
Child of Prophecy: Naruto AU SI

Reincarnated into an Alternate Narutoverse, the ruthless MC escapes to the Cannon Narutoverse and proceeds to turn it into an AU that suits him.

Joya_Zuni_Shikdar · Outros
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19 Chs


Right now I have a terrible headache.

Sure after spending thirty years in this dimension and twenty of them as the Otokage, I'm no stranger to headaches. I get them a lot. But I rarely classify them as terrible. The last time I had a terrible class headache was the time I persuaded Hyuga Neji to defect to Otogakure no Sato by faking his suicide.

But this one takes the cake.

Cause Uchiha Fucking Shisui is lying comatose in a Otogakure outpost in all his eyelss glory. Apparently my dear daughter Arya, who is a proud member of the Flash Corps, was returning from a scouting mission in Konoha and stumbled on Shisui during his suicide attempt. She Flashed him to a Otogakure outpost for medical care and the suicidal idiot barely made it. And Arya is asking me whether she can keep him while continuing to hit me with her Puppy Eyes no Jutsu.

I know better than denying an Uzumaki woman something she's taken a liking to. But the thing my baby girl has taken a liking to is a boy. Said boy happens to be an extremely loyal Konoha Shinobi and who happens to be younger than her. I am feeling conflicted.

Eh, why not? She can keep Shisui of the Body Flicker. I don't want to make my baby girl sad. I will make sure he's loyal to Arya and loyal to Otogakure. And since I plan to rescue Uchiha newborns and toddlers, having Shisui here would be useful.

But he'd better not hurt Arya. Then I'll kill him slowly and painfully, resurrect him and let my wives and children take their turns as the process is repeated over and over.

His eyes will have to be either replaced or regrown. But I think I'll cross that bridge after I ensure his loyalty.

I'll put Arashi in charge of Shisui. And Karin's mother would be the best to treat him. She's on per with if not better than Tsunade.

Now I have a Pedo Snake to kill.