
Chimera Dungeon

Hm....My entire life was a complet shit and when I finaly manage to become free I died and got reincranated not as an nobody, not as protagonist but as a freaking dungeon master and people want me dead. .... Well then, fuck this.

Andrzejsaw · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2 – Dungeon Management.

(This skills very, VERY interesting. I want to mess around bit more and see how much I can change my body into, but I have to the work now.)

"I have to do some dungeon master work."

[Dungeon Points]

Dungeon Points or DP for short is special energy created by the dungeon that can be used as a currency for the dungeon. It can be used to apply modification to the dungeon such as making the dungeon bigger or for example make new monsters.

These points can be aquiver by multiple ways:

-Automatic generated via dungeon floor.

-Generated by the dungeon monsters.

-Generated by the dungeon core.

And some others methods.

Let's explain for now these 3 basic methods.

The first method is the dungeon core.

Dungeon core generates the DP over time and the amount generated by it depends on the current level and rank of the dungeon core.

The second method are dungeon floors.

Like the dungeon core, the dungeon floors also generate DP over time. However, the main thing that influences the number of generated points by the floors is their size. For example, increasing the size of the dungeon by 100 meters wide would indeed increase the DP gain, however not by a lot, it would increase only by small amount.

The third method are monsters.

The DP are used for creating monsters. The monsters created by the dungeon are called the dungeon monsters. This creatures are very different from the normal monster.

The first thing about them is their body. They really doesn't possess a proper body and because of that they can only live inside of the dungeon. On top of that each monster is bound to the floor it was born in, so it can't leave the dungeon nor it can change the floors it lives in. Well, the only benefit of that unique body of the dungeon monsters is that they do not require any needs like a food or water.

The dungeon monsters like the dungeon core and dungeon floor generate a DP over time.

However, there are obvious differences.

The first thing about the dungeon monsters is that they take half of the DP they generate and absorb it. After absorbing enough DP, the dungeon monsters will be able to manifest and become a monster, not a dungeon monster but a real monster. That means the limitation of the dungeon such as being unable to leave the floor and being unable to leave the dungeon. 

After the monster manifested, you will regain some of the DP taken by the monster and you could even end up with a real monster working for you, however you would need to take care of it, since it would be no longer a dungeon monster and it would need to eat and other stuff.

Anyway, there are two things about the dungeon monsters and the DP they generate. First things is, the longer they live the more DP they generate and the second thing is, the stronger monsters end up generating more DP. 

"Right now, the dungeon is literally brand new. No expansion, no extra floors and no monsters. That means I have currently no DP gain except from the dungeon core that is literally on level 1."

"And to make matters worse, the dungeon doesn't have any protections right now, besides me."

(This place being dungeon and all will probably get raided by something like heroes or adventurers. This always the case in fantasies and in games.)

(The dungeon core and me are connected. If the dungeon core is destroyed, the dungeon dies as well as I.)

(I need to defend this place at all cost.)

(Anyway, the first room I regained consciousness in was the dungeon core room. The second room I was in was something like a final room or something, simply put its something like a last line of the defense where I can stop the enemy. I can put a special lock on the door between those two rooms, making that the door won't open no matter what until I die. Let's call it dungeon master boos room, since well this is probably what that room intention was.)

"And obviously if I die, then the core would be vulnerable and probably destroyed and I don't want that at any cost."

[Available Dungeon Points: 5000]

(I got some free points after the dungeon was born.)

"First thing first. I need to add more space so I can put monsters inside."

"Let's see…. I'm supposed to do that right? [Dungeon Management]."

A floating red winddown appeared in front of the girl.

"And…. I'm supposed to click this right?"

[Dungeon Modification] -> [Floor Modification]

In front of the girl, some sort of see through object appeared.

"Huh. What is that?"

"Hm? Wait, those two things here… By any chance this is 3D image of the dungeon?"

(This looks to be the case. The two room in that 3D image I think they are this room and the other one, there is also some sort of corridor as well? It's attached to my boss room. Anyway, this looks quiet cool.)

(Anyway, what is that corridor? Based on this, it should be behind that door I tried to open, but then why wouldn't-)


"Oh, right. I'm also stuck here."

[Low level dungeon can't allow the dungeon master to leave the dungeon or the current floor it resides in. Pretty much she is stuck here like a dungeon monster.]

"Pretty much I can only be in the core room or in my boss room and that's all. That sucks. I thought I could walk through the entire dungeon or something at least."

