
Chimera Dungeon

Hm....My entire life was a complet shit and when I finaly manage to become free I died and got reincranated not as an nobody, not as protagonist but as a freaking dungeon master and people want me dead. .... Well then, fuck this.

Andrzejsaw · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 – Well, can somebody please explain?





"That was a good nap."


"Em…. Where the heck am I?"

"And why I'm naked?!"

A young naked girl with tanned skin and long pink hair was lying on the floor inside of the cave.

(Did I got kidnapped? What is this place?)

"Don't tell me. I got kidnaped by some sort of organization that brainwash people and then illegally sell them as a sex slaves! Is some sort of ugly bald person will come here with a pair of thugs and they will do lewd things to me?!"

(I need to get out of here!)

The girl got up from the ground and begin looking around.

(Okay…...I'm butt naked in some sort of cave that I don't recognize at all and I don't know how I got here in the first place. What the hell is going on?)

(Okay calm down and thing. Panicking won't help me at all. What was the last thing I was doing?)

"I was hungry and went to the mall. After I ate some fast food, I was bit bored since there was nothing for me to do and went to the old arcade."

"When I got there, it was closed because of renovation."

"I got pissed off and didn't know what to do, so I took out my phone and tried to look if there is anything interesting near me."

"I then tried crossing the street and then...Oh..."



(I was too focused on my phone while crossing the street and because of that I didn't noticed the truck. They warn people not to cross the street while looking at the phone, I guess that one is on me.)

"But isn't something off? Shouldn't that killed me? The truck was quite fast and all, it should have killed me easily and all. Did I somehow survived that? But how?"

"I don't see any injuries or anything. Everything seems fine, well besides the fact that I'm butt naked."

(On top of that, what is this place? A cave? Why the heck am I here? How did I ended up here? Did somebody put me in here? If somebody did, then there must be something like exit or something.)


(I see some sort of door made out of steel. It seems to be the double door type, kind of medieval looking. And there is also this thing.)

Right next to the girl, exactly in the center of the room. There was pedestal with sphere like object on top of it.

(I don't have bloody clue what the heck this is. It doesn't look like a glass or anything. It look like a gem, but can gems be even this big in the first place? On top of that it's slightly glowing. Is this something like fancy lamp?)


"I don't see anything else in here."

(Honestly, I want to use that door to get out of here right now, but I don't have any clue what could be behind it.)


"Fuck it."

Girl beginned walking towards the door she saw.

(It's not like I have any options in the first place.)

Girl put both of her hands on the door and tried opening it slowly.

(Hm? Weird? This was quite easy to open. I thought they would be quite heavy based on their look. I guess it was only made to look that way?)

(Anyway, opened it enough to take a peek.)


(There is another room there, but that seems to be bigger compare to this one. I also don't see anything else.)

(Hm? I think I see another door across that room.)


Girl fully opened the door and entered the room.

"It's definitely bigger compare to the other room."

(Did somebody build this place? If so, what is it purpose? Why bring me here? By any chance is this some sort of revenge plot against me?)

The girl head was filled with many different question while she was walking towards second door. 

"Huh. This door look bit different compare to the- "

The girl looked behind her to see the differences between the new door and the door from before. However, when she did turn around, she saw the door she left open, closing themselves.


Girl run towards the closing door, but before she could arrive at time, the door was already closed.

(Shit! Shit! Shit! Why did it closed?!)

Girl tried opening the doors and once again with ease she opened them.



Girl opened the door once again and left them open. She then waited a moment and the doors once again closed themselves automatically. After that she tried once again opening the door with little to no effort.

"Oh. It closes itself automatically. For moment I thought they were like close forever after I pass through them."

(I kind of panicked and lost my cool completely.)

(Anyway. I know that doors can be opened any time, so let's go and see what is behind the other door.)

Girl walked towards the second and tried opening it. When she tried opening the doors, they did not even flinch. Girl then tried more strength into pushing them open, but with no effect what soever.


"…. Fuck! It won't budge at all!"

