
Chapter 7

*During lecture, Chloe was so lost in thought and Kelvin noticed her. Immediately after the lecture, Kelvin asked him if she was okay

Chloe: I'm okay

Kelvin: what were you thinking about? You were lost in thought during lecture

Chloe: Kelvin I need your forgiveness

Kelvin: forgiveness? You did not offend me

Chloe: I was the one that ruin your relationship with Kira

Kelvin: what are you talking about?

* She explained everything she did to ruin the relationship. Kelvin was so furious, he wanted to hit her but he controlled himself

Kelvin: you're a ev!l, you know how much I love this girl, and you ruin everything because of your selfish interest. I h@te you. I should have you arrested for phone theft but I leave you to your conscience.

*He left angrily. Chloe felt bad and guilty. When Kelvin got home, he locked himself inside his room and wept bitterly. He decided in his mind that he will get all the way to get back his love.

*Few days later, he packed his bag and went to their village. Immediately he dropped his bag, he went to Kira's house, when he got there he met the security guy.

Security: Mr. Kelvin, what are you doing here?

Kelvin: I'm here to see you

Security: for what? Please, I don't want my boss to see you here, I don't want to lose my job

Kelvin: you will not lose your job. I need your help, please

Security: what help?

Kelvin: please, I need Kira's number. The stup!d girl that stole my phone has confessed, I need to let Kira know the truth

Security: I don't have her number. You know I'm only a security here

Kelvin: can you please help me get her number?

Security: from who?

Kelvin: from her parents. Please, I'm begging you

Security: Mr. Kelvin, I like you so much but now I can see you really want me to lose my job. How do you want me to face them and ask for their daughter's number?

Kelvin: not like that. You won't ask them. It's not something you can do in a day not even a week. Every time you see them just be asking about Kira, one of this days they will ask you to talk to her on phone, from there you will know what to do, please *with teary eyes*

Security: is that why you want to cry? A grown man like you crying because of a woman. I will try my best

Kelvin: thank you so much. Let me give you my phone number in case there is any updates

* He gave the security his phone number and some money*

Kelvin: please, help me manage this token

Security: *with smile* thank you.

*Kelvin left the place and went back home. Since that day, the security guy always ask of Kira. He would tell her parents that he miss Kira so much. One day Kira's father was on phone with Kira, so he asked the security guy to talk to her.

Security: miss Kira, how have you been?

Kira: I'm good. How have you been too

Security: I'm fine, just that I miss you so much

Kira: really? I miss you too. Anytime you feel like talking to me you can drop message for me and I will call back when I'm free

Security: I don't have your phone number

Kira: I will tell daddy to give you

Security: *so happy* thank you Miss Kira. Have a good day

Kira: thank you.

*He returned the phone to Kira's father. Kira and her father talked at length and Kira told his father to give the security guy her number which he did. Immediately he got the number, he sent it to Kelvin. Kelvin has returned to school. He was so happy when he got the message. He sent the security guy some money to show appreciation. He sent message to Kira, he explained everything that happened and how he got her number. Kira didn't read the message until morning. The time zone is different. When she read the message, she wanted to call him but she was reluctant. She was about to dial the number when Victor walked in.

Victor: good morning my love

Kira: good morning dear. *She was restless*

Victor: are you okay?

Kira: yes, I'm fine. I need to rush to school. I need to attend to something.

Victor: okay. Let me take my bath, I will drop you before going to work

Kira: great, thanks

*Victor dropped her and zoom off. Kira rush to her classroom, the classroom was empty because she came too early. She really want to talk to Kelvin. She dialed the number and Kelvin picked up.

Kelvin: Kira!!!

Kira: how have you been? It's been a while. I got your message but I don't believe you.

Kelvin: my love you know I can't leave you for another girl. If you want to talk to Chloe, I will get her to talk to you. Please, forgive me. Please, don't leave me. When I called with my uncle's number, your mom picked and asked me to stop calling you. Please, believe me.

Kira: I believe you Kelvin but I'm in love with another guy.

Kelvin: no, you can't do this to me, I chased other girls away because of you. Now you want to leave me for another guy. Tell me you don't love me again and I will accept my fate.

Kira: I can't tell you that because I still love you.

Kelvin: is it possible to be in love with two different guys? You don't love that guy Kira, you are only using him to forget about me. Think about it babe, you love me too much, you can't let me go just like that.

Kira: Kelvin stop!!! Stop fingering my brain. Yes, I love you too much but I love him too. He was there when you broke my heart. He always find a way to make me happy. As a matter of fact he told me to go back to you if that is what will make me happy. He loves me.

Kelvin: you see what I'm saying. Why would he say such? Letting you go because he doesn't love you. If you love someone you will hold them tight.

Kira: even if the person is not happy about it?

Kelvin: that's not what I'm saying. Babe, please come back to me. I miss you

Kira: I will think about it. I have to go now. Bye

*She ended the call*

Kira: if I go back to Kelvin, I will hurt Victor's feelings. Gosh! I'm confused.

*Since that day, she secretly talk to Kelvin on phone, chat, gist and she started giving Victor attitude. Any small thing, she will flare up. Victor knew something isn't right.

Victor: Kira, I will like to have a word with you

Kira: hope there is no problem. Or you want to throw me out of your house?

Victor: *surprised* what do you mean? How could you say such thing? This is why I want us to have this conversation. I noticed you've changed, we argue a lot about little things. You keep avoiding me. You don't allow me to take you to school again. What's happening? Have I done anything wrong? If I've done any wrong, please tell me and I will apologize.

Kira: you did not do anything wrong and I'm sorry for making you feel that way. The thing is, I don't want this relationship again. I'm sorry

Victor: why? Is there someone else?

Kira: Kelvin is back. I'm sorry I still love him

*As she said those words, tears rolled down Victor's cheeks.

Victor: Kelvin again? Are you sure this guy loves you?

Kira: yes, he loves me so much

Victor: okay *wiping tears on his face* if that will make you happy, it's fine * he walked away*

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