"…. Fuck…. Well, it's not like even complaining will do. I should get to the work."

"Anyway, what can I even add right now?"


"Well, this sucks."

(Right now, I'm only able to add simple things like a long corridor or another room and both of those things cost a lot.)

The girl clicked on something and some sort of transparent object appeared. She then grabbed it and tried stretching it, changing it shape.

(So, the bigger it is the more points it uses. I also can't make is too small by the look of things.)

(Making the dungeon floor bigger will make the DP generation a bit bigger.)

"But obviously I can't spend all points on making dungeon bigger, I need to make the defenses and some others stuff."

(This isn't the game. This is reality. A different world entirety. I don't have bloody clue what the heck is this world in the first place. How strong am I compare to the average person or a being living in this world)

(A world where demon lord and heroes fight? Or maybe a world where all humans are dead?)

"Getting isekaied into another world seems like dream come true, but is that really the case? I don't really have any idea where I'm. I don't know what the heck outside world looks like or anything. I don't know if I'm weak or strong. I don't know if people wants to destroy dungeon at all cost or anything."

(This is killing me, the lack of information and it may even kill me for real.)


"Well, it's not like I can do anything about it right now. I need to do anything I can right now."

(Before I think about making any changes, I should check the monsters I can make.)

[One of the main function of the dungeon is monster creation. The monsters created by the dungeon are called dungeon monsters. These monsters live to serve the dungeon as well as defend it from the invaders.]

"Let's see…. I'm supposed to press this and...?????"

"Em. What the fuck? Why is this empty?!"

[Monster Creation Menu]

[ ]

"No, no, no, no. What hell is going?! The information said that the list here should show me the monsters I can create using DP points. Why is this thing empty?! It shouldn't be empty based on the info!?"

"What the fuck is going on?!"

(There is literally no information about this or anything! Why?! Wasn't that skill supposed to give me all information about the dungeon or something?!)

(Since there is no info from the skill, does that mean that this shouldn't have happened or something? Did my dungeon got bugged or something?! Hello???? What the fuck is going on?!) – though the girl while panicking.

(Fuck! Is there anything I can do?!) – the girl beginned looking through the different things and information in her head to find anything.


"Wait. What is that thing?"

While looking for the info, the girl noticed something on top right corner of the monster creation list, an icon of the fangs and eye.

(What the hell is this thing?)


"Something is off. There is literally no information about it or anything from the info I got."

(…...There is nothing. Literally nothing about this at all. Is the information I was given doesn't give all the details? Or by any chance this isn't normal at all.)

(Unknown lack of the monster selection option and unknown icon that doesn't appear in the informations.)


"…. Fuck it. It's not like I have any other option."

The stared at the unknown icon for the moment, before moments later pressing it.

After pressing the icon, multiple red floating panels appeared.

On the left side, there was a list with many different animals.

On the right side, there was a blank panel, with nothing on it.

The middle panel was much bigger and wider than other two. The middle panel was separated into 2 squares and rectangle in the middle. The boarders between squares and rectangle had arrows attached on top of them, each one pointing to the rectangle in the middle.


"Okay. What the actual fuck?"

(There is nothing about this in the info as well. However, those things looks like the panels that are used to operate the dungeon, so I guess they are connected to the dungeon itself and its best if I find out as soon as possible.) 

(There is some sort of list here. Bear, cat, lion, wolf, dog and many others. What is the deal with this thing?)

(Mammals, birds, fishes, insects and even dinosaurs? There is a lot. There is also [5/5] on top of the list. What is it? Something like a counter or something?)

"Am I supposed to click one of these?"


As soon as the girl clicked the [Bear], a bear appeared on the left square that was located on the middle panel.

"Oh? It appeared on the panel? So, I was supposed to click it."

"So…. Can I do anything else with this now?"

The girl tried doing multiple things, touching, trying to drag and other stuff to the bear, testing if anything worked or if there would be any reaction at all. However, there was no reaction whatsoever no matter what she did.

"…. Am I doing something wrong?"

"Hm… There are two of those squares spaces on the panel and both of them have arrows pointing to the middle rectangle. After picking the bear, it appeared in one of those spots. Maybe I need to pick something else now?"


When the girl pressed the [Ox], the ox appeared on the right side of the panel."


After both the ox and the bear were pressed on the panel, a reactions appeared. Many small unknown faiths lights begin to emit from the ox and the bear. The some of the very faint light traveled slow while some traveled fast, but all of them traveled to the middle of the panel, forming a sphere. The unknown process lasted 10 seconds and, in the end, the unknown sphere was formed in the middle of the panel.

