
Chosen By The Lover's Constellation

Lianna Velcross, a girl who came from nothing, with no family, no worth to her name, and no place in the world. Enverna Alteri, a young woman carrying the weight of an entire house's expectations on her shoulders. One wants nothing more than to have a purpose, the other has one but cannot possibly fulfill it. These two women who would never have crossed paths normally end up with their fates being intertwined when a Constellation decides to empower them both, on one condition... That these strangers, from different nations with different beliefs, get married. And, both of them accept. --- A GL story about a marriage arranged by a higher power!

Already_In_Use · LGBT+
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209 Chs

Looking To The Future

Lianna eyed Olin Morgal warily, her suspicions running high.

In a world where danger lurked around every corner, encountering a stranger claiming to be a follower of a mysterious Monk was enough to put anyone on edge.

Zura shifted her stance, ready for anything, and Enverna's hand rested on the hilt of her spear.

Lianna, however, knew what he was saying to be the truth. Still, she did want to hear his answer to the following question. 

"How did you even find us!?" Zura demanded, her voice sharp with suspicion.

Olin offered a serene smile, seemingly unperturbed by the tense atmosphere around the table.

"The Monk's guidance led me to you. I mean no harm, I seek only your assistance."

Lianna's eyes narrowed.

"Assistance with what exactly?"

Olin inclined his head respectfully.