(Previous door I could open like nothing, but this one won't even budge at all! What the hell?!)

Suddenly a red window like object appeared in front of the girl.

[WARINING! You are currently unable to leave the dungeon!]


Gril wiped her eyes.

(…. Nope. I didn't went crazy or hallucinating.)

Girl pinched herself in the cheeks.

"Nope. I'm not dreaming, nor I think I'm on drugs."

"Okay…...What the heck is that?

(Dungeon? Like those in fantasies games, novels and other stuff where it's filled with monsters and stuff?!)

"No wait! What is this thing in the first place. It just appeared when I tried opening that door. Why is it telling me that I unable to leave the dungeon? Am I imprisoned here?!"


"Fuck me in the ass…. What the hell is going on."



"Wait. Floating like window object that appear in fantasies comics and novels and the dungeons that also appears in fantasies, games and novels."

"No bloody way…... This straight up stupid."

"I might as well check…...Status? Status open?"

As soon as girl said "Status Open", a blue window like object appeared in front of her.


[Name: {NONE}]

[Race: Newborn Dungeon Master]

[Dungeon Master Of The Nameless Dungeon]

[Level: 1]

[Health: 10/0]

[Mana: 10/10]

[Stamina: 10/10]

[Strength: 1]

[Agility: 1]


[Magic: 1]

[Endurance: 1]



[Unique Skills]

[Dungeon Management] 

[[Dungeons Own]]

[Nameless Dungeon]


"Fuck me. It worked, it really freaking worked."

"Welp, there is probably one logical explanation."

"I got isekaied, didn't I?"

(At least that confirms that I died back then.)

"Getting hit by the truck and then getting transported to another world is so freaking cliché. This should be not real and all, but what the hell. Are you bloody telling me getting hit by the bloody truck get you isekaied???"

"I mean, fuck me..."


"Ha…. hahaha. Wow…... This is really weird. This is stupid."


"Welp. Let's try looking positive perspective. My previous life was freaking hell that I barely manage to crawl out off. Maybe this time I will have a better life. Maybe I can leave that past behind."

"I wasn't really a saint or a "Good Person" in my previous life, so maybe that is the reason I got reincarnated as the dungeon master?"

"…. Well. Maybe being dungeon master isn't really that bad... I hope."

(I don't know if this is punishment or reward really with the reincarnation and all, consider my life, but I guess I that is my life now. However, I'm not planning on dying.)

"Anyway, let's try and understand the situation."

"First thing first."

"This is definitely not my original world. There was never something like this, a floating status window appearing out of the blue."

(Anyway, I should check what heck is written in here.)

(Firs is my race. It says the newborn dungeon master. Am I not a human anymore? But I look quiet human right now. Am I some sort of mimic monsters that mimic human appearance?)

(Dungeon master are something like final bosses in dungeons, right? It said before that I leave the dungeon right now. Since this is the dungeon and I'm the dungeon master, does that mean that I own this place? If so, what can I do? Is there something like manual or something?)

(Second thing is my name. It says NONE. Some spots in the status also have NONE written in them. Since it says NONE in my name, does that mean I don't have a name.)


(Fuck. I'm trying to remember my own name, but nothing is coming up at all. Is this a side effect of getting reincarnated or something else?)

(Well, maybe this is for the better…)

(Next thing are my stats. I literally has 1 everywhere, by any chance I'm complete weakling? One of the stats is magic and there is also mana. Does that mean I can use magic?)

(Lastly skills. By the look of things skills are divided into 2 categories: skills and unique skills.)

"I don't have any normally, I only have unique skills."

(Are those by any chance a cheat skills? The one that main protagonist get when they reincarnate?!)


"How do I check it out or something?"

(Do I say the skill name out loud to activate it?)

"Dungeon Management."

A red winddown like object, similar looking to stat winddown appeared in front of the girl.

"Oh, it worked- "


(W-what the hell?!)

Imagines starter appearing in the girl head, words and all sorts of things. Massive flow of the information went directly to the girl head.


