

what happens when the love of a woman leaves her? what will happen if she has a son with him but he is not there? what happens when they after some years? How it will affect their son? This is the fanfiction on beyblade which I continued from another fanfiction that got discontinued in year 2006. It is dedicated to all the bey blade fans.

Arohi_Sharyu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


The streets of Moscow were silent; the only thing that could be heard now and then was the wind that blew by the trees. The big mansion stood ready, waiting for its master to return home again. The past two years it had been renovated, its master had wanted to forget all bad memories that had once occurred, and finally its wish was granted, as the black limousine pulled up in the driveway.

The chauffeur came out from the drivers seat and opened the door to the passenger's seat. Kai stepped out and took in his surroundings. This place had haunted him much in the past, first when his father had left him and his mother alone with his grandfather and for what reason…to go beyblade. His mother had died not long after that and thus giving his grandfather a reason to dump him in the Abby with Boris.

Vladimir, his butler was waiting for him in the front door. "Welcome home Master Kai". Kai snorted a bit at that remark but nonetheless gave the old man a nod of approval. "You did everything I ask you to do?" Kai asked and looked at the old man. "Yes, everything that the old master had has been thrown out and burned. There should be nothing left in the house that would remind you of…-" Vladimir's voice trailed off as if he was trying to find the right thing to say, "of your grandfather and your father for that matter". Kai nodded in satisfaction, "Good". Before he could step further into his house he heard his butler say, "Oh and Sir. You have some visitors".

Kai walked slowly, he really didn't feel like dealing with any guests right now, but since his butler had let them in, he had no choice but to go see them. Finally reaching his destination he looked inside to see who would be stupid enough to visit him at a time like this.

The living room was a big place; all rooms in the entire mansion were all in someway connected to the living room. When his grandfather had occupied the house, the living room had been a cold place to be, but now the old fireplace was in use again, giving the room the warmth and homely comfort it needed.

On one of the couches sat a beautiful woman, she had waist long black hair that reassembled the darkness of the night apart from that she had striking blue eyes, her body could be confused with that of a model. She was in the moment glaring irritated at the man across from her who stood in front of the fireplace with a drink in his hand. "So Tala, when are you little friend coming?" The woman asked annoyed. Tala glared right back at her, " Kai will come when he comes Sonia. You just have to be patient." Sonia looked away a bit embarrassed, "Sorry Tala, it was not in my place" Sonia said apologizing. Tala continued to glared until he felt another presences, he turned his head and saw Kai.

Kai walked further into the living room completely ignoring the woman. "Tala, what are you doing here?" Kai asked annoyed, "Is it a crime to ask how an old friend is doing?" Seeing Kai's cold expression Tala couldn't keep the smile of his face but it soon turned serious. " I just wanted to know if you got everything straighten out with Biovolt Corporations". Kai gave looked at the woman out of the corner of his eye, Tala noticed this, "Sonia outside" he said sternly.

Sonia got up from the couch; she knew that there was no way Tala was going to let her stay in the room, but that didn't necessarily mean that she couldn't eardrop…just a little…

The two old friends and teammates sat down across from each other with Tala waiting for Kai to begin. Kai smirked at the memory when he had entered the conference room with all Biovolt's board members and other important chief executives, how they were waiting to listen to the new CEO and owner. "Well, I had to fire a lot of the old board members and there was economical issues that had to be dealt with, not to mention all the files and documents that had to be giving to the police. But all that has been dealt with now and now…" a flash of hatred filled Kai's eyes as he thought of that name, " Biovolt Corporations no longer exist…now its Hiwatari Corporations or HC" a satisfying smirk graced both of the young men's' faces, but soon turned into silence.

"So is Hilary coming soon?"

Hearing Tala's question, Kai felt his whole body going numb. Hilary… he had tried not to think about her since he left Japan, but that soon turned into being near the impossible, his hand unconsciously moved to one his pockets where the small velvet black jewelry box still lay neatly inside. Kai stood up and glared at Tala angrily. "Leave" he hissed out. "Leave now or I'll have you and your snaky girlfriend thrown out of here". No more words needed to be said for Tala to understand what had happened as he turned to leave he glanced back at Kai over his shoulder, "You are a fool Hiwatari".

