

what happens when the love of a woman leaves her? what will happen if she has a son with him but he is not there? what happens when they after some years? How it will affect their son? This is the fanfiction on beyblade which I continued from another fanfiction that got discontinued in year 2006. It is dedicated to all the bey blade fans.

Arohi_Sharyu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Get away

One week and two days later.

She sat all alone in her apartment on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her from head to toe. On the coffee table were boxes with all sorts of chocolate filling out the space. She watched the sad love movie with a tear strain face; she reached out after another piece of chocolate and watched how the man in the movie left the woman he loved. "Yeah that's right, why don't you just leave! Its not like she needed you anyway! Men are pigs!" Hilary sniffled out. This was Hilary's ritual; every time a guy broke up with her she would subject herself to watching sad sappy tragic love movies and eating tons of chocolate. This…well was a bit an unhealthy way to get over the heartache, but nonetheless it usually worked for Hilary…usually.

Hilary reached out for another piece of chocolate when she heard a knock on her door. Gathering all her willpower she got up from the couch wrapping the blanket tighter around her, she went to answer the door. She opened the door just enough so she could peer out to see whom it was. "Mariah," Hilary muttered, "what can I do for you". It didn't go unnoticed by Mariah that Hilary was talking in small tired voice so unfamiliar to her normal strong one, "Hilary…can I come in?" Mariah asked giving Hilary a small smile. Hilary stared at her for while before answering "sure" and opened the door to let Mariah in. "You missed Kai's departure yesterday" Mariah started "we tried to call you, but…-" Mariah trailed off when she glance at Hilary's telephone wire, it was unplugged. Hilary, who had sat down on the couch once more, glanced at her pink haired friend, "I got tired of listening to Tyson's voice".

Realization finally dawned to Mariah, " Oh no Hilary…he d-didn't…" as fast as lightning Mariah was down beside her friend pulling her into an earth shattering hug, "No…he d-didn't" Mariah kept repeating like a mantra. Hilary felt more tears falling down her cheeks and quietly said, "He did". She pulled away from Mariah, " but… why! I don't understand…you two were so good together and for each other…what happened?" she heard Mariah asked. Hilary looked at the floor, should I tell her or should I just let it be…its not going to change anything anyway, Hilary pondered. Hilary looked back at Mariah and took her hands into hers, "It doesn't matter anymore Mariah" Hilary said and stood up, Mariah just looked at her friend in confusion, "Hilary…if-", "Look I don't wanna talk about it OKAY! HE ended it… okay" Hilary snapped and felt more tears coming she took her hands up and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill away. Mariah could only watch as her friend stormed out to the kitchen, she didn't know what to believe. Kai had dumped Hilary just like that it seemed so unreal.

Deciding that she would go out into the kitchen and comfort Hilary, whether she wanted it or not, Mariah stood up turned around and gasped. How come she didn't notice it when she first stepped into Hilary's apartment… moving-boxes were filling the whole place up. Stepping out from the kitchen with two hot mugs each filled with cocoa, she found Mariah staring at her unbelievable. "What?" Hilary asked and sat the two hot mugs down on the coffee table.

"You're moving" Mariah said still not believing her own eyes. "Yeah, well" Hilary slowly started. "Why?" Mariah interrupted, "Is it because of Kai? God Hilary… You know we will all be here for you, Ray, Max, Kenny and Tyson…everyone. You don't need to run away."

At this point Hilary had just got enough, sure she knew Mariah was a good friend and all, but she couldn't take this. None of them wouldn't ever understand what she and Kai had, and she didn't need them to try to pamper or make her feel all better by saying that Kai was a jerk or that she should have expected this. She knew what she was risking all along, she just never plan to fall so deeply in love with Kai as she had. And it wasn't like Kai had used her or anything; he was just an emotional coward.

"Mariah…Just SHUT UP!" Hilary yelled out, Mariah stared wide-eyed at Hilary seeing the tears coming down her cheeks again, " I'm not running away. Don't you see I need to get away. Everything…even you and Ray reminds me of Kai. I need to get away from all this…this life." Hilary wiped the tears away from her face, " I have no doubt in my mind that you guys would be there for me in every sense of the word, but you would also choose sides and I couldn't let you do that…," Mariah felt the tears coming down her face as she watched Hilary tear strained one, " So that's why I did the choice for you-" Hilary didn't get to say anymore before Mariah enveloped Hilary in a tight embrace with tears running down her face, "Will I ever see you again?" Mariah asked sobbing, " I don't know Mariah…I don't know, but tell you what" Mariah pulled a bit back and looked into Hilary's ruby eyes, "I will never forget what an awesome friend you have been".

Mariah chuckled at bit at that, "me too I won't ever forgot you and just so you know… If Kai ever comes back… I won't hesitate in kicking his sorry ass" both girls gave a small laugh at that comment while wiping their eyes. "So where are you going," Mariah asked.

" San Francisco"

Mariah had stayed for while since she didn't when or if she ever would see her friend again, in the she had to leave, but before she did Hilary asked her to tell the boys what she had done, she knew that they would try to stop her if she told them in person.

Hilary glanced down at the picture that had been taken of the bladebreakers around the second world championship; it was the only picture she was going to keep of all of them. It was time for her for to leave the life as bladebreaker and as a BBA revolution player and start a whole new life in San Francisco.