
Chapter 52

“Thank you for that, ConteMarco, but it gives me small comfort. Small comfort, indeed. Shall I request that your mother be taken to the dayroom on her floor?”

“If she’s in her usual state and comfortable where she is, why disturb her?” I said. “We’ll just stop by her room, pay our respects, and depart. By the way, I forgot to ask you about her physical condition while you had her chart in front of you.”

“It’s essentially unchanged since the last time you were here. She’s slowly deteriorating, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it, given her mental state.”

“I understand, and thank you for being so candid with me.”

“There would hardly be any point in offering a shred of hope to a medical doctor such as yourself,” he said. “The evidence provided by your trained eyes would put the lie to any false assurances I gave, even if I were inclined to give them.”