Sonia had listened to everything that had said; she saw her fiancé stormed out from the living room. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her with him outside where Vladimir had their car waiting for them. They got in quickly and drove away. Sonia looked at her husband-to-be, "so what happened?" she asked, Tala gave her quick look and snorted at her, "Like you weren't listened by the doors Sonia. I'm not a fool." Sonia smiled a little smile, "Of course you aren't… else I wouldn't be marring you", Tala smirked at the remark, "but I do wonder," Sonia continued, "who this Hilary person is?" Tala kept his eyes on the road, "no one…just the love of his life" he shrugged.

The diamond ring gave a nice glow in the light from the flames of the fireplace. Kai continued to stare at it, his thumb slowly and tenderly tracing every little curve the special ordered diamond ring possessed. "I did the right thing…I did the right thing!" Kai kept telling himself like a mantra and yet he still could not forget that night when he and Hilary, without her knowing, crossed the line from friendship to something else…something more, at least on his part.

Tyson was throwing off a party to celebrate the year anniversary of the defeat of Boris BEGA tournament and everyone was invited. Kai was leaning up against the wall with eyes closed and crossed arms. Everyone was having a blast, since Tyson somehow had managed sneak in alcohol, everything from beer to different sorts of wine and right now Hilary and Tyson was arguing about it. She was trying to lecture him about, how they were too young to drink and so on and so on.


Kai opened one of his eyes to look at her. The two of them had gotten much closer the past year. She had been the only one who had helped him trough his sorrows when he lost Dranzer, helping him to not lose his hopes and help him to continuing his blading. But it hadn't only been him who had needed the closeness of a friend. Hilary had lost her mother; she was killed in a car crash. It had been him who had helped her moving all her stuff to her new apartment; she said that her house brought her to many memories. But soon he stayed more at her place than he did at Tyson's.

It was calmer at her place and she didn't ask him nagging questions or tried to goat him into a beybattle as Tyson did. None of his friends seemed to understand that he just needed time to deal with Dranzer's departure or as some would say… death, it was only she who did. And slowly he had opened up to her, telling about his rotten childhood…telling her about everything and she had in turn told him about her childhood, how her father had walked out on her and her mother. The bond between them had grown stronger and stronger each day. Then one day Hilary, rather embarrassed, had asked him if he would teach her how to shot a blade, she didn't want that bus accident to happen again. He had complied with her wish. The two of them had walked down to the solitude of the beach, they used his blade since she didn't have one of her own and he had been amused by her attempts. Finally he took pity and went to show her the correct way to launch the blade. In the same moment he had launched it a red light came down from the sky and into his blade. Dranzer had returned and it had only been him and her to witness it.

"C'mon Hilary just admit it…you are a prude," Tyson laughed at her, Hilary felt her whole body shaking with anger and she clenched her fists, "I AM NOT!" she yelled. "Oh really" Tyson replied sarcastically and held a bottle of beer in front of her face, "then why don't you have a little drink", too angry to listen to any voice of reason Hilary grabbed the bottle from Tyson and started to drink the beer, Tyson smiled, he was going to make Hilary so wasted tonight.

One hour later

Never in her life had she felt so free, everything was a joy everything was happiness.


Hilary fell down on the floor; her balance was close to none existing, Hilary giggled at her clumsiness. "Do you need help some help there my fair lady?" a drunken voice asked, Hilary looked up and saw the face of Oliver from the Majestic, he had a bottle of beer in his right hand.

"hahaha sure" Hilary giggled and took the offering hand, but as soon as she stood up she fell right into Oliver, her lips close to his. Oliver didn't let the opportunity go to waste and close the distance between them. The kiss only lasted a few seconds when all the sudden Hilary was ripped away from Oliver; she looked up and saw Kai glaring at Oliver with murderous eyes. "K-Kai what are you doing…I was having fun with Moliver" She pouted. He glared down angry with her; "I'm taking you home". Hilary looked at him wide eyed, "What! No I'm having so much fun with Moliver…you go back I don't wanna go home!" she tried to push him away from her, but to no avail Kai grabbed her and hauled her over his shoulder, she started to pound at his back with her petite hands. "NO KAI LET ME DOWN" she yelled trying to kick him in his chest as well.

