
Child of Prophecy: Naruto AU SI

Reincarnated into an Alternate Narutoverse, the ruthless MC escapes to the Cannon Narutoverse and proceeds to turn it into an AU that suits him.

Joya_Zuni_Shikdar · Outros
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19 Chs


We've been here for two days, worming our way into Tsunami's heart. Pretending to be an acquaintance of Kaiza helps.

Today's the third day. Team Seven should arrive today.

Ah, speak of the devil. The Doppelganger of Menma and his clones carrying an almost dead Copycat, followed by the Supreme Edge Lord and a Pink Banshee. Needless to say, all hell broke lose.

After rather confusing five minutes, in which the Copycat made great progress on his way to become a Dead Cat, the conscious members of Team Seven grudgingly accepted the fact that we weren't hostile and allowed us to help to treat Kakashi. None of them were capable of treating injuries of this caliber.

I didn't do anything besides the minimum amount necessary to keep the Copycat alive. And to avoid obvious permanent damage.

Turns out that Team Seven faced not only Zabuza but also a dozen samurai. No wonder Kakashi looks like he did a reenactment of the Kannabi Bridge Battle.

It took Kakashi three days to wake up. And what we went through in those three days made me even more determined to kill Kakashi. Even Kimimaro lost his cool on the second day.

"Captain, requesting permission to kill the Uchiha and do the world a great service."

"Captain, requesting permission to knock out and gag the Blonde Menace for the sake of my sanity."

"Captain, the Banshee is in an induced sleep. It was a reasonable act of self defense. She tried to destroy my sense of hearing."

I had to restrain Kimimaro from killing them while I was tempted to kill them myself. Sasuke's brooding, Sakura's fangirlism and banshee voice along with the overly positive attitude of my alternate blonde version was grating on my nerves.

After Kakashi woke up, he was in a pitiful state but still tried to interrogate us. Sasuke insulted Oto about Oto lacking the glorious Uchiha Clan.

After a few hours, Kakashi managed to summon a ninken to ask for backup, and promptly passed out again.