"What the fuck was that?!" – said the girl in anger and confusion.

"Fuck me! My head! What was that for?!"

(Anyway, what were those thing I saw?)

(Hm? Wait. Why… Why do I feel like I know them. No. I know them!)

"Dungeon management. Dungeon monsters. Dungeon points. Expand? Those…... Those things I saw…."

"Those were instructions? These are instructions as well as knowledge how to handle and control dungeons? What the hell?!"

(By any chance, when I activated that skill, did my brain downloaded information or something? Was that weird headache caused by that?)

"You could at least give something like head up warning or something. That felt awful like hell."

"Fuck…... Tch."

"Anyway, this thing seems to be something like control console? From the information in my head, its semes to be the case."

"My head feels like mess right now, BUT now I have some sort of information. I can begin somehow doing things."

(Maybe there is something or someway that can help me out right now to get outside.)

The girl begin scrabbling through her newly acquired knowledge in order to find out anything. 


"…. Hm."

"According to the information. I need to increase the level of my dungeon to the specific point and that would allow me to leave the dungeon to some extent."

"Hm…. So, for now I'm completely trapped in here…. Well, that sucks."

(Honestly saying, I want to get out from here and see the outside world and see what world exactly I was reborn into. But considering that I'm literally a dungeon master that makes monsters, I can tell that the world outside isn't probably sunshine and rainbows.)

(The only thing I can do right now and need to do is to level up the dungeon and make myself stronger. I literally don't have any options.)

"Welp. By the look of things, I have to get started."

"First thing first. I need to back to that room."

When I was searching through the information I had, I couldn't find much about the dungeon origin. I only got bits of information.

The most important information I found is the dungeon core and the dungeon master.

When the dungeon is born it gives birth to the one being who is in reality a single being.

The dungeon core and the dungeon master.

The dungeon core is the hearth of the dungeon and the dungeon master. When it dies, the dungeon dies as well as the dungeon master. Meaning I have to defend this place at all cost if I don't want to die.

I'm right now inside of the dungeon and it was created by the dungeon core. By the look of things, I can adjust and change lot of things inside of the dungeon like the layout and the monsters and stuff using the dungeon core.

Now let's talk about the dungeon master. 

Dungeon master could be called a manager, soul or brain of the dungeon. I'm the one who operate this place.

"Well, technically I'm not the dungeon master YET."

"Right now, I'm the newborn dungeon master and that means I can't do anything."

(Right now, I need to choose dungeon nature type.)

(When the dungeon master awakens, he is able to choose one of the available natures of the dungeon. By the look of things dungeon master need to choose one of the available natures, paths or something like that to influence dungeon future.)

(Each dungeon is unique in its own way upon their birth and each one have different choices they can take based on their birth.)

"So, the number of the choices available and what kind of choice I will have available is complete random. I can end up with 1 choice with something completely weak or something."

"Its straight up gacha…... Please don't fuck me up."

The girl stood in front of the dungeon core that was located in the first room she woke up in.

"Okay… Here goes nothing."

The girl extended her hand towards the orb and placed it on its surface. Moment later, the orb begin to glow bright light and the red floating window appeared.

[Please chose one the available options.]


"It worked just like the information told me."

"But…. Why do I have only one option available?!"

"Fuck me…... My shitty luck got me again."



"Anyway, what is this?"

"Chimera huh?"

"Is It like the chimera from mythology or something. Like the one with the head of the lion, snake and goat? Maybe it's like the monster from fantasies that are combination of multiple species like gryphon, minotaur, manticora and other things."

"This seems bit interesting? Maybe it won't be that bad."

"Well, it's not like I have any other options or anything."

[Do you wish to transform the dungeon into: Chimera dungeon?]

"Yes. I'm sure."

[Are you sure? The choice is permanent and cannot be changed.]

"Yes. I literally just said I don't have any option."

[The choice has been confirmed. The dungeon shall became: Chimera Dungeon.]

Suddenly, the dungeon core begin emitting birth blinding light.

