

Главный герой обычный мужчина который проживя свою жизнь умирает. После чего он встречает существо которое отправляет его в новый мир.

MoonKir · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Том 1. Глава 0.

I don't even know when it started, but rather when I was born, because that's when it all started for me, as well as for other people.

No, it all started when I graduated from high school. It was necessary to choose the place of admission and your future. That's when I started to lose interest in life, and that's when something started happening. Something I felt but couldn't understand or see. But it became something ordinary and I forgot about it.

As the years passed, I graduated from University and then started working. All this time nothing changed, I was left alone without finding my goal or a love that I could take a goal from and help her achieve it together. After that I died, I don't know if anyone grieved for me or not.

But I was wrong, and after death, like millions of souls, I appeared before a being who could do what the God of religions did, even more. This place was like an open space, but we could all breathe, there were a lot of lights around and it was as if white columns were rising out of the ground, they were so big that you couldn't see the top.

Home - the first thought that came to mind after feeling the warmth in my heart, the last time this happened, it was before the death of my parents. They were always there for me, they loved me in their own way, and because of that, I didn't want anything to go on.

⁃ What are we doing here? a voice cut through the silence.

⁃ Yes, that's it.

⁃ Stop, I remember how I died.

"Yes, Yes." the noise started, the conversations getting louder and louder. And all of a sudden, the word cut through the noise.

Внимание attention, you have all lived your life and it has come to an end. This time you will be sent to a new world where you will live your new life. But remember, if you can, this will be your last life. - having said this, people were seized with fear.

⁃ What does it all mean?

⁃ I didn't finish my business, it was an accidental death, bring me back.

⁃ Yes, bring me back too, I don't care about a new life, bring back my loved ones...

the noise started

again, people were more terrified of these words.

But no one had time to recover as people began to disappear because of the black smoke, everyone began to run away from fear, but, and I was left to wait for my fate.

Now the smoke got to me, it was scary, but something began to take away my memory. So that's what it meant, you had to fight for your memory. But I lost this fight. Time was short, the smoke had already taken me and I decided to remember only one thing…