"Huh. So…. What the heck was THAT?"

(Something happened, but what? Bear and the ox begin to emit weird faint light and then it formed into small sphere?)


The girl beginned touching the unknown spear and trying different things with the sphere, however there was no reaction whatsoever.

"I'm clicking, trying to drag this thig around and other stuff but there is no reaction."

"What about the bear and the ox? Maybe now I can do something with them?"

When the girl put her finger on the ox head, the shape of the unknown sphere changed and the head of the ox appeared.


(Okay? I think I did something?)

(That thing became an ox? Well, it only got a head of the ox?)


The girl pressed the torso of the bear with her finger and the shape of the creature in the middle changed again, it now was a torso of the bear.


"It changed again."

"Hm… Let's try few things."

The girl beginned touching the ox and the bear 3d pictures, making the changes to the creature in the middle. The creature appearance changed many times. Sometimes its legs were that of the bear or an ox or even a part bear and part ox. Sometimes it had a tail of an ox while sometimes it had a tail of a bear. Sometimes it had a torso of the bear while sometimes had a torso of the ox and sometimes it had a mix of the both. She even changed the head of the creature to that of the bear while still having a horns of the ox sticking out from it.

"Huh. I think I get it?"

"I pick two things from the list here and I get this weird thing. After words I can add different things from both of the animals I picked and make something."

(I can do a lot of things, change different things and other stuff. I can even change some stuff inside of their body.)

"So, I can make a chimera, hybrid thing."


"Oh wait."

"Chimera Dungeon…...Huh. So, I guess the thing I made was a chimera."

(Also, the other winddown that was empty now it's filled with something. Two things appeared. On top of it there is now written [Bear/ Ox Chimera] and some sort of button appeared.)

(I think those things didn't appear at the beginning and appeared later on when I was messing around when making this creature.)


"Eh. May as well press it." – said the girl before pressing the button.

When the girl pressed the button, both the creature she made as well as the winddown on the right panel beginned to react.


"Em…. I did something, but nothing yet appeared or anything? Maybe I have to wait or- "

Before the girl could finish the sentence, the blank panel beginned to change and it began being filled up with informations. After the penal was filled out with the information, a small new window popped up right next to the just filled out window.

[Bear/Ox Chimera]

"…Oh, it's just finished."

(Anyway, this looks like a status winddown? I think it belong to that thing. There is stats as well as some skills in here. There is something like a [Base Cost] written here.)

(On top of that, another winddown just popped up.)

[Do you wish to register the creation into the nameless chimera dungeon [Monster Creation Menu] list?]

[Yes/No] [Number of the available slots left: 5/5]

"I think I finally get it."

"I use the thing I just used before to make a chimera and after I'm done with making it, I can "Register" it. Maybe when I register the thing I made, it will appear in the monster creation menu and I can summon it."

"So, I need to create my chimeras monsters from the scratch and then register them?"

(Now I know what to do, but there is still something off. Why the informations didn't gave me anything about this? This seems EXTREMELY important but the informations I got didn't contain knowledge about this thing at all.)

"But why THE FUCK it didn't gave me?! Even a hint or something?! For crying out loud!"



"Hm…... By any chance…. Is it because of the dungeon?"

(That unknown function is fully related to the chimeras and the dungeon nature I picked was [Chimera]. They are obviously connected. By any chance is this because of the nature type I picked for the dungeon? It did stated that each dungeon is unique its own way as well as the nature type they possess. Maybe this is the UNIQUENESS of chimera dungeon? Maybe because of it there is no information about this?)


"Tch. I will wonder about this later, since I don't have any way of confirming any of that. For now, I should focus on the matter at the hand."

(Now I maybe know how to add monster to the list, but what the heck should I make?)

"Looking at the cost of that bear ox chimera, it won't do. I need something that cost way less than this thing."

"But how does cost works in the first place? Does it get influenced on what things I picked?"

"Hm…. Then, let's try something else."

[Rat] [Rabbit]

After picketing new animals, the girl beginned creating the new creature and before long she finished making it.

"The cost changed by a lot. So, it does get influenced on what I pick for when making it."

"The stats and the skills are also different compare to the thing I made before."

[Do you wish to register [Rat/Rabbit Chimera] into [Monster Creation List]?]


