
Chola dynasty prince with a system (Ancient India)

This is the tale of Karthik, an ordinary art student in Bharat. His days were filled with the joys of campus life, escapades to watch movies, and indulgence in games, with sporadic bursts of studying for impending exams and subsequent bouts of frustration. His life was cut short by a tragic incident, a mere bystander caught between two conflicting religious groups. . Despite his neutral stance, he found himself transmigrated to ancient times, reborn as a prince within the Chola dynasty. Witness his odyssey as he navigates this unfamiliar era with the limited knowledge he carries from his own reality. He's fueled by an unyielding determination to prevent the many tragic fate of his previous world from befalling this new one. Observe how he embarks on a path of warfare, conquest, governance, the dismantling of established systems, and the ushering in of a new era of enlightenment for his homeland. °°°°°° English is not my native language. The story is primarily crafted during my weekend holidays and will not have daily chapter releases. I rely on a translator to convert the chapters from my native language, so please be understanding of any issues you may encounter in my writing, as I am a novice author. I may incorporate numerous supernatural elements and concepts from various fictional works or mythologies. Please understand that I do not claim ownership of any of them. While the story initially adheres to actual history in most plotlines, over time, as the narrative progresses, a greater influence of supernatural elements and the actions of the main character will steer it in a completely new direction. °°°°°°°

MrGood23 · História
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 23

As the tranquility of night enveloped the palace, Karthikeya drifted into a deep, undisturbed sleep, his mind far removed from the turmoil that gripped his kingdom. However, beneath the cloak of darkness, the city was a cauldron of fear and tension, its inhabitants gripped by a palpable sense of dread. The Chola soldiers, their presence an ominous reminder of the kingdom's subjugation, patrolled the streets, casting long shadows that stretched across the deserted lanes.

The Chola officials, accustomed to wielding power and influence, now found themselves cowering in fear of Karthikeya's relentless pursuit. The local nobility, once proud and arrogant, now trembled in their opulent mansions, their privilege stripped away by the tide of change. Even the spies, those shadowy figures who thrived in secrecy and intrigue, found themselves exposed and vulnerable, their intricate networks no match for Karthikeya's unwavering determination.

As dawn's first light pierced the darkness, casting an ethereal glow upon the cityscape, the silence was deafening. The vibrant streets, once teeming with activity, were now eerily deserted, the echoes of the previous night's chaos lingering in the air. The city, once a beacon of life and culture, now wore the somber cloak of occupation, its spirit subdued by the weight of oppression.

Within the depths of the city's dungeons, a different kind of activity was underway. High-ranking officials, their faces etched with worry and fear, were brought in for questioning, their once privileged positions offering no protection from Karthikeya's relentless pursuit of justice. Their interrogators, their voices stern and unwavering, delved into the murky depths of corruption and betrayal.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of gold and crimson, Karthikeya awoke, his mind already buzzing with the tasks and challenges that lay ahead. He rose from his slumber, his body energized by the prospect of shaping the kingdom's destiny.

Even before Thulasi, his faithful servant, could enter his chambers, Karthikeya was ready to face the day. He dressed swiftly, his movements imbued with a sense of purpose and determination.

As he emerged into the grand court, a hush fell over the assembled crowd, a mix of fear and admiration swirling in the air. Chola officials stood stiffly, their eyes darting nervously around the room. Karthikeya's presence was an undeniable force, captivating the attention of all who beheld him.

With a steady stride, he ascended the steps leading to the throne, his gaze sweeping across the court. A sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air, the weight of the kingdom's future resting on his shoulders.

As he settled upon the throne, his voice, clear and commanding, echoed through the chamber. "My first order is simple," he declared. "A military salute will suffice as a greeting. Kneeling, flattery, and excessive reverence are unnecessary."

A ripple of surprise swept through the crowd. Karthikeya's words were a stark departure from the traditional formalities that had governed the court for centuries. He sought not servitude but loyalty, respect not adoration.

The Chola officials exchanged uneasy glances, their accustomed positions of power challenged by Karthikeya's directness. Yet, beneath the surface of their apprehension, a flicker of hope ignited. Perhaps, under this new king, they could shed the shackles of corruption and embrace a path of integrity.

Karthikeya's words resonated throughout the court.

Karthikeya's discomfort with the excessive displays of deference and praise was evident in his demeanor. He preferred a more direct and straightforward approach, one that fostered open communication and collaboration rather than obsequiousness.

With a firm voice, he addressed the court, "Many of you have noticed the reduced number of officials present in this court compared to the previous gathering. Their fate will be made known to all by tomorrow. I urge you not to compel me to repeat this action."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of his resolve to root out corruption and instill a sense of accountability. The officials exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of his warning settling upon their shoulders.

Karthikeya's gaze shifted to the Chola officials, his voice taking on a more authoritative tone. "I trust you remember that while you were appointed by the emperor, you now serve under my authority. I am your king, and assisting me in governing this kingdom is your responsibility," he declared with a sense of urgency.

His words echoed through the chamber, a clear assertion of his power and his expectations from those who served him. The Chola officials nodded silently, their expressions betraying a mix of apprehension and begrudging acceptance.

To emphasize his message, Karthikeya scanned the assembly, his eyes piercing through the crowd. "Is my message clear?" he inquired, his voice resonating with determination.

A hush fell over the court, the officials understanding the gravity of Karthikeya's words. They had witnessed his swift and decisive actions, and they knew that he was not one to be trifled with. 

In unison, the officials echoed, "Yes, Your Majesty Karthikeya," their voices filled with a newfound respect for their resolute king.

Karthikeya nodded approvingly. "Excellent. Now, approach one by one and provide a detailed account of your assigned tasks," he instructed, his voice carrying a hint of authority and expectation.

Bairavendra, his eyes bearing the weight of sleepless nights and relentless pursuit, stepped forward first. "Your Highness," he began, his voice steady despite the fatigue etched on his face, "as per your instructions, all individuals on the list have been apprehended. Their families have been placed in a separate dungeon, while the individuals themselves are being held in the palace dungeon."

Karthikeya listened intently as Bairavendra continued to explain.

Bairavendra's report provided Karthikeya with a comprehensive overview of the progress made in executing his directives. The military integration process was underway, a testament to Bairavendra's efficiency and determination. However, the task of placing lower-ranking officers based on their merits remained a challenge, requiring careful evaluation and assessment.

The transfer of the second team to Lord Marthanda was also progressing steadily. The identification and transfer of the hundred men and those of retirement age were completed, indicating Bairavendra's attention to detail and his ability to prioritize tasks. However, the screening and gathering of injured and handicapped individuals would require more time, a hurdle that Bairavendra seemed prepared to overcome with diligence and perseverance.

"Very well, Bairavendra," Karthikeya acknowledged, his voice laced with appreciation for Bairavendra's tireless efforts. "Continue to monitor the integration process and ensure that the placement of lower-ranking officers is conducted with utmost transparency and fairness."

Karthikeya's eyes narrowed as he emphasized the urgency of the task. "And hasten the process as soon as possible. The military has a crucial mission in the coming days," he commanded, his voice resonating with determination.

Bairavendra nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders. "As you command, Your Highness," he replied, stepping back into the crowd, his mind already racing with strategies to accelerate the process without compromising its integrity.