
cherry blossom in the winter snow( update on a indefinite hiatus )


rielei · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

chapter 1

<p>as young boy around the age of sixteen enter's Jin high he then stop's for moment to look at the building, he then proceed to look for his class room, after finding his room where he'll be attending class, he introduce him self in front of the class, "hi may name is San yin and I hope we get along " yin introduce him self, the whole was shocked for they did not expect a transfer <br/>student to suddenly appear," yin sit next to gu wei the boy in the back" the teacher said as he pointed to young boy around the same age as yin, as yin walk's in the direction the teacher pointed he suddenly hears a sound <br/>"psst" <br/>yin look at direction on where the sound was coming from and he sees a girl who was also around his age "hey yin don't get in gu wei's bad side cause he'll make you his slave" the girl said silently to yin although yin was confused he thank her anyways after thanking her he continued to walk in the direction gu wei was sitting and sit's next to him yin noticed that gu wei was sleeping so he thought it was good I idea to wake him up when gu wei woke up he looked as if he was annoyed he looked at yin and said "don't you ever wake me up or else " he said.<br/><br/>for more updates pls follow me here:<br/>https://instagram.com/baiming041?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=</p>