[The [Rat/Rabbit Chimera] has been registered into the [Monster Creation List].]

[Monster Creation Menu]

[Rat/Rabbit Chimera]

"Huh. It got added to the list. By the looks of things, I was right."

"On top of it, that thing changed as well."


[Rat/Rabbit Chimera] – [X]

(The number changed and another winddown popped up.)

(I guess I can only make up 5 of different chimeras?)

(Anyway, what is that [X] symbol?) – though the girl before pressing the symbol.

[Do you wish to delate the [Rat/Rabbit Chimera] from the [Monster Creation List] and regain 1 slot?]

"Oh. So that what it does."

"Hm…. But how exactly it works now? By any chance there is a limit of how different types of the chimeras I can have at the same time in the dungeon? What would happened if I were to remove the monster from the list while I still have some of them inside of the dungeon? Will they be deleted in the process?"

"Hm…I know that I'm supposed to be in rush when making the dungeon right now, but it may be good idea to test out few more things.

The girl beginned experimenting with the chimera creation.

[Rabbit/Wolf Chimera]

[Rat/Wolf Chimera]


"Hm… That interesting."

"By the looks of things when I pick rat as one of the options, it will have a skill [Rat Bite] and when I picked something like a wolf I will get [Wolf Bite]."

"By the looks of things picking one part of the creature can influence stats, skills and the DP cost."

"However, what is more interesting is the third skill. The dog rat chimera had a skill called [Vermin Bite], but the other chimeras that uses dog or a rat, doesn't have this skill."

"The same goes for the others chimeras, they each one possess some unknown skill that is not related to either sides."

"Hm…. Oh! What if this is something like a combination? Combining specific two creatures create a reaction and makes a new skill? I don't think I can think of anything else, but I do think that those additional skills are made because of the combination."

"This is VERY interesting, but also hard."

(Picking different what animals, I want to use, what parts of their body I want to use and what skills I need to consider while building the chimera. I still barely know anything about the skills and other stuff.)

(Chimeras I can possess a lot of poetical, but I don't know how much of it I can bring out. The only way to find out is to make different chimeras and see them in action, but I don't want to waste DP points right now.)

"Anyway, I already wasted a lot of time with messing around, I guess I should take it serious for now."

(Right now, I need to make a cheap and good enough chimera for the creation.)

(The question is what do I pick? Should I pick something like animals that can kill things? Like a poisonous one or something?)

(Based on the info, the number of the monster inside of the dungeon influenced the DP gain. However, there is no point makings tons of the weak monsters that are not the real threat or anything.)

(I should keep it somewhat balance between quantity and quality.)

"But what the hell should I pick?"

"I can't pick anything too strong because of my low DP budget."

"Fuck me…. By the looks of things, I will have no choice but to summon bunch of weaklings. I have to summon monsters as soon as possible to get the DP."

"Should I just summon as many weakling as possible?"

"Hm. Wait. Now I think about it, is there a limit of how many things I can summon?"

(Let's see.... Is there anything.... Ah!)

"Apparently there is no limit of how many monster dungeon can have, but there is a limit of how much DP can be used on each floor, but there is a limit of how much I DP I can use on each floor."

[Each dungeon possess floors.]

[Floors are something like a limb that is grown when the dungeon became stronger.]

[The more floors dungeon possess, the more it can spreads and became bigger, resulting in bigger growth for the dungeon as well.]

[The dungeon normally uses DP in order to make the dungeon stronger and create monsters. However, there is a problem. The DP points needs to be transferred into specific part of the dungeon floor so you can use them. If the dungeon possess multiple floors, the furthest floor away from the dungeon core will have slower transport rate, meaning than the changed that can be done to the dungeon are very slow.]

"So…. If I understand that correctly. If I have 5 different floors in my dungeon, then does it work like this?"

Floor 1 – Gain max 2 DP points from the dungeon core every second. – The floor furthest away from the dungeon core.

Floor 2 – Gain max 4 DP points from the dungeon core every second.

Floor 3 – Gain max 6 DP points from the dungeon core every second.

Floor 4 – Gain max 8 DP points from the dungeon core every second. – The floor right next to the dungeon core floor.

Floor 5 (Dungeon Core) 

"I think it works that way?"

"Hm…. It kind of seem just like in the game?"

"Normal when it comes to the games, the first floor the player enters are the weakest one, but then the difficulty increase with each floor."

"But isn't that…. Well…. Weird?"

