatever punishment could have the consequence of death must be very hard. He wanted the punishment to cross over him so that he didn't have to die.

However, he wanted to know who killed his mother too.

It was a hard choice for him... Which one will he pick?

You can guess, Xoxo.