
Chapter 68

Chapter 68

"I want you to kill me and secondly to reign chaos upon everything or die trying, I want things to burn, to be destroyed, blood to flow and worlds to be destroyed, and I want my former bosses and their bosses heads removed form there bodies. Destroy them all and even the old ones or to die taking as many down with you as you possibly can!" The imp practically screamed as if he fell into madness, his eyes wild and darting around the room.

with a frown John only nodded, to kill him was possible but the next part was far more tricky, he couldn't refuse it either though since the way the imp worded it meant it was within his capability, the 'to do it or die trying' locking him into such a course but finding the only saving grace and loophole how it never mentioned him having to do it with his own hand, he could very well set things in motion to create such results or have others due it in his stead.

many thoughts ran through his mind and ways to accomplish the request as he approached the imp, his chains rattling and rising up like snakes, 2 became 4, 4 became 8 as they kept thinning out and increasing in number till 64 chains all pointed at the imp, with johns elsewhere and unfocused he seemed to come to grips with something as he turned to the imp.

a final nod towards him and all 64 chains fired forward, striking various points of the imp and ending its life quickly even though it resulted in a bloody mess, its blood slowly running down the chains and dripping, its form crumpling and seemingly flacking away, possibly being how its race dies or through manipulation of some other force John wasn't sure, all he truly knew was that he had made the deal and pact and he would see it through with his own hands, the bile having risen up in his throat and required all his effort not to throw up after having once more taken a life, moments before not wanting to do it but now forced to do so, he truly felt like a hypocrite, more so knowing he would be doing it again in the future.

A burning sensation brought his attention to his right hand and broke him from his train of thought, there on the back of his hand a mark made of various curves and lines with a runic circle in its centre seemed to burn itself onto his skin, its colour a blood red slowly turning black and seeming like a fancy tattoo. It was the proof he was now bound to his word and had to fulfil his oath. He would still avoid taking life with his own hands wherever possible but now his path was even further set in stone, where he could previously attempt to back out on his quest to kill and destroy the gods, to settle and rule over a area instead no longer being a option, now he was bound and forced by his own hand to confront them.

Oddly he didn't feel upset about it, rather he seemed to feel more motivated than before, this reaffirming his original goal and even if it locked him on this path he felt it was exactly what he required to rid him of indecisiveness.

clenching and unclenching his fist he was broken out of his mind by Alice grabbing onto him and holding him from behind.

"Damn, when you go for the kill your as decisive as Light, you didn't even blink and stared him right in the eyes as you obliterated him, I guess you aren't as hopeless as you first seemed." Ash commented earning a glare from Alice that softened as she looked at him.

"John, next time let me do it, when you need to kill ill be your blade, your to good and soft to take a burden like this and I don't want you ending up turning into something you're not, I don't want you losing that somewhat innocent light and gentleness you have, there's already to little of that left in the world now." She tells him softly, her eyes watery almost whispering the last part.

"Our place is not to change the world, but rather to not let the world change us, remember that mister leader, show a hard solid front to everyone, even if it's a mask or fake make them believe it and fear you, never giving in infront of others no matter what and never let them see your weakness or softness, make those who follow you revere you as a god and your enemies fear you like they would a demon lord. Do what you must and keep going just never forget who you are, your end goals are and find some people to trust and be your honest open self with and show your weakness to, never infront of everyone who follows you though, only a select few else you might break or become something worse." Saya says before leaving.

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, well I am not dead and still have to much to do to die any time soon, so I might as well embrace it and become a true villain then." John finally says with a small laugh, causing Saya to smile unknown to them.

Gently ruffling Alices hair before patting his gut he couldn't help but add "Well a chubby villain, since no way in hell am I going to even try to slim down, if it starts happening, I will find some way to put the weight back on since being chubby is key to me being me and is where I keep all my good light side of things." He joked causing Alice to chuckle slightly and Saya to almost stumble at adding that stupid part at the end.

"Ooooh, so like the nazi vampire major who was half cyborg?" Ash asks with a grin wanting to get in on this and finding him a bit more pleasant now than before.

"No no he had to many holes in his character, I mean not only was that cyborg thing never really explained but I truly feel the abridged did it far more justice than the original. Besides I was thinking more like kingpin from the original spiderman or Majin Buu." He says with a smile as he gently pats Alice's head gently letting her know there about to leave, sharing his future plans with the pair starting with looking at the map to find a merchant.