'No way in hell' Kai thought as he carried her down the streets of Tokyo home to her apartment. He had been furious at what he had seen…Oliver and Hilary kissing each other, and he didn't even understand why he was so bloody mad. Hilary had finally ceased her pounding growing tired of it when they reached her apartment; he reached for his spare key and opened the door. He walked into her bedroom and threw her down on the bed, " Get undressed," he ordered. Even in her drunken state she could tell that Kai was not happy, she slowly got up from the bed and tried to walked on her shaking legs, she fell into Kai's arms. Kai steady her and felt his heart missing a beat when she stared at him with her beautiful ruby eyes.

"Don't be mad at me Kai" she said quietly, her hand starting to caress Kai's cheek, " I can't take one of my closest friends being mad at me" her fingers had moved down and was trailing the outline of Kai's lips. Kai stood completely numb, his mind and body wasn't working together and he could only watch in slow-motion as Hilary kissed the corner of his mouth, she smiled weakly at him, "Thank you Kai" she whispered and proceeded to fulfill Kai's order…getting undressed.

Kai stood completely paralyzed, it wasn't even a kiss and still…his fingers traced the burning mark where her lips had connected with his skin, his whole body was shaking with emotions he couldn't name and he took a couple of steps back, first snapping back into reality when he hit the bedroom door. He blinked a couple of times and laid his eyes on the goddess sight before him, Hilary was just in her panties and a bra, which she was trying desperately to snatch open. She turned round to find Kai staring at her with unreadable eyes. "Kai…I need some help with my bra…I can't get it off" she cried out desperately, not noticing the danger she was in.

Kai had finally been able to name one of wild running emotions, he felt cheated. Hilary had kissed Oliver fully, but him… oh no he only got a little peak. He was angry…beyond any reason. Hilary on the other hand couldn't understand why Kai was helping her with her bra, wasn't it him who dragged her home and told her to undress, why was he just staring at her. She waved her hand in front of him, "Ello, is there anybody home?" she asked with a clearly drunken voice, she saw his eyes narrow a bit and then a small smile graced his lips, Hilary smiled back and the felt his hands cupping her face and in one swift moment, Kai crashed his lips into Hilary's, pushing his tongue into her caverns. He tasted her sweet taste mixed with the alcohol, the two parted when they came up for air. Hilary smiled weakly and giggled, "you're a good goodnight kisser Kai… night night". She lay down on her bed and crawled under covers and fell asleep instantly, Kai just stared at her dumbfounded and then walked quickly out of the bedroom. He sat down on her couch, his whole body was trembling with…he didn't know what. All he knew was that he had lost his precious control and he didn't feel bad about it.

Hilary woke up the next morning with a tremendous headache she looked around. She was in her bed clad in pair panties and a bra, how she had gotten home she didn't know, all she remembered from last night was her fight with Tyson. She stood up and pulled her robe on. She walked out of her bedroom and found Kai sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee…so that was how she gotten home. "Is there anymore?" she asked, Kai pointed to freshly made cup just waiting for her to drink it. She sat down, "so what happened last night?" Kai raised an eyebrow at this, "you don't remember anything?" Hilary shook her head no, "well, I found you making out with Oliver or Moliver as you liked to call him", she stared at him not believing what she was hearing, "please tell me you are kidding me" she pleaded with him, "I'm not joking, but don't worry I got you two separated and took you home". "Oh god, I am so gonna kill Tyson for this" Hilary looked at him and smiled, "thank you Kai," Kai just nodded at her, "I'm going to take a shower" Hilary said and stood up and walked towards the bathroom, but before she entered it she glanced back at Kai, " Nothing else happened…right" she asked, Kai looked at her fully, "No" he answered, "nothing else happened". A frown appeared on his face as he watched her disappear into the bathroom.