"OW! MY FUKING EYES! Is it really hard to give warning or something?!"


"The orb changed shape?"

(It has some sort of patterns now. It looks like some sort of animals, insect, birds and fish parts here and there, mixed together. It looks bit weird.)

When the girl was inspecting the orb, she could feel her hearth beating and agony of the pain.




The girl looked at her arm as it disappear like a mist, then seeing her flesh to grow out, creating a brand new limb. One by one, each part of her body experience the same thing, while the girl experience pain nonstop until every part of her body undergone this strange phenomena.

"Huff" "Huff"

"D-did it ended?"

(From the information I got, that was supposed to be borning process after picking one of the options, but why there was no warning about the pain?!)

"First my brain being torn to shreds. Next a light that could make me blind. And now this bullshit?! I don't even know what was that?! For crying out loud! Why everything hurts so much?!"

"A-anyway, I don't look any different that before? No tails…. No horns and no wings or anything? I was doing everything by the manual and all."

"Status Open."


[Name: {NONE}]

[Race: Unknow Chimera / Dungeon Master]

[Dungeon Master Of The Nameless Chimera Dungeon]

[Level: 1]

[Health: 1000/1000]

[Mana: 1000/1000]

[Stamina: 1000/1000]

[Strength: 25]

[Agility: 25]

[Dexterity: 25]

[Magic: 25]

[Endurance: 25]


[Normal Skills]

[Enchanted Sense: Taste] - [Level 1] [Enchanted Sense: Smell] - [Level 1] [Enchanted Sense: Sight] - [Level 1] [Enchanted Sense: Hearing] - [Level 1] [Enchanted Sense: Touch] - [Level 1] [Regeneration: Minor]- [Level 1] [Big Eater]- [Level 1]

[Race Skill]

[Shape Shift: Lesser Chimera]- [Level 1] 

[Unique Skills]

[Dungeon Management] 

[Dungeons Own]

[Nameless Chimera Dungeon]

"Huh, lot of things changed. My race right now is unknown chimera / dungeon master, but I still look the same way as before?"

"And I'm still naked. I could at least some clothing or something, even rags would do."

"But my stats Jesus, they are 25 times higher than before. I also got some skills and this thing changed as well."

[Dungeon Master Of The Nameless Dungeon] -> [Dungeon Master Of The Nameless Chimera Dungeon]

(The name of the dungeon got changed from nameless dungeon to nameless chimera dungeon.)

"Well then, let's see what skills I got."

(I got several skills called enchanted sense. What is that?)

(By the way, what will happened if I touch that instead of saying the skill name?)

Girl pressed one of the skills displayed on the window. When she did that, another window object popped up and on it, the skill description was write.

[Enchanted Sense: Taste]

"Huh. This is the skill description. Useful."

"This time I didn't get info directly to my head. So, it not always work that way huh? I honestly don't know if I should be glad or not."

"Anyway, what does it do?"

"Allow users to enchant their sense of taste or reduce it, can be adjusted at any moment."

(Hm? Wait, isn't this quite useless? What about the others one?)


"All 5 of those skills does exactly the same thing, but each one with the different sense."

"Since this is another world, level exists and other things, I kind was hoping for some kind of combat related skill. These skill could be somehow used for scouting or something. Like some animals that have sharp hearing that can use for both hunting and survival."

"Anyway, next."

[Regeneration Health – Minor]

"Effect is to my health over time by very small amount. Able to recover with ease from the very small injuries in moment. Hm…"

"This does seems useful, but how exactly does that works?"

Girl bridged one of her fingers to her mouth and bitten it, making very small wound that beginned to bleed. The girl at the wound and after some time, the bleeding slowly stopped and the wound beginned slowly closing.

(It's not instant or anything, but at least you can see wound healing. Since this is rate of healing very small wound, it will probably take longer to heal something bigger. It would be useful if I had something like knife or something, I could slash myself and see how well this thing works.)

"Next. Big eater? By eating I can recover my energies like health, mana and stamina but I will be harder to satisfy based on the current status of health, mana and stamina. This seems quite useful, but I can't test it out unless I eat something."

