
Choosing second to come first

It begins a bit rough but improves as it progresses just due to it being my first work, the world as everyone knew it changed, John though refused to bend or bow, well others seemed to be corrupted and changed by there choices John kept his sanity, or rather had no sanity to hold onto as the voices in his head that others beside his best friend dismissed as imaginary become more prominent, as he sets out to make his mark he learns the nature of the changes to the world, finding out more and striving to get stronger and to kill the so called gods who where responsible for it, but everything comes at a cost. So just a small heads up, it starts a little rough but I can promise it Improves as the chapters go on, a bit slow but it's my first real novel so hope you all enjoy it :-) Ps. This story is writing itself, so all the twists and turns are by its own choice as I'm just the one putting it on digital paper as odd as that sounds, share a stone if you like it and I'll also try to keep as consistent as I can with updates.

Coronis_Nocturn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs


Hey everyone, glad you have been enjoying my works, it's unfortunate but I have to delay updates, I'm not sure when I will be continuing unfortunately, real life happened and yeah, sorry everyone. If and when I can return I will post again and hopefully in mass to make up for this.

I will post what I managed to do though later, but other than that there will be a delay till I can hopefully be back.