

This is not a good story so don't read it.

Zagn · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Hi. I am a normal 15 years teen who struggles to succeed in his life like the others. I was like all the students, just working like them. I became something completely different than a human being but the intresting thing is my parents were not really tensed about this. Not even my teachers. This is not an usual love story. This is the story of a person who loves someone so much that he can even sacrifice his life for his love. As I mentioned above my life was just normal and really dull but one day something happened which completely changed my life and I am sure you all will love the story but don't expect the ending to be good. If you want a happy ending story then this story is not for you.


There was a house next to my house. I didn't knew the members of the house because that time I was not such a person who loved to talk to others. One day after my tution I was playing game and suddenly my mother called me out "Hey come outside look who is here". I went outside and I saw my mom with a baby. He was the neighbour's child. He was too small. The first time I saw him he just smiled looking at me. His fingers, legs, face and all other body parts were too small. My mom baught him inside our house and laid him on the bed. She told me to take care of him. I asked her "Why you baught him here? I was playing game". She told me that his mother told her to take care of him as she went outside. Then my mom went in the kitchen. I just stared at the kid for some time and I asked him "What is your name?" he just smiled. Even in the darkness of the room his eyes were shining, as if they were calling out my name. His colour was so bright that even in that rainy day he was glowing. His lips were moving most of the time and he was talking in his own language which was unknown to the human kind except babies. He was too much cute. After 1 hour playing with him I heard a voice "Thanks for taking care of my son". I saw a tall figure infront of me. When I saw properly it was a tall lady whose face was quite similar to the baby. I was sure she was his mother. I handed her the baby. Then I asked her "What is his name?". She replied "Chiku". It was the perfect name for such a cute baby. After that day I was not getting concentration in my works. My parents and teachers thaught that my friends were the real cause for my bad result. But I knew what was the real cause. Each and every day I thaught to go to see the baby but I was too shy to go and talk to his mother or father. After 1 week I decided to go to their house and see the baby. I went to their house. I was quite afraid. I knocked the door. An old lady whose age was about 65 opened the door. She was as tall as an average Indian woman, she had long white hair and a smile on her face which was quite permanent. She knew me so she asked me to come in. The house was quite smaller than my house. There were only 3 rooms including a kitchen and there was also a bathroom. The lady offered me coffee. I was taking small sips of coffee and staring here and there to see where the kid was. Meanwhile the lady was telling me something which I don't remember as I was not having concentration on her talks and I was just reply "hmm". After about 12 mins I asked her about the kid. She smiled and said that the kid went to his maternal uncle's home with his mother. I asked "When will they return?". She answered "May be after 1 month". With some disappointment I walked towards the door. While I was opened the door she said "I know why you came here". I asked "Why?". She answered "My grandson is god gifted, an incident happened during his birth". I asked "What is it?". She said "Calm down and have a seat I am telling you everything". She started the story "He was born as a normal baby. But while his birth a meteor fall from the sky. Then he slowly got changed. His eyes became shiny and polished like stars. His skin colour became as bright as sun. His face became too beautiful and too much cute. When I asked his mother "Have you decided his name". She stared at him and said "Chiku". Even I loved the name.""

The the lady looked at me smiling and said "When he will come back, I will inform you". I came back to home.


After 3 months when I completely forgot him and I was busy in my studies one day the old lady came with a kid. It was Chiku. He changed a lot. His eyes were same but he was as tall as my hips. His hair was too long. I asked the lady "What is his age now?". She replied "1 year and 2 months". After 2 days he started playing with me every evening. Slowly we became good friends. I know it's quite difficult for you all to believe that a 15 year old teen is playing with a one year old kid. But the enjoyment I got playing with him was really different which I never got anywhere else. He used to call me "Babai Kaku".