"Lasty, the last new skill, race skill [Shape Shift: Chimera]. This seem interesting based on the name."

Girl pressed the skill name and the information once again begin to transfer to her head.

"Fuck! Again?!"

"I feel dizzy. I feel like puking. Why they never give the warning."

"…...Fuck me…..."



"Anyway, something is written here."

[Shape Shift: Lesser Chimera] – [Level 1]

[Allow user to transform its body into that of the different animal species.]

[Current option:

-Partial transformation – allows to transform part of the body into a chimera.

-Chimera transformation – Allows you to became chimera of human and another species.]

"Huh. This seems interesting?"

"Let's see. Let's try the partial transformation first."


The girl was trying to concentrate, trying to change the shape of her hand.

Moments later the girl hand shape begin to change, it grow a fur and her fingernails became longer and sharper.

"Huh, it really worked. My hand is wolf like now."

"Transformation was bit more complicated and harder than I though. I guess I need to get used to it and practice it as well."

"Hm…. I wonder if I can…."


"Nope. 'Huff'…. I can't."

(I tried transforming my hand into house cat hand, but no matter what I tried I couldn't.)

"Maybe I need to return back fully human?"

Girl concentrated and moments later her hand turned back into that of the human.

"Even turning back to the human isn't easy? Anyway, let's try now."

The girl concentrated once again and her hand turned into that of the cat.

(So, I was right huh? I can only be human and one another species combination.)

Girl hand turned back to the that of the wolf.

"Well shit. I turned it from the cat to the wolf, but it was still hard but in the different way."

"I need to learn how to handle this thing. It will take time, but I don't know how much exactly. Transforming my hand into that of the wolf and cat felt different."

"Anyway, it's time to test the last thing. Chimera transformation."

"Hegggg!!!!!!!!!.... Fuck. Hegggg!!!!!"

The girl struggle a bit with her transformation. After a moment, the changes could be seen appearing in different spots across her body. The fur begin to grow on her body, covering some parts of it.

The girl limbs begin to change as well. Her hands became claws while her legs changed shape.

She grew a tail and her ears disappeared while the pair of two new ones grow on top of her head.

[Human X Wolf]

"I-it was harder than I thought, it felt like…. I don't know what the hell it felt!"

"But, by the look of things it worked."

The girl begin inspecting herself.

(It would be nice if had mirror or something.)

"It feels weird, yet familiar? I have tail and I can move it around, kind of. My ears are also that of the wolf, my human ears are gone."

(I don't feel any fur on my face or anything, but my teethes seems to be sharp, by the look of things they changed.)

(I wonder how it works? Does it also changes my insides? Well, it's not like I will rip myself open and check.)


(Weird. I feel bit drained? Is this some sort of side effect of transforming?)

[Mana: 812/1000]

[Stamina: 812/1000]

(My stamina and mana got decreased?)

(Was it because I was using the transformations? This does seems possible. In games using something like skills or magic did used mana or other stuff.)

"Let's wait and see what will happened."

Few minutes later.

[Mana: 823/1000]

[Stamina: 823/1000]

"Hm…. It didn't decreased or anything. If anything, I recover some."

"What happens if I transform back into the human."

Girl body begin to change once again. The fur, claws and the tail disappeared, making the girl look like a normal human once again.

[Mana: 773/1000]

[Stamina: 773/1000]

(It decreased!)

(So, the transformation process itself requires to use mana and stamina. That seems, quite useful. I thought it would be something like cost over time or time limit, just like in games.)


Girl turned back into human x wolf hybrid.

"Huh. This time was bit easier, but still hard."

(Anyway, my stats got changed slightly. My strength, agility and vitality got increases. Not only that, but I also got a new skills.)

(So, transforming not only gives me a boost in stats, but it also provides me with skills?! Wow, is this broken?)

(Wait! Does each different animal gives me different bonus and skills?!)

"Hohohohohoho! Now this seems interesting!"