"Why does it works that way? Isn't this another world, why this thing seems very similar to the game dungeon thing?"

"Did by any chance I got reincarnated into the world of the game or something? Honestly, I wouldn't be even surprised at this point, considering all those game things like the status winddown and other things. I wouldn't be even surprised if I was NPC character in the game right now."

"Anyway, by the looks of things the DP flow on the floor where the dungeon core is located is stable, so I can use it without much problem. There is no limit of how many monsters I can make on this floor, but it's not like I have infinity space in the dungeon. Won't filling the entire dungeon floor with the monster be a smart idea?"

"Fuck me. The best option would be to have a cheap and good monster, but obviously it asking for too much."

"Is there really nothing good I can make with my current DP?"

The girl beginned looking through the list the animals.


"Fuck me…. Even things slightly stronger cost bit too much. And why the fuck bugs cost more than a rabbit in the first place?"

"…. Wait, why does bug cost more? This is really a good question?"

"Anyway, I guess I have no choice but to with this guy then."

[Rat/Rabbit Chimera – Base Level: 1 – Number: 1]


The girl pressed the button in front of her.

[Creation: [Rat/Rabbit Chimera] – Base Level: 1 – Number: 1 – Floor 1 – Creation Time: 30 minutes.]

"Oh. So, it's not instant."

"Hm… Well, I guess I have to wait."

"Well, that kind of sucks."

"So, I can't spawn the monsters in the last minute or something in the case of emergent."

"…. Since I have to wait anyway. I should make some changes to the dungeon."

The girl moved away the opened panels and dragged the panel with the 3D model of the dungeon and another panel.

(I can't make a lot of changes right now, so lets just make the corridor longer and a bit wider. This is pretty much all I can do in the first place.)


"And done."

[Do you wish to apply the changes?]


[Floor 0 – Changes application – Time needed to complete: 2 hour and 23 minutes.]

"Oh. This also needs time. I didn't made a lot of changes but it still takes more than an hour?

"Em…. What do I do now?"

"The monster is being summoned and the floor being changed. Do I have to just wait?"

"Is there anything I can do else?"

"…. Hm… Well, since I have nothing to do right now, I can just look through the info in meantime."

(Honestly, so far, I only read a basics bits of the info and haven't looked though it all.)

(Oh! Now I wonder. What the heck would happened to the monsters on the floor when the floor changes?)

"Info…. Info…. Info... It says…. That the monsters inside of the floor won't be affected by the changes on the floor, meaning changes on the floor are harmless for them, but when the enemy is currently on the floor the time it takes for the change to happened is slowed down."

"Huh. That is interesting. What else we have here?"

Half an hour later.


While the girl was looking up towards the ceiling while laying on the ground, she felt something near her feet. The girl got up and saw a weird magic looking circle with a symbol of the eye and the fang on the ground.

From the circle unknown creature emergent before moments later the circle itself disappeared.

[Rat/Rabbit Chimera – Base Level: 1 – Number: 1 – Floor 1]

[Creation process completed.]

In front of the girl a creature that resembles a part bunny and part rat appeared.

The creature appearance was as fallowed.

The appearance of the creature resemble mostly of that of the bunny. The creature front paws resemble the mix of both the rabbit and the rat pawns, with their hands resembling mostly that of the rat and the legs of the creature resembles that of the rabbit.

The most noticeable thing about the creature is a long fluffy tail and a rabbit like ears that have more round shaped appearance.



(Wow. It looks totally like a plushie or something. It's straight up cute even though I wasn't focused much on the appearance and only how strong it is....)

(It doesn't look menacingly or threating or anything. It's even fluffy.) – though the girl while touching the creature.

"Em…. Don't take it wrong, but can you even fight?" – asked the girl with confused and anxious look.

(Should I redo everything and make new chimera?)

(Nope. I don't have enough DP points and all.)

"This is the best thing I can make right now…. Shit."

"Well, I still have to see you in action little buddy. Maybe you are secretly overpower or something?"

(It has 3 skills. [Rabbit Jump], [Rat Bite] and [Jump Bite].)

(The first skill literally boost jumping, the second makes the bites stronger and the third one makes the bite attacks stronger after jumping.)

(Pretty much I went with this chimera because of this combo and its agility, but is this thing even good in the first place?)

(I mean, I used a RAT and a BUNNY.)

(I…. I have bad feeling about this.)

(Anyway, I should use the remaining points to summon more rat rabbits.)

"…. Well, let's hope they won't die instantly or something."