Slowly day by day I was getting worse in studies. My parents and tutors were too tensed about my future. So my parents ordered me not to play with him anymore. I was quite angry on my parents but when I thaught about the matter I understand they were right. So from the next day I started ignoring him. But my mind always told me to play with him. His grandmother used to call me and everytime my mother used to say "He is not in home, he went outside for tution". But I got no progress. I understand that ignoring him is quite hard and I started thinking about him a lot. Each and every day while studying I got too curious to know how he was. But my parents never allowed me. One day my mother informed me that Chiku was not well and he is calling me. She told me to go once and see how he was. I went and I saw he was laid down on bed and when he saw me he just smiled and said "Babai Kakuuuuu". I asked his parents "What happened to him?". His father said in a faint voice "He got vaccine so he is ill". That night I stayed in Chiku's house. After that day my parents allowed me to play with him but only for 1 hour. I was too much happy.


I thaught to teach him how to walk. At first I used to hold his hand and used to tell him to walk but it never worked. So I made another plan. I tied a stick horizontally between two pillars. The next evening when he came I hold him and then I told him to grab the stick with his two hands and he did so. Then I released my hand. He was quite scared but in that situation he understood that crying is the only option so he started crying. I was happy that he was standing with the support of the stick. I did this for 1 week and the next week he was able to stand. Everyone was very happy. Then during Durga Puja he again went to his maternal uncle's home. I used to video call him but after 1 month I understand that he got new friend who were of his age. I felt quite jealous. I got a bad thaught that may be this time when he would come he would completely forget me. Even I saw bad dreams. For me he was a kid with some super power. He had the best superpower in this world. He could hypnotize anyone by his cuteness and beauty.


After waiting for 2 months Chiku came back and as I thaught he completely forgot me. For 1 week he just stared at me as if I was new to him. But I knew he knew me and my parents. Just he was too shy to talk and play with me. During summer vacation I started playing with him a lot and again we became good friends. Truly speaking when his age was 1 year and 8 months he was like a small angle. He was so cute and his body was so small that sometimes I can't even imagine that he used to play with me. Although he was a small kid but when I used to be sad he seemed like he understood my problem. After some days he started pronouncing words like "Babu", "Mammy", "Dadi" etc. He used to call water as "maam".

One day while playing Badminton with my cousin Chiku came in between the play ground and he was at the back of my cousin. My cousin accidentally hit him with the badminton racket. At that moment Chiku fell down and started crying. His grandmother went for some medicine and everyone were angry on us. It was none of our fault. From that day whenever Chiku used to play with us we never played Badminton or Cricket.

As days passed on due to the pandamic I got trapped in my house. That time Chiku was the only friend I had. But WhatsApp linked me with my friends. I started chatting with them and enjoyed their company. We used to chat each other with different code names for security purposes. My code name was "Zagn". Sounds weird right?. I got this name in a dream. My other friend's code name were "Bo", "Demo", "Pal", "Gordon", "Adler", "G-Man", "Patriot". Well I got a female friend too her code name was "Sonya Blade" aka "Blade". Blade used to chat less because she is a good student, she was not bad like my other friends. Even she helped me a lot during online exams. Anyways slowly I reduced the time playing with Chiku so that I could chat more. But I don't know somehow Chiku understand it. One day when I was texting my friends he said me a surprise thing "Kaku phone dekhte nei" which means he wanted to say that I should not watch phone. I became much aggressive and I slapped him. His eyes filled with water and he started crying. I still regret what I did with him. It was not his fault. But I never expected a 1 year kid to teach me moral lessons. I started texting less. The next day Chiku completely forgot what happened the previous day. He played with me as usual.


He has a really bad habit to urinate anywhere anytime. Because of which his grandmother, his mother even my parents were angry on him. So I decided to change his habit. I used to ask him "Chiku hisu korbe?" which means Do you want to pee? For somedays he didn't reply but later on he understood and he used to say hmm or na(no). But after 2 months he forgot it and again he started to pee anywhere anytime. My father made a plan. One day when he urinated on our floor my father ties his hands and he acted like as if he was scolding Chiku. And let me tell you it had a really great effect on him. Everyday whenever he needed to pee he just remembered how my father scolded him and then he used to say in a scared voice "Babu hisu korbe" which means that he needed to pee.